Some Oddities Of Disks - Alternative View

Some Oddities Of Disks - Alternative View
Some Oddities Of Disks - Alternative View

Video: Some Oddities Of Disks - Alternative View

Video: Some Oddities Of Disks - Alternative View
Video: Oddity Archive: Episode 132 – Playtape & Aroma Disc (or, The Anti-Audiophile Files) 2024, September

The traffic police would take away their driver's license. - Style "falling leaf". - Elusive for the lens. - Blinded locators. - Hedgehog in the fog. - Love for marching in the sky and walking in formation. - "Funny" battles. - And it happens that they are not up to jokes.

I would like to dwell on the characteristic features of the flight of aliens, so to speak, their handwriting. With incredible speed, which seemingly encourages caution and adherence to the "rules of the road" in the earthly sense of these words, they allow themselves to be simply unacceptable eccentricity.

First of all, these are right-angle turns, without reducing speed, so that sometimes the entire flight path becomes like one continuous zigzag. On common sense, unknown pilots would have to lose great on this, because a straight line, as it seems to us, is shorter than a curve, winding, elliptical, etc. True, when calculating the flights of terrestrial missiles to distant targets, our scientists also set their trajectories, far from straight lines, but this is due to the exact accounting in time and space of the motion of celestial bodies, to which the apparatuses rush.

Shouldn't you think that such a zigzag movement for the "cymbals" is the most rational? Is it not about some laws of motion in space, which are based on its wave features? Turns by 90 degrees, which seem absurd to us at first glance, can mean a change in the flight wave and a transition to a different system of measurements - something similar to the rotation of dervishes around themselves in their mystical dance. This is approximately the interpretation that Drunvalo Melchizedek gives to the nature of the movements of the aliens in his interesting, albeit almost "otherworldly" treatise "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" (Sophia, 2000). But mysticism in this case can correspond to physics and kinetics. It is like a change of impulses, "notes" or "octaves", based on certain cycles and contributing to the continuation of the movement. This explanation is also suggested by the "discontinuity" of the rays,which are released by UFOs, and the nature of the movement, which resembles, by definition of observers, the "bouncing" of flat stones when we let them on the surface of the water.

The zigzag movement is typical for "plates" and near the ground, when performing a number of operations, for example, lighting the surface. Probably, to achieve the effect of "bouncing" is also "rocking", the transition of the apparatus to the edge. In July 1952, the crew of an American DC-4 aircraft, flying from New York to Miami, saw a column of six luminous disks flying at a speed of 19 thousand kilometers per hour, lay down on an edge, and then bounce back at an angle of 150 degrees … A similar phenomenon was observed in November 1980 by radio engineer Tyapkin. The well-known test pilot Marina Popovich recalled the same cases at a UFO seminar in Petrozavodsk in 1988.

It is possible that the wobbling of the UFO before landing is associated with the wave phenomena that help establish flight balance. These wiggles have been dubbed the "falling leaf" trajectory. The Statistical Study of UFO Reports in France, published by the Claude Poer group, lists 38 falling leaf landings and only one spiral.

"Falling leaf" was also observed, for example, in Makhachkala (1977), in Belev (1978), and jumping flights ("stones on the water") were seen in 1947 in Medford, Oregon, USA, near Washington in 1956, near Khabarovsk (1984).

Another method of movement resembles the fall of a coin - here it fell to the floor and waddled from one side to the other. Finally, as if contrary to the laws of motion in the air mass, there were cases of flight with "wheels", in an upright position, irrational from the point of view of overcoming air friction, but it does not seem to bother them. This phenomenon was observed in September 1950 in Korea by the pilots of a US fighter-bomber that had previously participated in a combat operation. Then two UFOs with disks 200 meters in length got up and rolled on.

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Similar maneuvers were performed by a cylindrical UFO in December 1978 over Moscow. He regularly changed his position from vertical to horizontal for five minutes.

True, sometimes you might think that UFO pilots are deliberately demonstrating such tricks in order to impress our imagination. In Cusco (Peru) in September 1965, hundreds of townspeople watched the dizzying flights of four blue UFOs for two hours; in January 1967, a round green-blue UFO in Houston (USA) threw the same thing. In 1971, UFO "demonstration performances" took place in the Styrian Alps, and in July 1977 - in Boguchany, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The mysterious property of UFOs is their ability to become invisible and reappear, to appear out of the blue as if from nothing. In June 1966, in Aveyron, France, peasants near their farm watched the movement of three fireballs. One hung 15 meters from the house, this lasted for about three minutes, after which he became invisible, but after a couple of seconds he appeared already 100 meters from the house. This could be the effect of ultra-fast movement, which makes the item invisible for a moment. To do this, it is necessary to develop a speed of 10 kilometers per second if the movement occurs near the ground. Another example. In July 1979, three people traveling in a car on the road from Zlatoust to Beloretsk saw from behind a ball the size of a two-story house. Then the ball disappeared from sight, but a few seconds later it was already in front of the car.

It is much more difficult to explain what happened in March 1978 near Togliatti and is described in the book by G. Kolchin. In the evening, a bright blue UFO in the shape of an ellipse with a diameter of about 150 meters flew at an altitude of 300 meters, but suddenly it became so transparent that stars could be seen through it! At the same time, the outer edges and contours of the UFO remained clear. The object hovered over a nearby house and … melted into thin air.

Incidents of unusual properties occur when photographing alien ships. In September 1983, in Crimea, near Mount Ai-Petri, a Rostovite Ryzhkov took photographs, and only after developing, he was surprised to find a large dark object hovering over the mountain in three photographs. In the last picture, he was already over the highway.

The same thing happened near the village of Zelenchukskaya in 1960, in Regensburg (Austria) in 1971, in the city of La Spezia (Italy) in 1976, and in 1990 - in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod).

But the opposite also happens - people see UFOs, and a large one, quite clearly, but they are not shown in the photographs. In September 1977, engineer Novozhilov (we again quote G. Kolchin's book) near the village of Kurkiyoki (north of Priozersk) three times photographed a cigar-shaped UFO hanging at an altitude of 300-500 meters, but did not receive an image on the film. In March 1990, in Belgium, 4 UFOs, clearly visible to the naked eye, also disappeared from the film. Experts are wondering why this is happening. One of the assumptions is infrared irradiation. But then why other objects are obtained? It also happens - they shoot one luminous body, and there are three in the picture.

The picture is about the same with locators. In the summer of 1976, in the Chita region, not far from the border with the PRC, border guards observed a large object with windows and three beams, examining the land. But of the three types of local locators, two objects were not recorded. The same story happened in 1979 in Barnaul. And in the town of Progress (Guatemala), all residents observed a large number of objects with red flashing lights, and only the locators did not notice them.

Cases of "blindness" of devices and people are sometimes striking. In December 1986, an oval object several hundred meters in size approached the Japanese research vessel Kaye-Maru in the Pacific Ocean. Unlike other UFOs, it moved with a deafening roar and circled the ship twice at low altitude. The vessel's locator recorded it and even measured the speed of movement - 5 thousand kilometers per hour, but the ship's crew did not visually observe the object!

In the Kharkov region, out of 12 UFOs recorded by radars, only 4 objects were observed visually (1980-1984).

One more case. In the strongest fog, an Italian plane was landing at Linate airport (Milan, Italy), and suddenly a UFO appeared literally a few meters from it. The pilot had already decided that a collision was inevitable, broke out in a cold sweat and called out to Madonna. The landing, however, was successful, and the perpetrator of the unrest calmly flew over the fog and hung in the neighborhood above the Pirelli skyscraper. Pilots and dispatch services, as well as many townspeople, saw the disc, only the airport locator was unable to detect it.

In this case, in addition to one more proof of the ineffectiveness of the locators (by the way, the statistics of the aerospace tracking services in Toulouse, France, give, for example, only a little more than 5 percent of cases of detection), is attracted by the very fact of a risky approach of a UFO with an aircraft. Why did it take the disk to fly right in front of the plane in heavy fog? Most likely, and this hypothesis was shared by the Italian pilot, the aliens were interested in the technology of landing ground planes at zero visibility. And the plane landed on the laser beam directed by the dispatchers. The UFO flew along the same beam. So … So, the aliens, despite all their equipment with high technologies, do not have sufficient experience of confident landing in poor visibility, for example, in fog. The conclusion is, of course, hypothetical. It can be assumedthat in places of permanent base of aliens, as a rule, good illumination is observed and there such methods of posting flying objects are not needed. And Linate, unlike Malpensa, the second airport in Milan, the northern capital of Italy, holds the record for fogs.

This case was described in detail in Italian newspapers in the early 1970s, with a photocopy of a report from Linate dispatch services to the Italian Ministry of Defense attached to the newspaper report.

Incidentally, such cases show us that many of the problems of terrestrial technology are by no means indifferent to visitors from space. And there are circumstances when they are not omnipotent in our territory. Small, but consolation.

From numerous observations, a general impression is formed that the behavior of UFOs and those who control them is reasonable. Most often, you can understand what purpose they are pursuing and why. Without a doubt, they tend to change the nature of the flight depending on the situation, say, go into the water or, conversely, take off from there when there is an impending danger, as was the case with an American warship. The incident at Borghese Park in Rome showed that, not wanting to be caught off guard, they chose to fly away. The observation of a witness, a cardiologist, was also confirmed that in order to turn on the machine at full power, they must first rise to a low altitude, warm up the engines and then go to the maximum speed.

Surprising is their ability, despite their prohibitive speed, to walk in a clear formation. Near Lake Superior, Michigan, they moved forward angle at a speed of 14.5 thousand kilometers per hour. In Sweden, airliner passengers saw a similar flight in 1974. Near Lisbon, 15 disks moved in this way at a speed of 12 thousand kilometers per hour, with two larger objects at the head of the formation. In January 1947, 12 square UFOs flew in a similar formation at Rapid City (South Dakota). And in September 1966, 45 cigar-shaped objects were moving in formation three by three in each row between Mannheim and Frankfurt am Main.

We have observed such a phenomenon E. Tyrchenkov in the Aldan region of Yakutia - about 50 UFOs also moved three in a row. Near Sochi, eight eyewitnesses observed a flight from the sea in the direction of Lazarevskaya 9 square objects.

In 1978, in two hours, 50 objects in formation flew 10 times back and forth over the Argentine city of Mercedes. And the inhabitants of Rome were once awarded an unforgettable spectacle - two rows of 20 UFOs in each were rearranged into an oblique "St. Andrew's" cross, apparently making it clear that they are familiar with the symbolism of St. Peter's Cathedral located under them.

In total, ufologists counted 26 varieties of the order in which UFOs fly: "wedge", "angle forward", in the form of an obtuse angle, Y-shaped, zigzag, rectangular, etc.

It was necessary to observe how, according to the beam signal, UFOs, which were randomly flying like a flock of birds, became in line and flew away. And it happened that they acted out scenes of air combat, attacking each other, pursuing each other, imitating "losses". Maybe they wanted to show that they are familiar with our not so long history?

However, there were also scenes, apparently serious, when one of the ships showed signs of malaise and lost altitude. Others surrounded him, trying to help, bright flashes similar to autogen were seen, explosions were heard. Such a scene, for example, was observed on June 21, 1947, off Maury Island in Puget Sound. UFOs flew to the aid of a colleague who suffered an accident. Then there was an explosion on the ship, splashing fragments, which hissed into the water and fell on the beach. But the UFO was still able to fly away. The Investigation Committee of the incident collected several fragments and studied them. They contained calcium, silicates, aluminum, zinc and iron.

And on December 14, 1954, over the southeastern part of Brazil, over the city of Campinca (250 thousand inhabitants), two discs helped to repair the third. He also managed to fly away, scattering a silvery substance over the city. After collecting it from rooftops and streets, experts found it to be zinc.

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski