Mysterious Hiccup - Alternative View

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Mysterious Hiccup - Alternative View
Mysterious Hiccup - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Hiccup - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Hiccup - Alternative View
Video: In The End (Linkin Park Epic Cover) - Hiccup & Jack Frost 2024, September

The mysterious phenomenon, known for almost two centuries and popularly called hiccups, was at various times the subject of legal proceedings and scientific research, which, however, could not give it a reasonable explanation.

In the 70s of the last century, the famous Soviet writer Fyodor Abramov wrote in his book From the Tribe of Avakumov: “There is in the North, or rather, in Pinega and Mezen, such a female disease - hiccups, which, however, has now subsided a little, and more recently, a rare working woman did not ruffle. He finds, rolls over the poor - and stirs, and breaks, and strangles, and screams and roars at all voices: like a dog, like a cat, and even the most obscene swearing sometimes breaks from the lips …"

Indeed, up to the mid-1950s, a strange mental illness called hiccups was widespread among women in the small village of Pinega, Arkhangelsk Region. The number of people suffering from a mysterious disease was so great that some of the scientists even suggested that this disease is hereditary. The sick themselves were called "Pinega hiccups."

The first mention of hiccups dates back to 1785, when Bishop Benjamin of Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory, in his letter to the Synod, described the disease as a special form of corruption and possession by an evil spirit. Also, in his letter, Bishop Benjamin connected hiccups with the beliefs of the ancient Chud people who lived along the banks of the Pinega River and worshiped pagan gods. Idolatrous superstitions proved to be so tenacious that their echoes could be found even in the 19th century in the rituals of local sorcerers and healers.

Thus, in 1815, a trial was held in Pinega, which tried the case of "feigned hiccups" and sentenced a certain Mikhailo Chukrai to 45 lashes for "spoiling" his cousin Afimya. In 1862, a riot broke out in Pinega and Mezen, during which an angry mob burned down several houses where, it was believed, sorcerers lived, hiccupping local women. For the suppression of popular unrest, troops were even drawn there, and the local clergy held "soul-saving conversations" with each rebel.

The mysterious affliction of the northern peoples

However, not only in Pinega were cases of mysterious hiccups known. So, this mysterious disease was mentioned at the end of the XIV century by the baptist of the Komi people, Stefan of Perm, who until the end of his days fiercely fought against the pagan beliefs of the local population who lived in impenetrable forests. Karelians and Mordovians, Mokshans and Vyatichi, Zyryans and Permians, who called the disease Sheva, by the name of a mysterious spirit that infiltrates a person, knew about hiccups.

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As they explored the endless spaces beyond the Stone Belt, Russian settlers were surprised to learn that almost all the indigenous peoples of the Urals and Siberia were familiar with hiccups, and that local shamans were fluent in the practice of “guiding” it. It is known that the Old Believers, hiding in remote places of Siberia, even built special monasteries in which they treated patients with hiccups. But the healing techniques were quite peculiar and very cruel. Women, possessed by hiccups, were starved for weeks, beaten with batogs, frightened with chain bears or dogs, and, driving them out into the bitter frost, were doused with ice water. Those of them who survived returned to their native villages and were never again exposed to illness.

Historical chronicles show that unexplained outbreaks of hiccups occurred in the 19th and 20th centuries in different parts of Russia. So, in 1834-1835, the disease manifested itself en masse among the inhabitants of the village of Sura, Arkhangelsk province, in 1877, hiccups were noted in the village of Preobrazhensky, Tobolsk province, in 1912 - in the village of Chistyunka, Altai district. The last mentions of a mysterious illness are associated with the village of Karagai, in the Perm Territory, and refer to the years 2009-2010 …

Pagan practices

In the media describing the addictive Karagai disease, it was said that those possessed by hiccups suddenly begin to speak in a voice that is not their own, sometimes in a childish voice, often switch to one, and sometimes several foreign languages, bark, crow, predict the future, describe in detail the person's past lives. Often, such symptoms, appearing in one of the inhabitants of the village, in a matter of days cover entire settlements, disappearing without a trace after two to three weeks and reappearing after six months or a year.

Modern descriptions exactly repeat the symptoms of hiccups, which manifested themselves in the sick a hundred and two hundred years ago in different regions of Russia. According to well-established beliefs, hiccups are a special spirit that looks like mold, grown with the help of certain magical practices on the remains of food or drinks. The favorite method of sorcerers is this: they pour kvass, stagnant well water, fruit drink or beer to a person who they want to plant a hiccup. It is curious that in strong alcoholic drinks - moonshine, vodka or wine - this essence does not take root, and therefore they are considered useless when performing a magical ritual.

Another interesting feature is that hiccups almost always prevail in women, especially pregnant women. Having penetrated the victim, the mysterious essence settles in the stomach, and sometimes, according to sensations, in the whole human body. Sporadic hiccups are the first sign of the disease. In this regard, a folk remedy is very effective, in which a hiccuping person should be thoroughly scared. Indeed, it is believed that the mystical entity does not tolerate sudden loud noise, bright light or strong emotions, because of which it is forced to leave the body of its victim.

Researchers of the mysterious disease distinguish between three types of hiccups: "mute", "roaring" and "talking". With "mute" hiccups, a sick woman begins to yawn and lacrimation, drowsiness and tremors of the extremities cover her. In patients with "roaring" hiccups, spasms of the laryngeal muscles occur, due to which the voice changes beyond recognition. With the "speaking" variety, prolonged hiccuping is accompanied by shouting out individual phrases and words, often abusive, obscene …

Powerless Science

Modern medicine names as the causes of hiccups, a lack of oxygen in the cells of the brain, a shortage or excess in the human body of iodine, calcium, zinc or B vitamins. sluggish schizophrenia, sessions of deep hypnosis are considered an effective treatment.

However, according to eyewitnesses, the hypnotic effect has never produced an effective positive effect. Moreover, during the sessions, the being inside the patient happened to enter into a heated debate with the doctors, sometimes disclosing such facts of the biography of the attending physician, from which he was embarrassed, which delighted the insidious hiccups …

Ural and Siberian healers believe that one can protect oneself from hiccups by using a number of simple techniques: nightly and every morning prayer; constant wearing with you in a secluded place a pinch of table salt, fresh poppy seeds or a red unwashed ribbon made of chintz or linen fabric. If the hiccups have penetrated a person, then the patient should be subjected to strict fasting and soldering with water, over which special prayers were said.

After 5-7 days of such procedures, the patient begins to vomit severely, during which at a certain moment something that looks like a kombucha comes out of him. The expelled should be immediately burned, and the resulting ash should be buried. After treatment, the hiccups-possessed falls into a long and deep sleep. When he wakes up, he does not remember anything about what happened to him, and he feels completely healthy and full of energy. It is believed that over the next three years, a cured person cannot be influenced by any - even the most powerful - sorcerer.

83-year-old Anna Bushueva, a resident of the Alekseevka village of the Kudymkarsky district, finds missing people or objects and things forgotten somewhere. And once, as the locals say, she even predicted the August 1991 coup. The old woman herself explains that this is not even a gift, but a hiccup leprosy that lives in her body.

The old woman herself does not know how many hiccups live in Anna Dmitrievna's body. She says that the old one has already forgotten everything - when she appeared, and where she came from, and even more so that she says.

At first glance, grandmother Anya is unremarkable - modest and calm. Wearing a handkerchief and felt boots, glad to pour tea for the guest and warm it up. ” “ The old lady, I can hardly hear it, I walk, but before the war was over, it’s true in the rear,”the old woman began to calmly recount.

“Why are you torturing the mistress?” Anna Dmitrievna's soft voice suddenly became hoarse and low, “she’s already old. What did you come for? Get out of here! Go away! I'll kick it out now!

From what he heard, goosebumps run down the back. Horror. My heart sank - "apparently it is not Bushueva who says, nothing like a hiccup - the soothsayer woke up."

- Wow, a hole, he again, - said the old woman.

When Bushueva was 35 years old, she was spoiled. She drank homemade kvass from an unkind old woman. They say that the kvass contained butterfly larvae. So Anna swallowed one - "the evil people gave her a hiccup." For 46 years now, Nastaovich, as the demon calls himself, lives in the body of his mistress and is very afraid of frogs.

- Nobody loves me, and I watch people so that they don't steal, - says Nastaovich through the mouth of an old woman, - only the children of the mistress love me. All! I won't say anything else! Get out! I am a butterfly, and you … Bitches! - The woman hid her face in shame with her hands.

About the steep disposition of a woman, or rather hiccups, is known not only in Alekseevka, but also in Yeghva, Korchevna, Batina, Radev. Everyone knows about the old woman's gift to find missing things and people. Letters are even written from abroad.

The old lady's neighbor Valentina says that Bushueva more than once found her husband in the village, predicted where her son would serve.

- I remember … It was a long time ago in May. Nastaovich says in it - in Moscow the bulldozers will soon go, the government will change completely - it will be bad. Three months later - the coup of the State Emergency Committee, - Valentina marvels, - I remember the bulldozer attacked the tower.

Bushueva herself does not know when hiccups “broadcast” in her. But often, she is very ashamed of her second inner self.

- Oh, mother, here sits like a worm, - Anna Dmitrievna points to her chest, - she tortures me - she swears hard! Don't be offended by him. He is a frisky man. He says that peace seems to be protecting me.,