Smart Probes From Space - Alternative View

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Smart Probes From Space - Alternative View
Smart Probes From Space - Alternative View

Video: Smart Probes From Space - Alternative View

Video: Smart Probes From Space - Alternative View
Video: Alien Movies On Netflix That Should Be Required Viewing 2024, September

In May-June 2007, several eyewitnesses from California sent to the website of Linda Moulton Howe - an American journalist and writer, researcher of anomalous phenomena - pictures of strange objects in the air and resembling giant dragonflies. And a little later, a story happened that we want to tell.

Mechanical "dragonfly" in the restricted area

On June 25, 2007, in Alabama, security technician Ted Connors (named because of the secrecy of his work) checked infrared night-vision cameras before dawn, at about 05:15 a.m. This happened in the area of the Ponter Annex airbase - one of the parts of the Maxwell main base. There were more than 30 cameras, and they were located six to ten meters above the ground.

Walking around the site, Ted noticed a round object hanging on one of the trees - a yellow pine tree. In the predawn twilight, it seemed to the technician that it was a disc from a car wheel, thrown by someone on a pine tree. But getting closer, Ted realized that the object was not hanging on a tree, but hovering next to it in the air. And from the disk, either long threads or wires stretch upward, which gradually come closer to each other, and then disappear from sight.

At the same time, Ted heard a soft crackle, the skin of his face and hands began to tingle, and the hairs on his hands stood on end. He also saw that four blades and a rather long "tail", similar to the one to which the helicopter's propeller is attached, extend radially from the disk. In this case, the "tail" itself consisted of separate blades - like a large fan, which are hung from the ceiling. The whole structure was like a huge mechanical dragonfly. And Ted also saw patterns on the tail of the apparatus that resembled some hieroglyphs.

Guided observer probes?

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According to Ted, as he approached the "dragonfly", he had the feeling that she was watching him. For a person working with special equipment in a closed facility, the feeling was not pleasant. The "dragonfly" seemed to know that a person was nearby - it did not move, did not make any sounds.

Close up, the body of the device no longer looked like a wheel rim, even a large one, rather resembled a round packing box with a volume of about 200 liters, and its tail was about 15-20 meters long. And the "dragonfly" hovered at a distance of six to ten meters from the tree.

When the device began to move, its speed was no more than two kilometers per hour. at the same time, he himself seemed to split in two: he moved forward and at the same time was visible in the same place. Then the front "double" seemed to have absorbed the one who was left behind, and then they flew as a whole.

Continuing its leisurely movement at the same height, the mysterious object soon disappeared behind the treetops, and Ted lost sight of it. Perhaps most of all, the technician was struck by the fact that the object "floated" in the air completely silently, without making absolutely any sounds. On reflection, Ted decided that the "dragonfly" was built according to a technology unknown on Earth: probably the device is an automatic probe sent to our planet by representatives of some highly developed space civilization.

Consequences of the meeting

Some time after contact with the mysterious aircraft, Ted began to suffer from insomnia, during which his thoughts returned again and again to that unusual meeting. He also noticed that the pine tree, next to which the "dragonfly" hovered, began to wither. Ted cut several samples from the tree and gave them to the forestry experts for analysis. The result was unexpected: the presence of palladium metal was found in the wood. By the fall of 2010, the tree had finally died and was cut down. Only a stump remained.

Meanwhile, Ted's sleep was completely disturbed, and in addition, he began to show signs of a nervous breakdown. And then a familiar psychotherapist advised him to go to the place where the tree stood and try to “ask around”. Perhaps, at the same time, some new details will emerge in Ted's mind.

The technician obeyed the advice and on October 6, 2010 at 05:15 in the morning he went to where he saw a dragonfly robot more than three years ago. What happened next, Ted spoke in an interview with Linda Moulton Howe on May 31, 2011.

We are from Oltissis

“I sat down on the ground and asked loudly:“Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here? Can you say something about this? Can you contact me? - after which I again, like the last time, felt the effect of the electrostatic field, the hair on my hands stood up. And at the same time, what I perceived as a telepathic message arose in my mind. I saw it as an inscription on a silver metal plate. Like text on a computer LCD. The message (written in capital letters) lasted for a while, then faded and disappeared. The same thing happened with the following text.

The first "epistle" read: "We are from Oltissis." Second: "This is the 23rd planet in our system." Further: “Our apparatus. What are you looking for?"

The content of the rest of the messages was as follows:

“Our apparatus is a probe for collecting information about your environment. Our realm is not like yours, so we want to understand if we can exist here. We are able to create a gap in the space-time continuum in order to travel long distances to conduct our research. And when we return back to our planet, we close this gap.

Our planet is smaller than Earth and has four moons like your Moon. Two of them are inhabited. One is used as a quarantine place, where our sick and wounded are kept. They need to be isolated from the rest of the world until they recover. On the second satellite, the production of crystals is organized, which serve as a source of energy and create the driving force of our spaceships. The process of this production is highly unstable and dangerous, it can harm our environment.

Your ideas about space-time processes in the world are wrong. Everything is indissoluble and endless."

According to Ted, the last statement of the aliens means that everything in the world is interconnected, including us with them. Surely there are more than three dimensions, and it is even possible to travel in time.

Not Form, but Process

Here is what the aliens from Oltissis told further:

“The device opens communication channels in those areas where we get in touch with representatives of your species. The channels persist until the contactee returns to the area with the intention of initiating contact with us. Upon completion of such a contact, the communication channel is closed."

Ted's comment:

“In all the observed cases of the appearance of these dragonfly probes, they were near the trees. It is possible that the tree with its natural "grounding" served as the same communication channel. It is possible that the transfer of energy through it from their dimension to ours led to saturation with palladium and the death of the pine tree, near which the probe hovered."

Contents of the next messages:

“At a certain moment we will contact your representatives. We need serious preparation before visiting your planet. We are observing its evolution, and there is still a lot in it that can be disastrous for our world if these worlds come into contact.

Currently, you are not able to perceive either our physical forms or our way of thinking, as well as the way in which we overcome Ethos - the old, well-established ideas and customs of our society.

This overcoming is possible due to the fact that the inhabitants of our world do not have that which limits the possibilities of your world due to the presence of a Physical Form in it.

Our existence is not a Form. a Process.

Some representatives of our world died during the research, and their process was interrupted due to contact with your world. We warn your world about the need to preserve, protect and defend our Process. We value any Process and consider it the most important element of being.

Your world seems interesting to us because of the structure of so many of its constituent elements. Our world is devoid of such elements, since they are not necessary for the existence of our Process.

We send our ships wherever we want, they establish contacts with representatives of your world and other worlds when it is necessary for our research.

Your world at its initial stage of development is in Ethos.

We, the inhabitants of Oltissis, left Ethos."

That this was the last message Ted realized when he stopped feeling the electric current circulating in his body. And the hair on my arms no longer stood upright. Arriving home, he felt an irresistible urge to sit at the computer. In Ted's memory, frames of messages from aliens began to appear one after another, and he, without lifting his fingers from the keyboard, entered them into the memory of his computer.

When Ted finished, these frames disappeared from his consciousness, and for the first time in a long time he was able to fall asleep in a calm, deep sleep.

Source: Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 39. Ilya Konstantinov