On The Reasons For The Russophobia Of The West - Alternative View

On The Reasons For The Russophobia Of The West - Alternative View
On The Reasons For The Russophobia Of The West - Alternative View

Video: On The Reasons For The Russophobia Of The West - Alternative View

Video: On The Reasons For The Russophobia Of The West - Alternative View
Video: Daria Navalnaya: What It's Like To Be a Teenager in Putin's Russia | NYT Opinion 2024, September

If you carefully study real historical events, you can note an amazing fact that practically from the very moment of its creation, the so-called. "Western civilization" suffers from an extreme form of Russophobia. The information war of the West against the Russians and Russia, was still in the days of Russia and continued under any government, except perhaps those moments when the country actually became a colony of the West and was ruled by a bloody pro-Western clique that destroyed and robbed its own people in the interests of their masters.

But in fact, the roots of this Russophobia are much later and they are connected with the fact that all of Europe west of the Elbe is inhabited by the descendants of the Atlantic civilization - the Erbins, and to the east - by the descendants of the Arctic ancestral home of all people of the white race - Arctida-Hyperborea. This is exactly what the Russian researcher A. Tulupov drew attention to in his book "The Family of the North". And this is what he writes there:

I would like to note that despite the excellent guesses that A. Tulupov managed to make, there are some details that he interprets incorrectly. Now, if you replace the term "Indo-Europeans" used by him with the term "Erbines", then everything immediately falls into place. In Europe, there really are no Aryan peoples, but only west of the Elbe, for it is here that the border between the Aryan peoples and the Erbins, established for centuries, passes. And all this is perfectly confirmed by genetic studies, which say that east of the Elbe, for all peoples (except for the Finno-Ugric), the main is the "Aryan" haplogroup R1a, but west of the Elbe the "Erbinian" haplogroup R1b dominates. And this multi-thousand-year enmity between the Aryans (Slavic-Rus) and Erbins, as well as the difference in worldview and culture, lies at the heart of Western Russophobia. But let's start in order.

An analysis of the many works of researchers in the field of alternative history allows us to draw approximately the following chronology. Many millennia ago, on the planet Earth, the stellar civilization of the "white gods" created its colony on the Arctic continent, free from archanthropus. It was there that the civilization of the ancestors of all people of the white race flourished. It is not known for what reason (probably associated with galactic wars), the connection with the star metropolis was interrupted and the "white gods" who lived in Arctida-Oriana-Hyperborea were left to their own devices.

Over time, the most enterprising and seeking material benefits, decided to move to the south, creating the civilization of Atlantis. After long years of prosperity and peaceful coexistence, control over the consciousness of the high priests of Atlantis was seized by a certain "third force", which decided to play off the two civilizations of the white race, having achieved the spiritual degradation of the Atlanteans, who began to worship the cults of the material body and the "golden calf" and unleashed conquest wars on the planet. All this could not but lead to a global clash with the "white gods" of the Arctic metropolis, who did not fall under the influence of dark forces.

Approximately 30 thousand years ago, the first destructive planetary war took place, which nearly destroyed both civilizations and the planet itself. This was followed by millennia of peaceful rebuilding of the aftermath of the war. But everything happened again about 13 thousand years ago, when the degradation of the Atlanteans reached a maximum level and the "third force" again used them as "cannon fodder" to achieve their goals, instilling the concept of world power in the high priests. This time, during a terrible war, Atlantis was completely destroyed, but also Hyperborea. due to a slow sinking into the ocean, it gradually went under water.

Many of the surviving Atlanteans landed on the American continent and in the region of Spain and North Africa, and the Hyperboreans began their exodus to the north of Eurasia. It was they who became the very Aryans-Indo-Europeans, from which the Slavs and the Rus, who settled in Eastern Europe, gradually emerged. The most active part of the Aryans left in search of a better life in India and Iran. And it is they who are now called "Indo-Iranians". But also, like the Russian and close Slavic peoples, R1a remained the main haplogroup.

The white race again tried to restore peace and order by creating a unified Aryan empire. But here, too, the servants of darkness eventually managed to split it in two, knocking their heads together in another destructive war, which is described in detail in the ancient Indian epics "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata".

Well, what about erbines? They were formed due to the displacement of the former Atlanteans with the local archanthropics living in North Africa and Spain, creating over time the Iberian peoples and the peoples of the southern Mediterranean race. In the legends of the peoples of northern Europe, they were preserved under the name "Fomorians". Over time, they practically killed the descendants of the Arct-Hyperboreans in Ireland and occupied the British Isles and Scandinavia, bringing their genotype there. Also attacking the Aryans who settled in continental Europe, they drove them out to the Danube in the course of bloody wars, but then were thrown back. Gradually, stable borders of the world of the Aryans and the world of the Erbins were formed, which now pass along the Elbe. Along the same border, there was once a settlement in Europe of Slavic peoples (with the exception of the Etruscans and Wends,who settled to the west and lived practically surrounded by erbins).

The Erbins on the territory of Europe also mingled with the Archantrophes who lived there, which further alienated them culturally, spiritually and ideologically from the Aryan world and made them even more greedy for material values and absolute power. That is why the Erbines, up to the very last centuries, periodically made attempts to conquer the Slavic-Russian world, but each time they invariably suffered defeat, up to the last united invasions of continental Europe under the command of Napoleon and Hitler.

It must be admitted that the "third force", which again created another "cannon fodder" for itself in the face of Western civilization, did not sit idly by and gradually managed to impose the parasitic values of this civilization on a part of the Slavic-Russian world, turning part of the once united people into its servants and turning them against their brothers, with the help of lies, promises of a well-fed life and inciting Russophobic propaganda. But the former peoples of the Aryan world will always be "second-rate Europeans", called upon to run errands for the parasitic erbins, even though they have completely submitted to their masters. And after all, it is they who will first of all become the next "cannon fodder", which will be used in the next attempt to destroy the Russian world, as the last island of the descendants of Arctida-Hyperborea, remaining true to the traditions and culture of the arctic ancestral home.

Yes, we are completely different with the Western European Erbins (and especially the arrogant Anglo-Saxons), which cannot be said about the peoples of Eastern Europe. Even the same East Germans are essentially Germanized Slavs, and therefore the values of the Russian world and Slavic civilization are nevertheless closer to them both genetically and culturally. When all these peoples realize that the West (primarily the Ziono-Anglo-Saxon Erbins empire) wants to sacrifice them first of all, fanning another war against the background of a hysterical Russophobic information campaign, then the pro-Western ruling "elite" who betrayed their interests will sweep away. Otherwise, they will be doomed to complete destruction, if not in the fire of a world war, then dissolving in the silent intervention of the “southern peoples” specially created by the “third force” in Europe.