Creator Card - Alternative View

Creator Card - Alternative View
Creator Card - Alternative View

Video: Creator Card - Alternative View

Video: Creator Card - Alternative View
Video: Craftworld's Card Maker Of The Year 2021!! 2024, September

Scientists are skeptical when it comes to civilizations that are millions of years old. Like, how could they exist when there was still no man. But some of the findings surprise researchers. They cannot give an exhaustive answer to the question of what is in front of them.

In 1999, Professor Alexander Chuvyrov was looking for evidence of the migration of the peoples of China to the territory of the Urals and Siberia. In written sources, it was possible to find information about incomprehensible white plates. It was their search in Bashkiria that the professor began. One day a resident of the village of Chandar approached him. He said that he had a strange slab in his yard.

The professor examined the incomprehensible find. It turned out to be so heavy that a whole group of people had to be organized to excavate it. The weight reached a ton. The slab turned out to be 1.5 m high and 106 cm wide. The thickness of the find reached 16 cm.

When the slab was lifted and cleared of the ground, the researchers were amazed. Before them was a real map of the area. One could easily recognize the Ufa Canyon, the Belaya and Sutolka rivers and the nearby hills. The map was made on a scale of 1: 1.1 km.

Comparison of the Map of the Creator and the terrain
Comparison of the Map of the Creator and the terrain

Comparison of the Map of the Creator and the terrain.

The slab has three layers: dolomite, diopside glass and porcelain. On the latter, the images were just applied. By the way, the porcelain was checked for Chinese origin (do not forget that Chuvyrov was looking for traces of Chinese settlers). Studies have shown that such porcelain has not been used in the past in China.

Professor Chuvyrov points out that the images on the slab called the “Creator's Map” were made with precision instruments. We are not talking about mechanical stone processing. It is rough and could be immediately recognized by experienced specialists.

It turned out that the find also has certain inscriptions. They are in an upright position. This misled researchers. They first thought they were dealing with a Chinese script, in which hieroglyphs were applied vertically until the 3rd century. BC. Chuvyrov personally began studying the ancient books of China. Nothing of the kind was found.

Promotional video:

How old is the slab? Judging by the shells that were interspersed into the upper layer to indicate some objects, we can talk about 120 million years. It is clear that such a dating is astonishing. Versions about the advanced civilization of antiquity begin to be put forward. But did she leave behind only one slab?

Close up of the Creator's map
Close up of the Creator's map

Close up of the Creator's map.

Raises questions and the way of drawing up the map. It is so detailed that versions are being put forward that it was created using aerospace photography. Of course, after such statements, conversations about aliens immediately begin. I wonder why they had to make a map on the stove? Perhaps they wanted to leave it in memory of the future intelligent human civilization?

I think more research is needed. The real age of the map is hardly more than a few thousand years. After all, before that, there was not really a written language. However, it is not a fact that signs similar to hieroglyphs are exactly it. Perhaps they have some kind of religious meaning. Also, it is highly doubtful that detailed maps of the region could be created more than a few thousand years ago.

In general, it is hoped that future research will reveal when and by whom the Creator Map was created.