Slavic Calendar - Alternative View

Slavic Calendar - Alternative View
Slavic Calendar - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Calendar - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Calendar - Alternative View
Video: The Ancient Slavic Calendar - Over 7000 Years Of History Lost 2024, September

The Slavs in ancient times had several calendar forms of numbering, but only a few have survived to this day …

Now we have Summer 7515 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple … but this does not mean at all that our World was created 7515 years ago …

The creation of the World in ancient times was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between the belligerent peoples. Thus, we have a “new frame of reference”.

This very peace treaty, between the Great Race (ancient Slavs) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cooling). The victory was then won by the Great Race, which was displayed in the form of an image - a White knight on a horse strikes a Dragon with a spear. (now this image is interpreted as St. George the Victorious defeats the ancient serpent … although this very George has nothing to do with ancient events … here is just the fact that Christians used the ancient image for their own purposes).

Our calendar, or as we say Kolyada Dar, was banned by Peter the Great 307 years ago. In Summer 7208, he issued a decree on the abolition of all old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he postponed the beginning of the calendar, New Years, from the Day of the Autumn Equinox (among the Slavs-Old Believers) and September 1 (for Christians) on January 1, and designated the starting date - 1700.

The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter the Great by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day, the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, i.e. On January 1, the Christian Church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord.

This is the date that Peter the Great chose … by his decree he ordered all subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and wish each other a Happy New Year.

A small comment. At the court of Peter the Great, Russian was almost never spoken, because it was considered the language of the common people … basically all communication was in German and Dutch.

Promotional video:

So the word God in these languages means God … that is. By his decree, Peter made his subjects congratulate each other on the New God, on the day of his circumcision. This Peter's joke still exists, and people, having lost their original meaning, continue to congratulate each other on January 1 on the New circumcised God, and not on the New Year, as it was before …

Note, the ancient vaults of past events were called - Chronicles, and not the Years. We still ask each other - how old are you, not how old are you …

In addition … Peter, not only changed the old calendars to a new one … He stole 5508 years of the Great Heritage from the people and ordered foreigners to write in his place a History that did not exist before …

Nowadays, few people remember that earlier in the dates of the Chronicle they were written in the initial letter of the Old Russian language, and not in numbers that were introduced by order of Peter …

Before the introduction of the new calendar, the people celebrated 7208 New Years from the victory over the ancient Chinese, and the dates were always written in a capital letter … this tells us that writing existed among the Slavs long before the Solun monks Cyril and Methodius … if it were not for the reform of Peter, this would be a church tale about "The enlightenment of illiterate pagans" would have long been forgotten as someone's stupid joke. It was not for nothing that Empress Catherine II said: "The Slavs had their own letters for many thousands of years before the birth of Christ."

Here is a short list of the calendar forms used by the Old Believers Slavs:

Chronology corresponding to 2006-2007

Summer 7515 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple

Summer 13015 from the Great Cold (Great Cooling)

Summer 44551 from the Creation of the Great Colo Russenia

Summer 106785 from the Founding of Asgard of Irian

Summer 111813 from the Great Migration from Daariya

Summer 142997 from the Three Moons period

Summer 153373 from Assa Dei

Summer 165037 from Tara Time

Summer 185773 from Time Thule

Summer 211693 from the Time of the Swag

Summer 273901 from Time h'Arr

Summer 460525 from the Time of Dara

Summer 604381 from the Time of the Three Suns …

These systems do not cancel, but complement each other … each subsequent system is a continuation of the previous calendar system …

You can go on and on … but … I would like to move away from the essence for a while and tell how and when the 12-month calendar appeared in Russia.

As I said earlier, the Slavs and Arians used other calendar systems than those adopted now.

Therefore, it will probably be interesting who and when conceived the transition to a different calendar system and with what it was connected.

First, briefly about the calendar systems in Europe and Scandinavia.

Different peoples living in Europe had different day counting systems. The Celts and Scandinavians originally had a 9-month calendar, but later it was replaced by a 24-month one. This was due to constantly changing climatic conditions and a complete transition to the runic form of writing.

After the transition, each month was designated by its rune, from the so-called. Futarch (collection of Runes). The months differed in duration, so 1 month was 14 days, 2 months - 15 days and 3 months - 16 days … then this alternation was repeated.

This alternation was primarily associated with the phases of the Moon, the periodic one of which is 29.5 days … thus the first 4 months of the Runic calendar (14 + 15 + 16 + 14 = 59) corresponded to the 2nd full lunar months (29.5 + 29, 5 = 59) … and the further system of alternating months connected the lunar phases with the solar calendar … thus the year of the Runic calendar contained 360 days.

But since Runic also had 25 empty runes, sometimes called the rune of Odin, then it also found its application in the calendar … at the end of every third year, an additional 25 month was inserted, in which there was an alternation of days first 14, then 15, and then 16 days.

This month 25 helped to even out the cyclicality of the solar year, just as they do now with the leap year.

In the south of Europe, on the territory of modern Italy, the Rasens lived, who are better known as the Etruscans or Tyrrenes. They also used a 9-month calendar.

The Latins and Sabines, who arrived in Italy, brought with them their own calendar systems … Later, new systems appeared, for example, the Greek "Olympic Cycles" or the Latin "Calendars from the Founding of Rome" …

The Latins tried to impose their calendar system on the Rasens, and when this venture failed, the Latins declared the Etruscans stupid, they decided to simply destroy the Rasens …

This wide variety of calendar systems sometimes introduced a lot of confusion in the definition of "big trading days" … therefore, in 45 BC. by decree of the Emperor Julius Caesar, a "new" Calendar system was introduced, which was required to be observed throughout the entire Roman Empire. It was not in vain that I wrote the word “new” in quotation marks, for it was based on the current calendar of the priests of Egypt. Julius Caesar changed it somewhat, thus the well-known Julian calendar appeared.

Now imagine the problems faced by Christian missionaries who went to "educate" the pagans of Europe …

Even if they introduced someone to the new faith, they immediately faced problems when to spend the holidays or at what time to observe the fasts …

A different calendar system did not allow Christian missionaries to correctly determine which date of the local calendar corresponds to the Julian calendar, because local calendars were more difficult for Christians to understand, and besides, comparative dates were constantly "floating".

Only one way out was found. Disable the old calendar and introduce a new one - Julian.

The same picture was observed during the baptism of Rus … The people did not accept the Julian calendar introduced. Because the people did not understand why an alien calendar was needed in the Russian land, with numbered months in Latin, of which there are 3 more, and besides, it still began not on the Day of the Autumn Equinox, but at the beginning of spring.

But the Christians found a way out of this situation, they came up with Slavic names for the Julian calendar and months instead of numbers in Latin, they received Slavic names: Berezen, Kviten, Traven, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen, Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyutii.

Only in this form, Christians managed to call the Slavic peoples a foreign calendar. In other Slavic countries, the same reconstruction of the Julian calendar was carried out, and the months received their Slavic names …

But even after the Christians found a way out of this situation, and in the Julian calendar of the month they received Slavic names: Berezen, Kviten, Traven, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen, Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyutii … the ancient Slavic calendar is not ceased to exist. In all Slavic lands, they continued to use two calendars.

Because, according to the new (Julian) calendar, it was possible to learn only about church holidays, and about the events of the past that occurred far from the Slavic lands.

And the old calendar was needed primarily for the daily life of people, because it was used to determine when to start and when to finish agricultural work, and other things … after all, you won't be full of prayers …

Thus, in Russia, two calendar systems existed in parallel, the old and the new.

But the church and secular authorities were not satisfied with the fact that the people celebrated the holidays on both calendars, but most of all they were not satisfied with the confusion created by the chroniclers, because the Russian chroniclers used the dates of the old, Slavic calendar, and the invited Greek chroniclers used dates from the new calendar, where The New Year was counted from the first spring full moon …

For example: the date is March 1, 1005 A. D. according to the Slavic calendar, it fell on Summer 6513 from S. M. Z. H, and according to the Christian calendar, on Summer 6512 from S. M., thus the difference between the Slavic calendar and the calendar from the Nativity of Christ was 5508 years, and in the Christian calendar - 5507 years …

In order to somehow streamline the inconsistency of the new calendar, in Summer 6856 (1348 AD) by decree of Tsar Ivan III, the New Year in the new calendar was fixed on March 1, and the number of the year was taken from the old Slavic calendar.

In addition, the adjustment of the new calendar to everyday life began, some holidays were forbidden, others that were celebrated despite the prohibitions, the Christian church began to adapt to itself.

For example:

The Day of God Veles was replaced by the Day of Blasius;

Maslenitsa-Marena day was declared simply Maslenitsa;

The Day of God of Kupala became the day of John the Baptist, or as it was called in the Russian manner - Ivan Kupala, i.e. Ivan, who bathed everyone in the river;

Day of Triglav (Svarog-Perun-Sventovit), turned into Trinity;

The Highest Day of God Perun was replaced by the Day of Elijah the Prophet … and so on.

But most of all, the church and secular authorities were not satisfied that the people use two calendars, celebrate two New Years … Christian New Year on March 1, and Slavic New Year on the Day of the Autumn Equinox.

None of the prohibitions of the Slavic calendar helped … and the adoption of harsh measures up to executions backfired … in many cities and villages, unrest began and uprisings arose, everywhere there was a total destruction of Christian priests and their assistants … it came to the point that many thousands were destroyed "God's people", and then Tsar Ivan III had to "go to the people", because only in this way the authorities were able to calm the rebellious people.

To avoid confusion and discord in the future, the king not only allowed people to use the old calendar, but also legalized the right to honor the Old Faith of the Ancestors. Thus, on the Russian land, Dvoverie and two calendars were officially legalized. The church calendar began to be considered official, i.e. state, and the old calendar - folk.

The next change in the official calendar took place after 1 Circle of Years (144 years). With the approach of Summer 7000 from the Creation of the World (1492 AD), apocalyptic sentiments grew among Christians in Russia. Everyone was waiting for the end of the world and did not even make up Easter for the following years. But when all the expected dates for the end of the world had passed, the Moscow Church Council in September of Summer 7000 (1492) approved a new Easter and decided to postpone the beginning of the year from March 1 to September 1. This decree is still valid in the Christian Church …

In the Summer of 7090 (1582), the Catholic Church, at the direction of Pope Gregory XIII, introduced a new calendar, which received his name. In the new calendar, dating was no longer from the Creation of the World, but from the Nativity of Christ. The need to introduce a new calendar was associated with the fact that the length of the Julian calendar year is slightly longer than the length of the natural year, and therefore it began to lag slightly behind nature, so that one day accumulated over 128 years. Therefore, at the time of the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, there were already 10 days of difference.

But not all European countries immediately switched to the new calendar, some countries took years or even centuries to switch to the new Gregorian style. In Russia, they switched to this style only in February 1918.

The Gregorian calendar is also not absolutely accurate: it lags behind the natural one by one day in 3300 years; in addition, the Gregorian calendar is "not uniform", it contains a kind of "leaps". But gradually the Gregorian calendar was adopted by most states and today is generally accepted.

In Summer 7208 (1699), Peter I moved the New Year to 1 January and issued a special decree:

“Because in Russia the New Year is considered differently, from now on, stop fooling people's heads and count the New Year everywhere since January 1, 1700 A. D. And as a sign of a good beginning and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing well-being in matters and prosperity in the family. In honor of the New Year, decorate with fir trees, amuse children, sled from the mountains. And adults do not commit drunkenness and massacre - there are enough other days for that."

And so, we return to the Slavic calendar, which was canceled by Peter the Great …

Despite its unusualness, for modern perception, especially when the calendar is based on 9 everywhere, this calendar system is the most accurate and convenient of all calendars that exist at the moment. I understand that my statement sounds unfounded, but in my further story I will try to confirm this statement. Moreover, over the past several tens of thousands of years, this Slavic calendar, otherwise called "Kolyada Gift," did not "run away" and did not "lag behind" for a single day …

So let's start with simple data.

Kolyady Gift contains three natural seasons: Ousen, Winter and Spring.

These three seasons are combined into a single solar cycle called Summer.

Summer consists of 9 months, so there are three months for each natural season.

There are two concepts in the calendar: Simple Summer and Sacred Summer. They make up the Circle of Years, in which there are 15 simple and 1 Sacred Summer.

Nine Circles of Years made up the Circle of Life, which consists of 144 years. These repeating cycles are called Chislobog's Circle.

Simple Summer consists of 365 days, all odd months contain 41 days, and even ones contain 40 days. (5x41 = 205) + (4x40 = 160) = 365.

Sacred Summer consists of 369 days, all months contain 41 days. (9x41) = 369.

New Year falls on the 1st day of the second month of Ouseni, i.e. on the Day of the Autumn Equinox.

This is usually associated with the fact that the entire crop was harvested, the bins were filled, and the new Summer began with full prosperity.

In addition, it was customary to host the most important events on New Years. For example, the peace treaty with the Great Dragon (ancient China) was signed in the New Year. This was very convenient for introducing a new starting point for peaceful life, and this was not reflected in the main calendar system in any way. After all, the Creation of the World (between the nations) took place on the 1st day of the 1st month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold.

Thus, 1 day of 1 month of Summer 5501 from the Great Cold, simultaneously became 1 day of 1 month of Summer 1 from the Creation of the World, and since the peace treaty was signed in Summer bearing the name - the Star Temple on Chislobog's Circle, the name of the new Chronology became - from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

The week of the Slavic calendar also consisted of 9 days. They carried a numerical form and were called: Monday, Tuesday, Triteynik, Chetverik, Friday, Shestitsa, Seventh, Octytsa, Week.

It was very convenient, all odd months of Simple Summer began on one day of the week, and all even months on another.

And since the Sacred Summer consists of 41 weeks, then the next Circle of Life began on the same day of the week as the Sacred Summer.

Thus, each Circle of Life, i.e. cycle of 144 years, starting on Monday.

The fact that the old nine-day week was remembered not so long ago, we can be convinced by reading the tales of the Siberian storyteller Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov.

Well, Gavrilo, in that week

Let's take them to the capital;

We will sell the boyars there, We will divide the money evenly.

(The Little Humpbacked Horse)

The octopus has already passed

and the week has come.

(Stone bowl)

The ancient Slavic calendar, as well as the Scandinavian or Celtic, had a Runic display form, i.e. initially the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of the Years were written in Runes.

For those who do not know, Runa is not a letter or a syllable … Runa is a secret Image. The names of the months were originally designated by Runes, and only later an entry was added with a drop cap with a brief disclosure of the semantic meaning.

The first month was designated by one Rune, and the remaining eight months were designated by the conjunction of two Runes, and the second Rune indicated part of the solar cycle, known to us as L? then.

I understand that for an example it would probably be better to write the name of the months in Runes, but this is impossible for purely technical reasons, because there are no code tables on the Internet that support Runic fonts. Therefore, we will further consider everything based on the available fonts …

In the Old Slovenian letter, when writing the name of the month, at the end, the initial letter "b" - ér was put down, which sounded like an O-short. In addition, each month carried its own semantic load, which determines the life of people.

Here are the names of the Months of the Slavic Calendar:

Ramhat is the Month of the Divine Beginning.

Isle? тъ - Month of New Gifts.

Bale? тъ - Month of White Radiance and Peace of the World.

Gail? тъ - Month of Blizzards and Colds.

Dyle? тъ - Month of Awakening of Nature.

Al? тъ - Month of Sowing and Naming.

Vale? тъ - Month of the Winds.

Hale? тъ is the Month of Receiving the Gifts of Nature.

Tile? тъ - Month of Completion.

The name of the months not only in Runic had a deep meaning, but also in the Initial letter too. In their totality, the Images of the Drop Caps, with which the names of the months began, also carried a special meaning. To at least somehow understand it, you just need to remember the names of the Drop caps in the Old Slovenian writing and what they mean.

R - Reci, - instruct, inform;

A - Az, - a person, a lyudin;

B - Gods, G - Verb, - to speak;

D - Good, E - This, - indicating form;

B - Lead - Vedas, wisdom, knowledge;

X - Stored, - saving;

T - Firmly. - completion, final form.

By combining these Images of the initial caps, we get the following text: The Gods instructed man to say good things, to keep this Wisdom firmly.

As I said earlier, talking about the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, each Summer had its own name.

All these names are associated with certain cycles of human life on Earth. This system goes back to the time when white people lived on the server mainland, which they called Daariya (Hyperborea, Arctida, Artogea).

Therefore, this system is called Chislobog's Daarius Circle.

The Circles of Years (16) pass through the Elements of Nature (9), thus the full Circle of passage is called the Circle of Life.

Below is a table for clarity.


But not only Summer, they were considered Circles for 16 years, the complete passage of the Yarila-Sun through the Heavens among the stars, also contained the number 16.

These equal parts are called - the Heavenly Halls of the Svarog Circle. Each Hall has its own Patron, God or Goddess.

In addition to the Halls on the Svarog Circle, there is still a lot of information, see the photo below.

Engraving depicting Svarog Circle


The engraving clearly shows who patronizes which Hall.

1. Hall of the Virgin - Goddess JIVA, 2. To the Boar's Hall - God RAMHAT, 3. To the Hall of the Pike - Goddess ROZHANA, 4. To the Swan Hall - Goddess MACOSH, 5. To the Serpent's Hall - God SEMARGL, 6. To the Hall of the Crow - God KOLYADA, 7. To the Hall of the Bear - God SVAROG, 8. Hall Busla (Stork) - God ROD, 9. To the Hall of the Wolf - God VELES, 10. To the Fox Hall - Goddess MARENA, 11. The Hall of Tours - God ROOF, 12. Hall of the Elk - Mother of God LADA, 13. The hall of Finist is God HIGHER, 14. The Hall of the Horse - God BOUGHT, 15. The Hall of the Eagle - God PERUN, 16. The Ras chamber is the God TARKH.

And so we have an image of the Svorozhy Circle, which has a lot of interesting things … namely:

The second circle, from the outer edge, shows the Runes of Time and their structural display.

That is, we have a Diurnal Circle, in which there are 16 hours, 4 hours for each time of the day …

4 hours for the Evening, 4 hours for the Night, 4 hours for the Morning and 4 hours for the Day.

Each hour has its own name, devil image and Runic writing.

The next Round depicts the Runes of the 16 Heavenly Halls, their design has a certain connection with the location of the stars in the firmament and with the Natural Elements … Therefore, very often these Runes were placed on amulets. Not only on those worn by people … but also on charms that protect livestock and poultry. In addition, these charms can be found on dishes and other household utensils …

The next circle, called the Circle of Elements, contains 9 Elements through which the life time passes.

Each Element has its own name and its own Rune of Order. The beginning was laid from the First Element …

1. Earth

2. Star

3. Fire

4. Sun

5. Tree

6. Heaven

7. Ocean

8. Moon

9. God

Each Summer, in one way or another, was associated with the Circle of Elements, therefore, knowing the elemental characteristics, people were aware of what to expect from this or that Summer.

Next up was the Weekly Circle. According to him, not only the ordinal number of the day of the week was determined, but also which of the Gods patronizes this day, as well as which of the Nine Earths of the Yarila-Sun system gives its strength …

In the very center, in the Circle, which is the structural designation of a person. 9 points indicated the 9 main energy centers (chakras) of a person through which he receives various streams of life force … 9 types of human consciousness, 9 different feelings that are given to a person … and much more …