How To Outsmart Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

How To Outsmart Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View
How To Outsmart Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: How To Outsmart Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: How To Outsmart Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View
Video: Contemplations: how to outsmart AI (artificial intelligence) 2024, September

The global development of the artificial intelligence (AI) industry is taking place. Today he can personify someone's voice. Startup Lyrebird claims to have created artificial intelligence technology that can synthesize a human voice from just a 60-second sample.

After that, how do you know for sure that the voice message or conversation was with a person? Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Apple Siri are all using voice recognition technology and this will continue.

According to a research report from Grand View Research, Inc. "Deep learning" (a type of AI machine learning) will reach $ 10.2 billion by 2025. However, for all its advantages, even deep learning is an area of growth with a big disadvantage. It's hard to understand how AI makes decisions.

Human cognitive bias and inputs also affect the quality of deep learning solutions. Any implementation should have manual overrides to guard against unwanted results.

For example, in 2016, Microsoft's chatbot Microsoft Tay was shut down after it began "voicing" racist and sexist comments a few hours after it started "live" on Twitter. Given these vulnerable areas, it is important to implement a system of checks and balances when it comes to how much AI provides decision-making autonomy.

AI can be used to advance humanity or nefarious goals, it is a double-edged sword applicable to any innovative technology. Now is the time to think and prepare in advance for potential pitfalls - before AI becomes ubiquitous, and only this will allow "tricking" it.

Feelinger Tatiana