Space Pasture Earth - Alternative View

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Space Pasture Earth - Alternative View
Space Pasture Earth - Alternative View


"… The owners of the space pasture" Earth "are local aliens, who determine on it the order of keeping a flock of sheep, consisting of different breeds (races). There are also guard dogs - uninitiated" dirty "ibre (tame) and shepherds - dedicated ibre. Sometimes the owners of the pasture come in their UFO jeeps and the shepherds then reassure the frightened sheep that they only imagined flying saucers. Recently, the owners decided that the herd had become too large - there is not enough grass for this and it is necessary to reduce its livestock to the "golden" billion, while intensifying the shearing process “Products” from the rest, using the latest technology - “electronic concentration camp.” At the same time, some dogs will have to be transferred to the category of sheep, many sheep also do not want to voluntarily “cut down”, in this case - the plan “Endgame”. What are the owners of the pasture and what kind of "wool" do they cut from the herd? - this is the question that dogs mingled with sheep (or sheep with a fair amount of dog blood) ask themselves, which are the majority of Internet readers. This is how, for example, the ancient Russian epic, the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, which has recently become known only thanks to the Internet, answers this question.

So, these are human beings with a gray skin. Bisexual (hermaphrodites). They have a hierarchy - Demons, Kashchei, Princes of Darkness, Dark Arlegs, Dark Legs. At first, they themselves tried to graze the flock, dyeing their skin, but the sheep recognized them and were frightened - they had to have shepherds with dogs. They have in their heads certain ESSENCES that they cannot get rid of on their own. To nourish these Aspects, vital energy is needed, released during the FORCED death of a person.

At a low level of development of the human herd, the collection of vital energy was carried out through the established industry of sacrifices in the temples. A special machine gun was even designed - Moloch. In modern conditions, the intake of vital energy - "wool" is carried out during abortions at the time optimal for the quality of "products". To intensify the process in the herd, an atmosphere of sexual promiscuity, "reliable" ("electronically tested"?) Contraceptives and cramped living conditions are needed, forcing the sheep to abortion. By the way, thanks to religious women, a lot of cases of referrals to abortions under the pretext of "defects in the development of the fetus" have been revealed. Women who, for religious reasons, refused abortion in 100 percent of cases, had healthy children. The option that the aliens need stem cells from the embryos of babies is not suitable - since they were not collected during the sacrifice. Most likely, extracts from abortion material for injection of youth are by-products used by shepherds. You tops - we have roots - waste-free production …"


"… We must understand what is the interest of the" Aliens "to the Earth, what do they want from us?

1. They do not need the territory as such, otherwise the planet would have been cleared of its inhabitants long ago.

Promotional video:

2. They do not need natural resources, otherwise the Earth would have long been a huge mine and all people worked there.

3. They do not need the bodies of people themselves, otherwise the planet would be a large sanatorium-nursery with a powerful health care system.

It seems to me that I groped what the Aliens are "getting" on Earth. They need the vital energy that is released during the painful death of a person, the energy of his “soul”. Wherever the Aliens appeared in antiquity under the guise of "gods" - there immediately arose an industry of human sacrifice, a conveyor belt for the MORTAL death of people (for which the machine of death - "Moloch" was designed). The best material for sacrifice was infants - the smaller the person, the more he has a reserve of unused vital energy. But now, with the development of the level of medicine, human babies are killed already in the womb - at the optimal age for Aliens. Abortion is a modern sacrificial technology. There is a video of a little man screaming when he is torn apart by a gynecologist during an abortion - his death is agonizing. Well, the "abortion material" itself is already used by the railway for the production of the elixir of longevity …"


"… The analogy that the Earth is a pasture, and mankind is a sheep, is openly spelled out in the Bible. Ravas are" spiritual "shepherds who were appointed (elected) by the owners of the pasture. The shepherds have a contract with the owner (Yahweh?), According to which all power is transferred to them over the herd. Shepherds must cut their wool and ship their products on time to ships of the "UFO" class (according to the earthly classification). The owners of the planet take their "harvest" from the people, and do not take from the bowels, otherwise all mankind would have worked in the mines for a long time. a person at birth has a supply of vitality (energy) that spends throughout life. But in a violently painful death (for example, during a sacrifice), the remainder of vital energy can be drained into a special "thermos vessel" - TERAFIM. Here is a QUOTE from the article "Mikhail Saltan, Gleb Shcherbatov. Secrets of the ziggurat and teraphim in Red Square "" … In addition, in the magical practices of Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East, the process of "creating the teraphim" is accompanied by ritual murder. The life force of the victim should have flowed into a teraphim … ", and also:" … By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), a gold plate was most likely placed inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of a removed brain), apparently of a rhombic shape, with magical ritual signs … ". The life force of the victim was supposed to flow into the teraphim … ", and more:" … By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), a gold plate was most likely placed inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of the removed brain), apparently rhombic in shape, with magical ritual signs … ". The life force of the victim should have flowed into the teraphim … ", and also:" … By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), a gold plate was most likely placed inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of the removed brain), apparently of a rhombic form, with magical ritual signs … ".

COMMENT: as a result of the "sacrifice" technological process, it is possible to drain and preserve the remainder of the victim's life force in a special diamond-shaped capsule made of gold. The products are packed in gold containers and shipped to consumers.

QUOTE from an article by Pinchas Polonsky in the Brighton magazine FORUM # 175, March 14-20, 2008 p. 19 "The Problem of the Restoration of Sacrifices": "… Of course, our" opportunity "to do without sacrifices today does not mean that they refer only to the" past historical stage. "On the contrary, they contain a high, otherwise unattainable way of approaching God …. The problem, however, is that this higher level of activity cannot arise abstractly and theoretically. A SPECIFIC SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE OF THE TEMPLE SERVICE IS NECESSARY! it will not be possible if we do not understand their meaning …. " …

COMMENT: This "today's opportunity" for shepherds to do without sacrifices is that now they download vital energy during abortions, killing children in the womb - the child does not have time to use up a drop of what nature has given him. And the calls for the restoration of sacrifices in the Third Temple can only be explained by the emerging need of the Aliens for products “prepared” according to “old, traditional recipes”.


"… To the question of why the ibres NOW have the" opportunity "to do without sacrifices. Previously, they obviously did not have such a TECHNICAL capability. The" wool harvesting plan "was carried out at different times in different ways. First, a round-the-clock conveyor system of sacrifices was created in the Temple of Solomon with branches in Asia and America. But after the frightened sheep trampled on this complex, I had to be content with seasonal harvesting on the road to the field, downloading "products" during the genocide and massacre of the population during the organized revolutions, baptisms, wars and other occasions. Example " Of the Great French Revolution.”With the help of a special machine of death - the guillotine, they killed millions (!) Of people (heaps of bones and skulls in the undergrounds of Paris - see the virtual tour of the catacombs on the Internet). If it was just necessary to intimidate the sheep, then it would be enough to execute a small percentage demonstratively, but the peculiarities of the technology for the procurement of "products" for the Aliens required the death of victims in the "hospital" in a conveyor belt, which was provided by the guillotine, and earlier in the Temple of Solomon - the machine death of Moloch. Before the invention of the guillotine, the heads were simply chopped off by the executioner, but again the victims had to flow continuously in conveyor mode. An example is the felling of heads for archers by Peter the Great. Hence the assumption: apparently under the block was placed an Alien apparatus for capturing and packing the residual life force of killed people into special capsules - teraphim. That is to say, a mini-cannery. You will not run after every sheep with this apparatus. By the way, the number of those executed was probably determined by the number of empty "containers" in the device. But obviouslythe unevenness of the receipt of products did not satisfy the Aliens - the owners of the space pasture Earth. Therefore, the shepherds (dedicated to the Ibrea), using the latest achievements of science, created a new system for collecting "wool". Now the supply of vital energy is taken from a child when he is killed during an abortion while still in the womb. At the same time, it is easy to provide the conditions necessary for the technological process for the intake of vital energy: stationary placement of the Alien apparatus near the place of killing and conveyor delivery to the chopping block - the gynecological chair of the victims. This is how everything is possible and arranged in modern abortion clinics. This is how the ibre people “do” without the classic sacrifices. And the wolves are fed - and the sheep are safe. To increase the yield (increase in the number of abortions) and the atmosphere of sexual promiscuity is forged,there is a propaganda of the "uselessness" of children …


"… I will try to formulate more clearly - what is the meaning of human sacrifices? Why sacrifices to the Ibreans? Do they have nothing more to do than do this dirty work? Possible answer. And at first the Ibres were slaughtering their children, but then they figured out that it was better to slaughter the goyim. A person from birth has a supply of vitality (energy) released to him by nature. This is what they mean when they say "health is enough (not enough) for 100 years During the sacrifice, a person is killed and the rest of his “health” is taken and preserved with the help of a special Alien apparatus located in the Temple … Therefore, it was forbidden to enter the altar for mere mortals, so as not to ask stupid questions about the incomprehensible device located here. Initiates are those who knew about the existence of the apparatus and the meaning of the "sacrifice" technological process. The kogans were engaged in servicing the Alien apparatus, and the Levites dragged the victims to it and cut them. But what about the rest, "uninitiated" ibres? They ensured the continuous flow of the goyim to the place of execution. Why were people initially slaughtered in the "Temples"? Alien's equipment for the preparation of vital energy was stationary at that time, you will not run with it after every goy. The capsules filled with the residual vital energy of the victims were dispatched to the transport UFO-ships of the "gods" -aliens. It's just like the hum of a cow. This explanation of the version "Why do the Ibre people need human sacrifices?" Seems at first somewhat fantastic, but it has an iron inner logic. What happened after the destruction of the temples? For "sacrifices", portable mobile devices were used to conserve the vital energy of the goyim. Procurement took place during mass executions and the equipment was installed under the scaffold. Editing was carried out at night and therefore the process of "execution-sacrifice" always began in the morning ("Morning of the Streltsy Execution"). To speed up the technological process during the French "revolution" they used the guillotine. That is, in order to fulfill the plan of procurement, the Ibrey now had to arrange wars, baptisms, revolutions, and other events in order to have a reason for the genocide of the goyim. These “visiting sessions” continue today in Nigeria, Ethiopia and other Somalia. But what about the "civilized" world? Did the Alien gods leave him alone? No, in the civilized world, "civilized" is used,modern technology for leaping vital energy of earthlings necessary for aliens. The fence is made during abortion sacrifices - the killing of children in the womb. In the abortion clinic near the gynecological chair, among the modern "medical" equipment, there is also an irreplaceable portable apparatus of gods. And the same brigades of "initiates" are working here: Levites slaughter children, Kogans serve Alien equipment. And the goyim and uninitiated Ibreans are still not in the subject, like thousands of years ago.. "And the goyim and uninitiated Ibreans are still not in the subject, like thousands of years ago.. "And the goyim and uninitiated ibres are still not in the subject, like thousands of years ago.."


Local "Aliens" are not the only space folk. They also have powerful opponents. In an interview with one dedicated Levite, it slipped through that in 5-7 years some unwanted extraordinary event would occur, which they were unable to prevent. The most advanced of them guess that the Messiah-MISSION, which they are waiting for, will not arrive at all from where they are expecting it and they (railway) will face big troubles for 5000 years of "cooperation" with uninvited guests during the forced absence of the planet's masters.

We look at our galaxy - the Milky Way from the edge and see it in the sky in the form of a star track. In plan it looks like a four-blade propeller with strongly curved edges (swastika image). The solar system is located at the very periphery in one of four arms. Life in the galaxy is in full swing. When a galaxy rotates, from time to time its edges fall into areas of space with a chaotic disordered structure, which excludes movement inside them at superluminal speeds and the use of "star gate" technology. During these periods (duration from hundreds to thousands of years), the Earth falls out of the "civilized space society". Residents move to the city (closer to the center of the galaxy), and a few who wish to stay in Prostokvashino for the winter. And here, in the absence of the owners, uninvited guests drive up to the dacha on a primitive moped (UFO rocket) … Why am I? And to the fact that the solar system began to leave the problem area of space (which it flew into in 998) in 1995 and this process will end in 2012, which is mentioned in various epics (for example, in the legends of the ancient Yngling believers: www. Here, for example, is the fate of the invaders and their accomplices according to the version of the same Ynglings: "… The all-crushing Fire of Retribution of the Forces of Light will burn the Servants of the World of Darkness and all the Descendants of the Foreign Thieves, who filled the entire Human World with the Spiritless Void, carrying Lies and Vices on their banners, Laziness and Cruelty, Alien Desire and Lust, Fear and Uncertainty in their Forces. And this will be the Great End of the World for the Alien Thieves who came from the Dark World …"


Prayer "Kol-Nidre" "… is pronounced on the night of the next day of the Last Judgment over the earthlings Yom Kippur about amnesty to all Jews who have committed crimes against the goyim, that is, earthlings …"

COMMENT: This testifies to the fact that with the MISSION - the COMMISSION, which will arrange the Last Judgment and the Apocalypse, they do not come, otherwise why ask for amnesty. Moreover, the railway knows exactly the date of arrival, because it is due to astronomical events. Our marginal solar system soon emerges from the region of space with an unstable structure, where it entered about a thousand years ago (the so-called "Night of Svarog"), and that excluded transport links with the "Center". That is why the Iberians know the date of the COMMISSION's arrival, that it is determined by astronomical phenomena and it can be calculated mathematically exactly. This 2012 date is approximately September - December. And the fact is that the MISSION will immediately appear with an audit after entering the zone of "normal" space - "aliena" - railway. do not doubt. And panic reigns in their camp,expectation of retribution ("The Last Judgment") and prayers for amnesty for crimes against the goyim. In the camp of the goyim, on the contrary, there is hope and expectation of the arrival of the saviors … (Slavic-Aryan Vedas, legends of the ancient Yngling believers). …


I would like to draw your attention to one paradoxical circumstance, which is in plain sight and which is not noticed by anyone. As you convincingly showed on your website, the way of life on Earth for the last thousand years has been determined by the Aliens and "sharpened" by them to fit their needs (which we can only guess about). That is, those Aliens who need Aliens - they have been on the planet for a long time, for the Ibreys they are "their own" and the goyim are given the instruction not to notice them and all these UFOs of theirs. But on the other hand, after all, in recent years, EuroSMI has been undergoing an ideological pumping in the spirit of “if tomorrow is war” with some aliens, supposedly eager to seize and enslave the Earth: hurray-patriotic films like “Independence Day” are being made, aliens (!),teach people to shoot at invading space monsters in all kinds of computer games. So the question is, what kind of “newcomers” are the local Aliens with the Ibreys waiting for and against whom they are going to raise the people to a “holy” war, and they dig and prepare bunkers for themselves, “Tashkent” where they can traditionally sit out? And the plan "Endgame" you mentioned is the usual plan to clean up the rear and cleanse the army before the war from defeatists and potential traitors. And the future "traitors to the Motherland" are those who will doubt the bloodthirstiness of the "space aggressors" and begin to help them free the planet from the regime of the Alien-Ibraean commissars. Frankly speaking, all this railway fuss is connected with the approach of 2012. In the ancient Russian epic, which has recently become known only thanks to the Internet - the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, it is said that our galaxy,which we observe from the edge and in the sky we see in the form of a track - the Milky Way, has the shape of a four-blade propeller with strongly curved edges ( (hence the swastika symbol). The solar system is located at the periphery of the galaxy in one of its four arms. And since we live on the outskirts, from time to time, when the galaxy rotates, the solar system enters regions with an unstable structure of space. These periods in the Vedas are called the Nights of Svarog. Finding the Earth in a problematic area of space does not allow flights to it at superluminal speeds and the use of the "gates between the worlds" technology - a star gate. The last night of Svarog lasted just over a thousand years, the exit from it began in 1991 and ends in 2012. And all the Ibrean fuss with the reflection of the future "space aggression" is connected with the fact that the planet will soon return to its owners, most of whom were evacuated from it before the Earth entered the dark regions of the galaxy. Well, the small minority that remained on the planet to live in isolation from the "Center" - these are our ancestors, the ancestors of the goyim who degraded as a result of a series of planetary disasters (arranged by someone?) gang. By the way, it is not excluded that special mono-national Ibraean detachments disguised as “aliens” will cut out several villages in order to raise the people to a partisan struggle against the “space aggressors”, letting several eyewitnesses of “alien atrocities” escape.most of whom were evacuated from it before the Earth entered the dark regions of the galaxy. Well, the small minority that remained on the planet to live in isolation from the "Center" - these are our ancestors, the ancestors of the goyim, who degraded as a result of a series of planetary disasters (arranged by someone?) And enslaved in the absence of the owners of the planet of the cosmic Alien-Ibraean gang. By the way, it is not excluded that special mono-national Ibraean detachments disguised as “aliens” will slaughter several villages in order to rouse the people to a partisan struggle against “space aggressors”, allowing several eyewitnesses of “alien atrocities” to escape.most of whom were evacuated from it before the Earth entered the dark regions of the galaxy. Well, the small minority that remained on the planet to live in isolation from the "Center" - these are our ancestors, the ancestors of the goyim, who degraded as a result of a series of planetary disasters (arranged by someone?) And enslaved in the absence of the owners of the planet of the cosmic Alien-Ibraean gang. By the way, it is not excluded that special mono-national Ibraean detachments disguised as “aliens” will slaughter several villages in order to rouse the people to a partisan struggle against “space aggressors”, allowing several eyewitnesses of “alien atrocities” to escape.which degraded as a result of a series of planetary catastrophes (arranged by someone?) and enslaved in the absence of the owners of the planet by the Alien-Ibraean space gang. By the way, it is not excluded that special mono-national Ibraean detachments disguised as “aliens” will slaughter several villages in order to rouse the people to a partisan struggle against “space aggressors”, allowing several eyewitnesses of “alien atrocities” to escape.which degraded as a result of a series of planetary catastrophes (by someone arranged?) and enslaved in the absence of the owners of the planet by the space Alien-Ibraean gang. By the way, it is not excluded that special mono-national Ibraean detachments disguised as “aliens” will cut out several villages in order to raise the people to a partisan struggle against the “space aggressors”, letting several eyewitnesses of “alien atrocities” escape.


"After 2012, Earth will try to return to its rightful owners, who temporarily lost control over it during the last Night of Svarog. Space bandits - Aliens, who have seized and are now holding power on the planet in the absence of masters, will try to prevent this. Due to the lower technical level of local Aliens They have only one option - to take the planet's population hostage and, meeting the ship of the arriving MISSION on their UFO flying saucers at distant approaches, present an ultimatum - if the MISSION hits the Earth, they will genocide all the inhabitants of the planet. By this time, for such a case, an electronic system of universal control and management of people is being created at an accelerated pace. Now the Aliens rule the Earth through proxies - the dedicated select Ibrians (the banking elite led by Jacob Rothschild the Fifth and their people). Recently, by order of the Aliens, the Ibreys are furiously driving progress in the field of information technologies to create by 2012 an electronic system for managing people based on a supercomputer known in the Bible as "Beast-666". In order to transfer control over people's lives directly to this newest electronic system in a crisis period. The Aliens themselves will drive the supercar - the help of the traitors to humanity - they will no longer need dedicated ibreys - the Rothschilds and others like them will be included in the common herd and chipped along with everyone. What is the approximate principle of the operation of the "Beast-666"? It is a complex of more advanced modifications of existing systems:a supercomputer-controlled global listening system "Echelon-2", a space-based global positioning system GPS, etc. The entire population is microchipped voluntarily (for reasons - concern for human health, the fight against terrorism …) and also secretly - under the guise of vaccinations. For example, current chips are now injected into animals with a syringe. People can, in accordance with the Bible - under the skin of the forehead or (freedom of choice!) Under the skin of the left hand. The location of the chip is constantly tracked by the GPS system, cellular stations, hidden stationary sensors. Conversations and contacts of people are recorded by "Echelon" and are added to the corresponding cell of the supercomputer. Identification - by individual voice timbre. In case of signs of inappropriate behavior of an individual, the supercomputer automatically analyzes them and affects the person through the chip until he is killed. The presence of human operators when making a decision is not provided. Principle: let the "Beast 666" execute 10 innocent people than let one troublemaker go. When presented with an ultimatum, Aliens can demonstrate to the guests their ability to control the population and reinforce the threat of genocide by killing several million people at once with a command of killing from a supercomputer to chips of victims. Then it can be attributed to the aggression of bloodthirsty aliens and used as a reason to raise the people to fight the invaders "for their freedom" … "let the "Beast 666" execute 10 innocent people than let one troublemaker go. When presented with an ultimatum, Aliens can demonstrate to the guests their ability to control the population and reinforce the threat of genocide by killing several million people at once with a command of killing from a supercomputer to chips of victims. Then it can be attributed to the aggression of bloodthirsty aliens and used as a reason to raise the people to fight the invaders "for their freedom" … "let the "Beast 666" execute 10 innocent people than let one troublemaker go. When presented with an ultimatum, Aliens can demonstrate to the guests their ability to control the population and reinforce the threat of genocide by killing several million people at once with a command of killing from a supercomputer to chips of victims. Then it can be attributed to the aggression of bloodthirsty aliens and used as a reason to raise the people to fight the invaders "for their freedom" …"

A. Andreev