Aliens Attack A Volcano In Yellowstone - Alternative View

Aliens Attack A Volcano In Yellowstone - Alternative View
Aliens Attack A Volcano In Yellowstone - Alternative View

Video footage shows an alien ship allegedly shooting at a volcano in Yellowstone National Park. This can be a real disaster for earthlings.

Note that Yellowstone National Park has long been a popular place for observing aliens, as many strange incidents are recorded there. The frightening video was filmed back on June 9, but only recently became public.

At the end of 2016, a video appeared on the network, which also showed a UFO that was flying over the park. And in September, Jeanette Foresta posted her video on Youtube, in which several flying objects were seen.

The author notes that the shooting was made at night, so it cannot be reflected light from airplanes or other terrestrial aircraft.

Prominent blogger and UFO hunter Scott S. Waring reported that he has seen videos of glowing balls moving around Yellowstone more than once. The area mysteriously attracts alien visitors, he said.

He added that if all people knew the truth about the abundance of alien ships around them every day, they would be very surprised and lost their peace.

Recall that Yellowstone was in the spotlight of the whole world because of fears about its possible eruption. The reason for this concern was the surge in seismic activity around the national park in the United States.

If a huge volcano erupts, it will immediately kill about 87,000 people and immediately turn two-thirds of the US territory uninhabitable. Large amounts of ash in the atmosphere will block sunlight, leading to a "nuclear winter."

Promotional video:

The massive eruption could be 6,000 times more powerful than what happened on Mount St. Helens in Washington in 1980. Then 57 people died, and the ashes flew over 11 states and 5 provinces of Canada.

When the volcano erupts, a climate shift will occur due to the huge amount of sulfur dioxide that can form particles that can reflect and absorb sunlight.