The German City Of Berlin Has A Russian Origin - Alternative View

The German City Of Berlin Has A Russian Origin - Alternative View
The German City Of Berlin Has A Russian Origin - Alternative View

Few people know that the German city of Berlin used to be the Russian city of Berlo. And the word BER is a primordially Russian word, very ancient, and it meant the name of a predatory beast, which we now know under the name BEAR. It is not known for what reasons the word BER went out of use, but one thing is clear for sure, we still use a word derived from it - BERLOGA.

In modern Russian, a den means a bear's den. BERLOGA is a BERLA (BEAR) LOG or BERA LOGOVO! Until now, the place of winter hibernation of BEAR-BERA is called BERLOG, which is both logical and impeccable from the point of view of the etymology of the word.

We just forgot the ancient name of the bear BER, but it is well preserved in other languages. For example: in English the bear will be - BEAR or BER, the distortion is insignificant !!! And in German, no change at all - Der Ber - a bear!

The strangest thing is that almost no one pays attention to such a small discrepancy: why does a bear live in a BERLOG, and not a BEARLOG, for example? Only after reading the word MEDVEDLOG, it becomes clear that such a word could not take root in the Russian language, it is not harmonious!

By the way, the modern name of BERA - BEAR is also figurative, and means - in charge of honey. And in the Ukrainian language, these two words were rearranged, and the result was the same LEADING HONEY, but already pronounced as VEDMID.

One of the reference books mentions that the city of Berlin is of Slavic origin and is interpreted as berl- / birl-BOLOTO, which does not come from the given example! But the Russian name BERLO is very clear and logical, and is consonant with the modern German word BERLIN. Also, one more "petty" detail reveals the origin of the name of the city of Berlin from the Russian BERLO - the symbol of the city of BERLIN is BER-MEDVED !!!