What Is Reincarnation? - Alternative View

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What Is Reincarnation? - Alternative View
What Is Reincarnation? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Reincarnation? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Reincarnation? - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, September

Have you ever felt like you've lived before? Have you ever experienced déjà vu? Or maybe you once, when meeting a new person, thought that you had known him all your life? These are the general characteristics of the reincarnation process. If you find that you are irresistibly drawn to a country or culture, or, even more extreme, you have dreams in another language, this means that reincarnation has left an indelible imprint on your mind.

People in all corners of the world and at all times have believed and still believe in reincarnation. They talked about it in Ancient Egypt, in the Eastern religions (Buddhism and Hinduism), and now they talk about it in the Western world, where past lives are regularly examined by specialists and psychologists. It seems that the spiritual journey that many people are familiar with concerns not only the development of the soul, accumulated over a lifetime, but also covers a whole series of lives, sometimes hundreds or more. So, let's talk in more detail.

What is reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the process by which a soul is born in a physical body, dies and returns to spiritual form to be reborn in a new body. The cycle continues for thousands of years, and the soul gradually gains wisdom and experience on its journey. Thus, reincarnation is the path that allows the human soul to constantly evolve.

Think of reincarnation as waves that come to shore over and over again. The wave has a very short life. Once ashore, it mixes with sand, gets a short respite on land, before leaving again in open waters. This endless "back and forth" is how the sea, the body and soul of a person lives. Reincarnation represents this cycle of life.

How does reincarnation work?

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There is a creative process in human awareness that divides the omniscience into unlimited copies of itself. This happens at all levels of life, from spiritual principles to physical manifestations. The closest possible comparison is cell biology, a form of spiritual mitosis in which a cell divides, thereby multiplying the possibilities for growth and expansion of consciousness.

There is another way of explanation, but on a grander scale: the entity separates from itself an identical version of itself, which consists of the same spiritual DNA. The main difference is that only the entity is endowed with the gift of the collective spirit, and the spiritual DNA is specially encoded in such a way as to respond only to those who have this gift.

The collective body of the entity remains on the astral plane, but its purer forms, its subpersonalities (as they are sometimes called), are embodied in physical bodies on earth. The new soul is, in fact, another version of the entity, although the duplicated spiritual DNA allows the new personality to access previously acquired skills, hidden talents and other features of the entity's previous lives.

Past lives

After the death of the incarnating fragment, the soul returns to the astral plane. If viewed as a family, the entity resonates like a parent with a child (fragment), the connection between which is strong and convincing. Eventually, the fragment returns to the entity.

Absorption is one of the terms used to describe the process, but the entity is not the one who "digests" the fragment and absorbs its nutrients (in this case, the experience). A better term would be splicing. The fragment is fused with the essence, which means the union of two energies, creating a sense of unity, but allowing for the individualization of the spirit.

Essence is not a bloated mass of personalities, but a collective spirit, united by a large consciousness of disparate souls, which are interconnected, but at the same time freely leading their own existence.

Individual souls (or fragments of essence) do not reincarnate, but they are deeply aware of other incarnations and are energetically part of them. Souls, children of the essence, as it were, continue to evolve through their union with the essence and in their own striving for personal growth.

After the essence recombines with its essence, its evolving soul fragments are rebuilt into a new cycle and receive the gift of the ability to spiritually replicate, therefore, at that moment, it can create Life as collective spirits in the reincarnation cycle. This gives endless possibilities for the constant expansion of consciousness.

But wouldn't the steady increase in offspring be too heavy a burden? How does this augmentation process work?

This process only looks like a heavy burden when viewed through the limited focus of 3D thinking. The soul's ability to create lies far beyond the linear framework of the human mind, and completely astonishes those with more traditional interpretations.

Soul reincarnation

To encapsulate the process, each spark from the Tao generates new expressions of consciousness. These expressions work both in union with the entity and of their own accord. It is not the multiplication of offspring that is important, but creative expression in the act.

This should not be taken lightly. The act of instilling self-awareness in a new form of consciousness is, in some respects, as weighty and fearsome as the act of creating a whole new universe.

Since reincarnation selves exist under the auspices of an entity, but function independently, a huge number of conscious identities (or fragments of essence) will never become unmanageable. The number of cells in the human body, for example, is estimated in trillions. They do not need conscious management, and there is no need for excessive deliberation. They are independent but still function within the system.

The fact that a fragment of an entity (which has now become a full-blown entity) can repeat itself is an extension of an evolutionary impulse that affects all conscious life. With each inhalation and exhalation, the fragments are reassembled and worked in new, meaningful ways.

If this act of creative expression were somehow excluded from what is happening, then the spiritual impulses of the soul would still find means. This exploration of greater self-awareness cannot be denied.

The differences between the entity and her personality are somewhat confusing to the layman. Let's take a closer look at them.

Many people do not understand how the essence differs from its fragments, which are physically embodied. In short, there are no differences. Essence is essence. It doesn't matter if you mean the entity in the collective sense or those parts of it that are embodied on Earth.

Reincarnation of souls

The spiritual makeup of these multiple forms is the same. These subpersonalities are simply an extension of the same being. These are unruly children. Upon returning to the astral plane, the fragment soon realizes that it is part of something larger, and often only one thought returns them to their original "I".

However, once a personality is created, it continues to evolve in its own way, while remaining part of a larger organism known as an entity. In a sense, the created personality is similar to the entity, but on a much smaller scale and simpler configuration.

Confusion occurs when people try to reconcile differences, for example: "Why are personalities passed down from other lives if they do not reincarnate, or they are still living in essence?"

Again, these subpersons are part of the essence. When an entity creates new personalities, it separates from itself (the process of spiritual mitosis mentioned above) the cell, but a large number of separated cells are still part of the same organism. When, for example, another lived life enters the piggy bank of an entity, the whole entity experiences it entirely, because it is a single whole with all its parts.

What is Spiritual DNA? Is it different from physical DNA?

The problem with spiritual DNA versus physical DNA is that, for obvious reasons, the exact relationship cannot be made on a biochemical level.

Spiritual DNA performs a similar function in transferring the identifying elements of an entity from one personality to another, but it does not include the genetic code that develops and the entity is distilled to absorb the experience of life without contamination from other sources.

Does this mean that a new personality can inherit the DNA of previous personalities?

Coding from essence to personality is a process that conveys the relevant material, always the same. If the question implies whether the process of inheritance is empirical, then the answer in this case is yes. Unresolved experiences are often poured onto the surface of consciousness to be processed throughout life. However, this phenomenon is not universal, and only the experience of a particular life can suggest the answer.

Why do we choose reincarnation?

The choice to reincarnate, the choice to go through hundreds of lifetimes with challenging experiences, stems from a deep desire within our being (our higher self) to experience the unpredictable but very exciting greatness (or pain) of physical existence.

This choice comes from the desire to truly understand something, to truly make something your own, and for this you need to look at the world through the eyes of different people with different points of view. In essence, this means reincarnation.

Life cannot be written in one paragraph, just as it is impossible to have an experience based on the point of view of only one person. In this case, the picture will be incomplete and unsatisfactory. Reincarnation adds the necessary dimensions through collective experience.

Imagine, for example, that your essence is the master playwright William Shakespeare. Imagine now a scene with a large number of characteristic characters who are the embodiment of his creative mind, but they could just as well be the embodiment of an essence (his higher self).

Each character on stage perceives what is happening from his own unique position. Someone may look at the scene with unbridled optimism, while others will perceive everything from a position of complete cynicism. What initially appears to be a conflict is actually a whole canvas of interactions between the participants - characters, which gives rise to an understanding of the human condition that is impossible to understand without multiple points of view.

Soul life

Reincarnation works the same way. Multiple lives provide more opportunities for life experiences that govern the gamut of human emotions. Unlimited paths for learning lead to experiential interaction with all aspects of the human condition, both light and dark. In many cases, the dark side of a person can be their greatest teacher. Here he can learn compassion.

How many times do we reincarnate?

On average, most people reincarnate about a hundred times during the great cycle. However, the number of incarnations does not matter and does not imply the presence of something negative or positive in relation to a person. Figuratively speaking, some souls draw with pencils inside outlined lines, while others go far beyond the lines.

It does not matter. For example, one person will always buy the same flavor of ice cream, while another will always look for something new. The number of lives depends more on personal preference than anything else. The only requirement is that the soul has passed all five empirical stages of the soul's age, and also passed through the inner monads accompanying each stage.

Some souls believe that the Earth is the wild west of the Universe, and quickly go through their incarnations. Others enjoy the opportunity for adventure and prefer the deeper experience that can only be gained by more lifetimes. The law of the land is an individual choice.

How long does it take between lives?

The amount of time elapsed between lives is often based on several things: the analysis of the previous life, the lessons learned and goals achieved, and the necessary preparation for the next stage. In the process of preparation, there is an awareness of the life task, the choice of a set of obstacles, the conclusion of "contracts" with people (including potential parents) and much more.

The time spent on the astral plane also goes well. This is the place where souls between lives recharge, heal emotional wounds left from a previous life.

As a rule, if the soul lingers on the astral plane for too long, this is not good. In this case, the soul loses its connection with cultural achievements, runs the risk of becoming an anachronism, and the emotional connections between all the fragments that are still involved in the reincarnation cycle may lose their power.

Past life births

Some souls, often due to inexperience or a desire for more spontaneous experiences, can reincarnate very quickly. In this case, all options are available. No experience is wrong, because there is a lot to learn from every experience.

Why don't we remember our past lives?

In fact, past lives can be remembered, we see some moments in a dream, we feel them when we experience déjà vu, when we meet people whom we may have known in a past life, that is why it seems to us that we have known them all our lives. Also, the past life can manifest itself through various interests, hobbies and talents.

However, there is a fundamental reason why past lives are not an obvious element of our conscious memory: the reincarnating soul is an intact copy of the entity. That is, the new personality is a purer aspect of the essence that does not bring the remnants of the collective memory to the waking consciousness.

These memories lie on the surface of consciousness, and some will remain completely inaccessible. Small children, however, sometimes retain memories of their last past life, but these memories also fall outside the limits of consciousness, since a new life is a priority.

Since access to these memories is very indirect, as a rule, something causes them, for example, déjà vu. Past life regressions also work as a trigger. Calling up past life information may be similar to how taste buds work.

When eating, certain foods elicit stronger reactions than others, and may also conjure up forgotten culinary favorites, revealing deeper layers of past life memories.

This analogy does not suggest that past lives are consumed and assimilated, it suggests that the memories the association evokes can help remember a favorite food from a past life or accept a significant person from the past.

Does the soul have a basic consciousness that does not depend on the vocation, role of the person, his interests and hobbies?

The basic consciousness idea is correct. The vibrational energy of any spark from an entity tends to attract over time the experience that defines its core. A certain life experience is leaving in favor of a certain person, and at the right moment the spark becomes a magnet for those types of experiences on which she wants to focus.

Soul, journey

If such experiences do not naturally come to the soul, they will deliberately seek it. This creates a consciousness that focuses attention on a set of experiences that match the desired intentions and ideals.

Becoming aware of the main consciousness is as simple as following the natural impulses that surface repeatedly throughout the day. They are very noticeable when a person is observant and self-conscious enough.

Are we always reborn as humans?

To answer this question, it is important to understand how great cycles work.

Technically speaking, reincarnation ends when the soul completes an incremental series of lives on the planet. All lives are designed to broaden the spectrum of the soul's life experience and strengthen its spiritual development, progressing through perspectives colored by its stages of age (infant, child, young, mature, and old).

However, the soul's journey does not end at this stage. From the physical world, the soul moves into higher dimensions, sometimes called the planes of existence (astral, causal, mental, messianic and buddhaic). At the end of this cycle, there is a reunion with God. Then you can start a new cycle on another planetary system.

The decision to start a new grand cycle is not easy and requires considerable effort. As soon as the incarnation cycle begins, the soul can no longer jump to another galaxy in the middle of the path and incarnate in the body of an alien, since in this case its settings for another system will not be correct.

Gradual attunement occurs over time as a new soul, usually in girlish form, adapts to the demands of the new system. Most souls who are just starting a cycle take a new planet for a test drive, so to speak, but once the desired state is reached, it rarely happens when a soul refuses to commit. Life on another planet can always be explored in the next great cycle.

In some past life regressions, certain people see themselves as non-humans or aliens. This suggests that the number of past lives on the planet was inconsistent and that there was an incarnation leap from one planetary system to another.

How true is this?

As already mentioned, the cycle of incarnation goes from beginning to end. Deviations are rare. An exception would be the sudden disappearance of life forms or the destruction of the planet on which they live.

Past lives, future lives

If the soul were technologically capable, it could physically migrate to another planet, and the reincarnation of the fragments would take place in the new place. But jumping from one planetary system to another is extremely rare, even if the soul cannot properly acclimatize in a new body.

This can be compared to trying to connect the device to the wrong network. First, the connector does not fit, and a mismatch between voltage levels will lead to a short circuit. The comparison may be somewhat exaggerated, but the problem is of a similar nature. And the system will feel wrongly tuned, and the soul will feel like a stranger.

How does the evolution of the soul take place? Is this a linear or vertical progression?

Soul evolution is rarely linear. Changing dynamics with physical incarnation is a real game changer. Most souls have their favorite combinations, as well as the ones they like least. Least loved ones lead to very unexpected and sometimes disastrous consequences. The soul can lead the life of a saint in one incarnation and the life of a murderer in another.

Quite a few factors play a role, but the most undesirable combinations of characteristics, as well as parental imprint, family upbringing and prevailing developmental conditions, can lead to unplanned uprisings of the darkest ego in a person. Such aspects undermine the original intentions of the soul and leave traces of karmic debt, which is balanced in later lives.

How does simultaneous lives affect reincarnation?

Simultaneous lives are useful for examining life experiences in depth from as many perspectives as possible. If an entity is keenly interested in a particular historical time period, then it can generate more lives during that time period.

From a consumer point of view, this is a way in which an entity can get more value for the same investment. The more of its fragments an entity sends into the world, the more experience it receives. There are many reasons why this form of fragmentation takes place.

Past life regression

For example, instead of sending one brave scientist to study the dangerous campaigns of medieval war, the entity can send four, thereby increasing the amount of available knowledge by four.

Although we should note that these four, for example, are born and develop far from each other, just as the entity does not deliberately send them all to certain death. Such people end up providing more experience of the entity.

Do simultaneous lives have an impact on the increase in the number of lives in the great cycle?

Yes. Simultaneous lives count as separate temporary experiences.

If reincarnation is real, wouldn't suicide be a convenient way to escape the pain of suffering?

Pain and suffering are always what will happen. The soul knows about this even before the moment when the decision is made to incarnate on a planet like Earth. This is not something that is not visible, or that is hushed up. Most souls who travel know perfectly well what they sign up for.

The problem with suicide (although it is a personal choice) is that the act itself is contrary to the entity's original intentions. Before the beginning of incarnation, there is a so-called contract that gives a person life from start to finish, except in the event of a fatal accident or an unforeseen natural disaster.

Suicide is tantamount to turning the car in the opposite direction and starting the journey again. However, in this case, the original route is no longer suitable, so any parallel points, such as agreements with other souls, that play a decisive role in organizing profitable opportunities are a thing of the past.

Life after suicide tends to be about persecution, facing the same problems and setbacks that led to the suicide. But this time it's not that simple, it's much more complicated.

The creation of a lifetime contains many constituent parts such as the aforementioned agreements, along with other important life plans that need to be carefully coordinated.

Suicide not only ruins one life, it can potentially disrupt other people's life plans. Of course, contingency plans always work, but suicide is devastating. This ends up creating more problems, rather than solving them.

This should not be construed as punishment. After suicide, the soul is in an imbalance, which is created and quickly realized in the next life in order to rule the show.

What role does karma play in reincarnation?

We can say that karma is a means of controlling and balancing the soul. Over many lifetimes, the soul can take actions that will greatly interfere with the choices of other people, will destroy pre-incarnation agreements, life plans and free will choices.

Killing another person is an obvious example of karma, but it can be any other act that irreparably harms the soul and its ability to choose.

The act of karma creates karmic debt. When this energetic imbalance is created between two souls (and in some cases between several), a rebalancing of the entire system is necessary. This is how it works with reincarnation.

First, the karmic debt must be paid off before the end of the cycle of incarnations. Debt repayment does not have to be tit for tat. More advanced compensation is possible and is chosen by more experienced souls.

You might, for example, be a heart surgeon and, to your surprise, go to a third world country to save the life of a dying child whose parents cannot afford medical expenses. If you manage to save the child, then your karmic debt is considered paid off.

Second, karma is an opportunity to learn. A person always learns something based on the choice made. He learns that every choice has consequences. The opportunity for growth should not include suffering, but should provide the ability to distinguish between choices that lead to suffering from choices that bring joy. This is one of the most important lessons to be learned. Is there any value in when a person is overtaken by unworked karma in a past life?

We see no value in this. The choice was made by another person. Punishing a new person for a choice made in a previous incarnation is neither a useful nor a positive lesson.

Of course, at some point, karmic imbalances will be resolved, but these are imbalances at the energetic level, and not actual crimes. To be ashamed of someone for something outside their control is tantamount to cruelty. The futility of such a "occupation" speaks more about the offensive nature of what is happening.

You do not spank a child for provoking an uprising against the Roman Empire in a past life. The logic is the same.