How To Recognize A Witch? Modern Methods - Alternative View

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How To Recognize A Witch? Modern Methods - Alternative View
How To Recognize A Witch? Modern Methods - Alternative View

Video: How To Recognize A Witch? Modern Methods - Alternative View

Video: How To Recognize A Witch? Modern Methods - Alternative View
Video: How To Recognize A Witch!? 2024, July

Sometimes there is a need to recognize a witch in a particular person. The first is necessary in order to beware of a person, the second is to make sure that the witch really is who she claims to be, and the third just want to maintain good relations with such people. In our time, witches do not live on the edge of the village and do not brew potions in a hut, they completely mixed with the crowd of modern people. How to recognize a witch in your neighbor, colleague or relative?

How to recognize a witch by her appearance?

Let's start with refutations. Witches do not have to have black or red hair, rare eye color, perfect appearance, or vice versa - obvious physical disabilities. Yes, as far as external data is concerned, it can be the most ordinary woman, both beautiful and not. And yet, there is something special about this person. Please note: like a girl, like a girl, her external data does not even reach the middle, and men just go crazy with her. A certain otherworldly magnetism attracts and does not let go. By the way, about not letting go. The witch is happy to get close to a man, take all the vitality from him and throw it away like used material. Such women do not support a long relationship with anyone, preferring loneliness.

An interesting note. Men who are "lucky" to have sexual intercourse with such women speak of their incredible abilities in sexual pleasures. On the other hand, they talk about emptiness, depression and depression after intimacy with such a woman. That's right - they just pulled energy out of them.

How to recognize a witch by her clothes?

Let's start with rebuttals again. Witches do not wear black and gloomy clothes and kilograms of magic amulets around their necks. Rather, on the contrary, the modern witch is stylish and well-groomed. However, some elements can make it stand out. As a rule, these are clothes with ethnic notes, a kind of tribute to their ancestors and their knowledge. Another sign is the preference for natural fabrics and materials. The same goes for jewelry. The witch does not like bulky jewelry made of gold and silver, on the contrary, she will prefer a cheap, but at the same time stylish amulet made of wood.

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How to recognize a witch by character and behavior

Such women have a tenacious and magical look, heavy, penetrating deep into the depths of human consciousness. For most people, this look is unpleasant. Having finished communicating with the witch, a person has a breakdown and emptiness. In particular, its strong energy is felt by people with a weak aura. Witches do not like being joked about.

You can calculate a witch during a conversation; in conversations, she can often refer to the opinion of her long-deceased relatives. The ability to predict the future is the main sign of a witch. Of course, they do not want to be suspected of having such abilities and hide them with all their might, but spontaneous predictions can be impossible to hide. For example, she can come to work with an umbrella, on a clear sunny day, when everyone, including weather forecasters, is sure that it will not rain for several more days, but at the end of the working day, unexpectedly for everyone, it starts to rain.

Another feature is love for animals. A real witch will never throw a kitten out on the street and will not be afraid of a street dog. She can easily stop near a large dog and talk to her, and believe me, this dog will not do anything to her. Moreover, a woman with superpowers is not afraid of spiders, snakes, mice and other unpleasant creatures.

Culinary preferences

These women have a deep knowledge of edible and medicinal herbs and roots, adding them to all dishes and constantly experimenting with exotic spices. And these additives do not spoil the food, but, on the contrary, make it incredibly delicious. In terms of culinary preferences, these women prefer vegetarian, healthy food. And, of course, teas! Teas made from the strangest and most exotic herbs.