Treasury Of Memory: Where Are The Memories Of Living Beings Stored? - Alternative View

Treasury Of Memory: Where Are The Memories Of Living Beings Stored? - Alternative View
Treasury Of Memory: Where Are The Memories Of Living Beings Stored? - Alternative View

Video: Treasury Of Memory: Where Are The Memories Of Living Beings Stored? - Alternative View

Video: Treasury Of Memory: Where Are The Memories Of Living Beings Stored? - Alternative View
Video: Where Are Memories Stored? 2024, October

In 1970, Boris Georgievich Rezhabek (then - a novice researcher, now - a candidate of biological sciences, director of the Institute of Noospheric Research and Development), conducting research on an isolated nerve cell, proved that a single nerve cell has the ability to search for optimal behavior, elements of memory and learning …


Prior to this work, the prevailing view in neurophysiology was that learning and memory abilities were properties related to large ensembles of neurons or to the whole brain. The results of these experiments suggest that the memory of not only humans, but also of any creature, cannot be reduced to synapses, that a single nerve cell can be a conductor to the treasury of memory.

Archbishop Luka Voino-Yasenetsky, in his book Spirit, Soul and Body, cites the following observations from his medical practice:

“In a young wounded man, I opened a huge abscess (about 50 cubic cm, pus), which undoubtedly destroyed the entire left frontal lobe, and I did not observe any mental defects after this operation.

I can say the same about another patient who was operated on for a huge cyst of the meninges. With a wide opening of the skull, I was surprised to see that almost the entire right half of it was empty, and the entire right hemisphere of the brain was compressed almost to the point of impossibility to distinguish it”[Voino-Yasenetsky, 1978].

The experiments of Wilder Penfield, who recreated long-standing memories of patients by activating an open brain with an electrode, gained wide popularity in the 60s of the XX century. Penfield interpreted the results of his experiments as extracting information from the "memory areas" of the patient's brain, corresponding to certain periods of his life. In Penfield's experiments, activation was spontaneous, not directed. Is it possible to make memory activation purposeful, recreating certain fragments of an individual's life?

In the same years, David Bohm developed the theory of "holomovement", in which he argued that each spatio-temporal area of the physical world contains complete information about its structure and all the events that took place in it, and the world itself is a multidimensional holographic structure.

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Subsequently, the American neuropsychologist Karl Pribram applied this theory to the human brain. According to Pribram, one should not “write down” information on material carriers, and not transmit it “from point A to point B”, but learn to activate it by extracting it from the brain itself, and then - and “objectify”, that is, make it accessible not only to the “owner” of this brain, but also to everyone with whom this owner wants to share this information.

But at the end of the last century, research by Natalia Bekhtereva showed that the brain is neither a completely localized information system, nor a hologram "in its pure form", but is precisely that specialized "region of space" in which both recording and "reading" of a hologram take place memory. In the process of remembering, not localized in space “memory areas” are activated, but codes of communication channels - “universal keys” connecting the brain with a non-local storage of memory, not limited by the three-dimensional volume of the brain [Bekhtereva, 2007]. Such keys can be music, painting, verbal text - some analogs of the "genetic code" (taking this concept beyond the framework of classical biology and giving it a universal meaning).

In the soul of every person there is a certainty that the memory stores in an unchanged form all the information perceived by the individual. Recalling, we interact not with some vague and moving away from us “past”, but with the given to us “here and now” a fragment of the memory continuum that is eternally present in the present, existing in some “parallel” dimensions to the visible world. Memory is not something external (additional) in relation to life, but the very content of life, which remains alive even after the end of the visible existence of an object in the material world. Once perceived impression, whether it be the impression of a burnt down temple, a piece of music once heard, the name and surname of the author of which has long been forgotten, photographs from the missing family album, have not disappeared and can be recreated from "nothingness."

With "bodily eyes" we see not the world itself, but only the changes taking place in it. The visible world is a surface (shell) in which the formation and growth of the invisible world takes place. What is customarily called the "past" is always present in the present; it would be more correct to call it "happened", "accomplished", "instructed", or even apply the concept of "present" to it.

The words said by Alexei Fedorovich Losev about musical time are fully applicable to the world as a whole: "… There is no past in musical time. The past would have been created by the complete destruction of an object that has outlived its present. Only by destroying the object to its absolute root and destroying everything in general possible types of manifestation of his being, we could talk about the past of this object … This is a conclusion of tremendous importance, stating that any piece of music, while it lives and is heard, is a continuous present, full of all sorts of changes and processes, but, nevertheless, not receding into the past and not diminishing in its absolute being. This is a continuous "now", living and creative - but not destroyed in its life and work. Musical time is not a form or type of flow of events and phenomena of music,but there are these very events and phenomena in their most genuine ontological basis "[Losev, 1990].

The final state of the world is not so much the purpose and meaning of its existence, just as its last bar or last note are not the purpose and meaning of the existence of a musical work. The meaning of the existence of the world in time can be considered "after-sound", that is, - and after the end of the physical existence of the world, it will continue to live in Eternity, in the memory of God, just as a piece of music continues to live in the memory of the listener after "the last chord".

The prevailing direction of mathematics today is a speculative construction adopted by the "world scientific community" for the convenience of this community itself. But this "convenience" only lasts until users find themselves in a dead end. Having limited the scope of its application only to the material world, modern mathematics is not able to adequately represent even this material world. In fact, she is not concerned with Reality, but with the world of illusions generated by herself. This "illusory mathematics", taken to the extreme limits of illusion in Brouwer's intuitionistic model, turned out to be unsuitable for modeling the processes of memorizing and recalling information, as well as - the "inverse problem" - recreating from memory (the impressions once perceived by an individual) - the objects themselves that caused these impressions … Is it possible,without trying to reduce these processes to the currently dominant mathematical methods, on the contrary, to raise mathematics to the point of being able to model these processes?

Any event can be considered as the preservation of memory in an inseparable (non-localized) state of the gilet number. The memory of each event, in the inseparable (non-localized) state of the gilet number, is present throughout the entire volume of the space-time continuum. The processes of memorizing, thinking and reproducing memory cannot be completely reduced to elementary arithmetic operations: the power of irreducible operations immeasurably exceeds the countable set of reducible ones, which are still the basis of modern informatics.

As we have already noted in earlier publications, according to the classification of pure mathematics given by A. F. Losev, correlation belongs to the field of mathematical phenomena manifested in "incidents, in life, in reality" [Losev, 2013], and is the subject of study of the calculus of probabilities - the fourth type of number system that synthesizes the achievements of the three previous types: arithmetic, geometry and set theory. Physical correlation (understood as a non-force connection) is not a homonym of mathematical correlation, but its concrete material expression, manifested in the forms of assimilation and actualization of information blocks and applicable to all types of non-force connection between systems of any nature. Correlation is not the transfer of information from "one point of space to another", but the transfer of information from the dynamical state of superposition to the energetic one,in which mathematical objects, acquiring an energy status, become objects of the physical world. At the same time, their initial mathematical status does not “disappear,” that is, the physical status does not cancel the mathematical status, but only adds to it [Kudrin, 2019]. The close connection between the concept of correlation and the monadology of Leibniz and N. V. Bugaev was first pointed out by V. Yu. Tatur:

“In the paradox of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen, we found the clearest formulation of the consequences arising from the nonlocality of quantum objects, i.e. from the fact that measurements at point A affect measurements at point B. As recent studies have shown, this effect occurs at speeds greater than the speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum. Quantum objects, consisting of any number of elements, are fundamentally indivisible entities. At the level of the Weak metric - the quantum analogue of space and time - objects are monads, to describe which we can use non-standard analysis. These monads interact with each other and this manifests itself as a non-standard connection, as a correlation”[Tatur, 1990].

But the new, non-reductionist mathematics finds application not only in solving problems of information extraction and objectification, but also in many fields of science, including theoretical physics and archeology. According to A. S. Kharitonov, “the problem of reconciling the Fibonacci method or the Law of Pre-established Harmony with the achievements of theoretical physics began to be investigated back in the Moscow Mathematical Society / N. V. Bugaev, N. A. Umov, P. A. Nekrasov /. Accordingly, the following problems were posed: an open complex system, generalization of the material point model, the "dogma of the natural series" and the memory of structures in space and time "[Kharitonov, 2019].

He proposed a new model of number that allows one to take into account the active properties of bodies and remember the previous acts of the emergence of new types of degrees in the process of the development of an open system. A. S. Kharitonov called such mathematical relations ternary, and, in his opinion, they correspond to the giletic concepts of number set forth in [Kudrin, 2019].

In this regard, it seems interesting to apply this mathematical model to the archaeological concept of Yu. L. Shchapova, who developed the Fibonacci model of chronology and periodization of the archaeological era (FMAE), which states that an adequate description of the chronostratigraphic characteristics of the development of life on Earth by various variants of the Fibonacci series allows us to identify the main feature of such a process: its organization according to the law of the “golden section”. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the harmonious course of biological and biosocial development, determined by the fundamental laws of the Universe [Shchapova, 2005].

As noted earlier, the construction of correlation mathematics is greatly hampered by the confusion in terms that arose even with the first translations of Greek mathematical terms into Latin. To understand the difference between the Latin and Greek perceptions of number, we will be helped by classical philology (which appears to the "flat people" in no way connected with the holographic theory of memory, nor with the foundations of mathematics, nor with computer science). The Greek word αριθμός is not a simple analogue of the Latin numerus (and the modern European numero, Nummer, nombre, number derived from it) - its meaning is much broader, as is the meaning of the Russian word “number”. The word "number" also entered the Russian language, but did not become identical with the word "number", but is applied only to the process of "numbering" - the Russian intuition of the number coincides with the Greek one [Kudrin, 2019]. It inspires hopethat the Foundations of Non-Reductionist (Holistic) Mathematics will be developed precisely in Russian, becoming a natural component of Russian culture!

Author: V. B. Kudrin