Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part One - Alternative View

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Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part One - Alternative View
Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part One - Alternative View
Video: Беловодье. Тайна затерянной страны - Серия 1 (2019) 2024, October

Part two

Coat of arms of Belovodye

Despite the fact that the Great Russian People has a millennial history, many are convinced that it is only about a thousand years old. Not only was their history taken away from the Rusichs, there was also a substitution of the Spiritual values of the Slavs and Aryans, their Shrines. Where is the Sacred Land of the Slavic and Aryan Peoples located? Many people do not know the answer to this question. What city is sacred for the Slavs and Aryans? There can be several answers: Kiev, Novgorod, Moscow, Yaroslavl, etc., but which was originally the Ancient City was the Spiritual center of the Primary Faith of the Slavs and Aryans, except for the Old Believers-Inglings, few people know. Now the attention of the Russian people is offered spiritual values and shrines, revered by representatives of various religious teachings and trends.


All of them, no doubt, are shrines. The whole question is, for whom? The answer is extremely clear - for representatives of various religious cults that have emerged outside of Russia. Some people, moving along the path of Spiritual development, turn their gaze to the Shrines of the East: Ancient India, Tibet, Shambhala, etc. But after all, this is not all the primordial Slavic and not the primordial Aryan heritage! Indeed, in these now sacred places, the Slavs and Arians came from other places. It does not suit the Slavs and Aryans to bow to other people's shrines, pour water on someone else's mill, give their psychic energy to an alien egregor! There is no need for the Rusichs to destroy their own Slavic and Aryan culture with their own hands through the planting of an alien pseudo-culture! Our ancestors, from the distant past, warn us: "… we ourselves are Dazhdbogov's grandchildren and did not seek to sneak in the footsteps of foreigners."How timely this phrase is for our time, and yet this is just "Veles's book", far from the first Holy Scripture of the Slavs.

Others will say: “Did the Slavs and Aryans have the Sacred Land? And if she was, where was she? What was located on this Sacred Land? All these questions can be answered definitely. Yes, the Slavs and Aryans had and still have the Sacred Land, and it was called Belovodye.

Location of Belovodye

Promotional video:

The very word "Belovodye" suggests the presence of white water or a white river. In the x'Aryan priestly letter, this concept corresponded to the image of one Rune […] - "Iriy" - white, Heavenly purity water. To our great regret, in the spiritual and secular literature available to the ordinary reader until recently, there is no specific mention of Runes and Belovodye. In rare books, you can find only a brief definition of this concept. Thus, Belovodye is defined as a legendary land, the Spiritual center of the Ancient Faith and the White Brotherhood; a paradise located somewhere in the East. Simply put, Belovodye is a separate territory where Spiritually advanced, enlightened white people lived.

At present, many people place Belovodye now in Tibet, now in Shambhala - they say, there are mountain rivers that have a white color. In addition, Tibet is a mountainous eastern country. At the same time, many believe that the center of the Ancient Faith and the White Brotherhood is located in Shambhala, and the very concept of “White Brotherhood” stems from the degree of purity of Spiritual aspirations. Some authors identify the ancestral home of the Aryans and Slavs with Belovodye. In some Spiritual sources it is called the Five Rivers or the Seven Rivers.

There are several points of view regarding the ancestral home of the Slavs. Some authors place it in the lower reaches of the Don (Science and Religion, No. 3, 1996, p. 40), others - on the territory of Iran (V. Shcherbakov “Where did the gods and heroes of the sagas live?” M., 1991). The third point of view on this issue is Semirechye (Pyatirechye) and Belovodye are completely different areas. The representative of the latter - A. I. Barashkov (aka Bus Kresen, aka A. I. Asov), a man with a great imagination, places Semirechye in the region of Lake Balkhash (Velesova Kniga: notes p. 265, Moscow 1994), and in one case, Belovodye is in his Elbrus (Science and Religion, No. 10, 1994, p. 52), and in another case in the north of today's Western Siberia (Science and Religion, No. 1, 1996, p. 29).

Based on the Ancient Runic Chronicles of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, the main conclusion can be drawn - Pyatirechye and Belovodye are synonyms indicating the same territory. Pyatirechye is a land washed by the rivers Iriy (Irtysh), Ob, Yenisei, Angara and Lena. Later, when the glacier retreated, the Clans of the Great Race settled along the Ishim and Tobol rivers. Thus, Pyatirechye became Semirechye. Pyatirechye (Semirechye) had other ancient names - the land of the Holy Race and Belovodye.

Mastering Belovodye

How did the development of this Holy Land take place? All this happened in the most ancient, pre-biblical times. Then Childbirth of the Great Race, i.e. White peoples, warned by the Great Priest, Spas, about the impending death of Darius, as a result of the Great Flood, moved from the Northern ancestral home (the mainland at the northern peak of the Earth, now called differently: Arctida, Hyperborea, Severia) along the isthmus between the Eastern and Western seas (known names of the isthmus: Stone, Stone Belt, Ripeyskie or Riphean Mountains, Ural Mountains, etc.), and inhabited lands in the territory of the present southern Urals. This happened 111809 years ago (109807 BC).

Then, our Great Ancestors settled a large island in the East Sea, called Buyan, now it is the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. How not to recall the ancient words told by A. S. Pushkin by the wise storyteller Arina Rodionovna: "In the Eastern Sea-okey on the Buyan Island …". The name of the island is possibly associated with the emergence of a powerful stream of Light Force from the depths of Midgard-Earth to the surface and the growth of all kinds of lush vegetation on this island, which had special healing properties.

After the First Great Flood, which occurred as a result of the destruction of Lelya, one of the three Moons revolving around Midgard-Earth, the Western and Eastern Seas retreated. Information about this Flood has been preserved in ancient sources:

* “You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood, which destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth! " (Russian Vedas "Songs of the bird Gamayun", 17 tangle);

* “You live quietly on Midgard, since ancient times, when the world was established … Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei that were on the Nearest Moon … Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koschei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya … These Koschei, the rulers of the Gray, disappeared with the Moon in half … But Midgard paid off for freedom, by Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood … The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon broke into pieces, and the army of Svarozhich descended to Midgard … " ("Santiya Vedas of Perun", Circle One, Santia 9, sloka 11. (139).);

* To the listed sources, you can also add the "Elder and Younger Edda" (Scandinavia), Mahabharata (India) and other ancient texts.

After the Flood, the Clans of the Great Race, who passed from Daariya to the land of the Holy Race, settled the lands that were previously the seabed. On the same territory, both Aryan peoples lived together: da'Aryans and h'Aryans, and Slavic peoples: Rasens and Svyatorus. They lived in peace, ennobling the land, planting gardens and forests, jointly building the Majestic Temples (Temples) and Cities. The clans of the Great Race and the Descendants of the Heavenly Clan helped each other in a brotherly way, hence the concept of "White Brotherhood" originates, for in all creative deeds Conscience and pure thoughts were the measure of everything. This Brotherhood had not only pure thoughts, but also white skin. And this is already a philosophical unity, both form and content. On this basis, we can say that the Slavic-Aryan White Brotherhood has nothing to do with the Tibetan White Brotherhood located in Shambhala. In the same way, it has nothing to do with the "White Brotherhood" of Maria Devi Yusmalos Christ and Yuoannu Swami, who are looking for brothers-in-arms among the Judeo-Christians.

Returning to the Semirechye, it is easy to see that all the rivers of Belovodye carry their waters to the North, towards the ancient ancestral home of the Race - Daaria.

After the waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon of Lelia, the first of the three satellites of our Earth, fell on Midgard-Earth (planet Earth), not only the external appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on the surface. When Fatta, the second of the three satellites of Midgard-Earth, was destroyed, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth, as a result of which the inclination of the earth's axis and continental outlines changed. A giant wave circled the earth three times, which led to the death of Antlani (Atlantis) and other islands. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the reasons for the Great Cooling and glaciation 13,008 years ago. It took many centuries before the atmosphere began to clear, and the glaciers retreated to the poles.

Since then, for three months the Land of the Holy Race began to be covered with the White Marena Cloak - a snow cover. Naturally, the rivers of Semirechye in the cold period were covered with ice, and in the spring, during the drift of ice, they literally turned into White Rivers - there was sludge. As you know, in the Balkhash region the rivers do not freeze in winter, the climate is warmer, and there is no need to talk about any white water. Looking at the Iriy (Irtysh) and other rivers of Belovodya today, one must not forget that mankind has thoroughly dirtied Nature, mainly over the past eighty-five years. Naturally, now you cannot say about any water that it is white and clean.

Could the Sacred Land of the Slavs and Aryans be located in Tibet or on Elbrus? Of course not, why would people begin to settle on stones, in the mountains, when there was an abundance of fertile lands.

Little information about Belovodye speaks, firstly, of its considerable remoteness and inaccessibility for those living west of the Riphean (Riphean) mountains and, in addition, indicates a significant time period that has passed since the migration of the Great Race Clans to the western lands of Venea (resettlement across the European continent).

Asgard in Belovodye

Paradise land, the Garden of Eden in the language of the Aryans and the Slavs, were designated by the image of one Rune […] - "Vyri". In many Scriptures and Legends of the Slavs and Aryans, there are reports that the Sacred River Iriy flowed through Vyri. Moreover, Iriy and Vyri both earthly and heavenly existed. Heavenly Iriy - Heavenly White River, or Perunov Put (the so-called Milky Way); the terrestrial Iriy - the present Irtysh (Iriy the Quiet) - is also a milk river that flows from Lake Smetanny (Lake Zaisan), and originates from the Iriy Mountains (Mongolian Altai).

"Land of Light Spirits", "Land of Living Fire", "Land of Living Gods", "Wonderland" - these are the various names of Belovodye. But if this is the Country of Living Gods, then in accordance with the Old Icelandic "Saga of the Ynglings" (text II), we can conclude that the city of the Gods, Asgard, stood in Belovodye. The same source indicates that Asgard was located east of Tanakwisl, and was in the city of the Gods. According to ancient custom, the dominant position in Asgard was occupied by the Gods-Priests, and in the main Great Temple there were twelve High Priests - the keepers of the Primary Fire (Inglia). These priests were called Diy, or Lords of Wisdom (For more details, read "Slavic-Aryan Vedas". Book 1. "ARKOR", Omsk, 1999-2001).

IN AND. Shcherbakov locates Asgard near present-day Ashgabat (Nisa). However, firstly, there are not only large, but also small rivers nearby. Secondly, the construction period of the temple in Nisa is approximately 3-2 millennium BC, which is clearly not enough for the city of the Gods. In addition, the walls of the temple in Nisa were made of raw bricks, while from the Old Norse Sagas and the Legends of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings it is known that the Temple - the Great Temple of Inglia was built of Ural-stone, had a height from the base up to the top, in a thousand arshins (Alatyr Mountain) and was a huge pyramidal structure of four Temples one above the other, located in the center of the Circle of Temple buildings. Two Temples were above ground, two underground.

In the lowest Temple-Sanctuary there was a labyrinth consisting of a large number of underground passages and galleries. There were underground passages under Iriy and Omyu. In the storerooms of the Great Shrine (Temple) of Inglia there was a huge amount of treasures of the Holy Race. From the Chronicles of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, the fact is known that Belovodye has always been a powerful Spiritual center of the peoples of the Great Race. It was Belovodye that determined the commonality of Traditions, Culture and Faith among the entire white population of Midgard-Earth. Why did it become possible for hundreds of millennia to keep that pure, light Culture at such a high Spiritual level?

Belovodye - the Spiritual Center of the Great Race

First of all, it should be noted that we are not supporters of Darwin's theory of the origin of man or the biblical version of the creation of man from the dust of the earth (Genesis, Ch. 2, Art. 7). Moreover, earlier (for example, more than a hundred thousand years ago) Midgard-Earth was inhabited by our more highly developed and Highly Spiritual Ancestors - Ancient and Wise. Highly educated, i.e. Those Who Know True Knowledge. Highly spiritual, i.e. Spiritually and. The mentally rich. Our Ancestors came to Midgard-Earth from outer space, and therefore, possessed much wider knowledge than the current generation. Together with extensive knowledge, the Ancient Gods and the First Ancestors brought to earth that Spiritual and Moral Law, without which one cannot possess even a small part of that knowledge. That Spiritual heritage that the Old Russian Inglistic Church keeps,originates from that Heavenly Spiritual and Moral Law. With the development of life, living conditions changed on Midgard-earth.

Some generations of the Great Race succeeded others. Spiritual and moral instructions given by the Ancients were supplemented with interpretations and explained for subsequent generations. The peoples of the Great Race did not live on Midgard-earth unconsciously, as Christian theologians and secular science, which stands on the positions of Darwinism, portray their life. The True Heritage of the Slavs and Aryans was especially denigrated and distorted, the writers of the “true history” had a good hand in this: Scaliger and the Romanov dynasty with the blessing of Christian hierarchs, the Bolshevik communists and the current creators of the “new history”.

Ordinary inhabitants vividly draw pictures of impenetrable forests and swampy swamps in antiquity, through which herds of wild people, Slavs and Aryans, who did not know any civilization, who often attacked "cultured and civilized" peoples, hid. On the contrary, the life of the Slavic and Aryan peoples was subject to certain laws and traditions. The spiritual level of numerous Clans was determined by the Wise Commandments given to the Slavs and Aryans by the Gods and Wanderers (Messengers of the Gods) for many hundreds of thousands of years. The essence of the Commandments was reduced to the fulfillment of a number of instructions necessary to maintain the psychophysical health of the people. The Commandments were of a specific nature, the continuity between the Commandments, given in different time periods, was preserved.

Despite the "vivid" testimonies of Christian historians about the alleged savagery of the Slavs and Aryans, one can point to such a feature of the social organization that took place in Russenia (the territory in which the Great Race settled) as caste. There were nine professional castes, and the highest - the ninth - caste of Priests and Priestesses, Guardians of Wisdom, Light Gods and Great Ancestors, as well as the caste of "untouchables", that is, a group of people who violated the Blood Commandments and the Laws of RITA (Heavenly Laws on the Purity of the Family and Blood). Well, since the main Temple of the Race stood in Belovodye: - The Great Temple of Inglia, it was from Belovodye that the Light of Spirit and Faith flowed for all Slavic-Aryan peoples. Despite the huge time intervals dividing the peoples who settled along the Russias and the present generation of Aryans and Slavs, the latter retained many features,distinguishing them from other peoples: “In the personal qualities of the Slavs and Aryans, wisdom, righteousness, courage, fidelity to duty and word, love for the Native land, ingenuity, the ability to speak accurately and briefly are especially valued. There should be only one love, for one lover or wife, for one Fatherland, for one Primordial Faith of the First Ancestors. In relations between people, unhypocritical brotherly love, respect for youth and respect for elders, especially for Parents, loyalty in friendship, responsiveness to someone else's grief, willingness, risking their heads, to come to the aid of the suffering, to protect the innocent and the weak, are always encouraged. In everything there is an idea of a clear Conscience, which is so above all that no earthly blessings, temptations or death itself should force a person to change it. An excessive attachment to earthly well-being and comfort is alien to a Slav or Arius. Earthly blessings and values recede into the background precisely because more important than them and above them, there is the highest Spiritual value - Conscience”. And what can be added more?

"Like attracts like!" - This ancient wisdom is quite applicable to the Slavs. "Our gods are our Fathers, and we are their children …" - says "Veles's book". What children could appear at the Solar Gods of the Slavs? Only those who match these Gods, match the Yarila-Sun! What descendants could appear among the people who glorify the world of Rule? Exactly the same - Orthodox - perfect physically. The younger generations acquired spiritual perfection by learning from the older generation. The Elders of the Clans fully trusted the Wise Priests.

One should not naively assume that all children, one hundred percent, grew up to be highly moral. Yes, there were people who broke the Commandments, including the Blood Commandments, especially after the separation of the Clans caused by the Great Cooling. Those, inevitably, fell into the "untouchable" caste. Throughout their subsequent lives, they were forced to pay for mistakes and violation of the Commandments, in fact, being in an isolated position.

In order to raise a worthy young generation, children from an early age were instilled with the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors - Ingliism, and Diligence. It is hard work, not the ability to work. The Slavs and Arians should not work and did not work, because work (a soulless, mechanical process) is the lot of slaves. They must always Work, i.e. to invest the Soul in the fruits of your Labor.

Learning to read, write and science began at the age of nine. From the age of twelve, young men, along with caste training in a certain profession, began to master the art of war.

The girl, as a future mother, studied home economics, cooking, gardening and field cultivation, childcare. The Ancient Wisdom of the Light Gods and Ancestors was not lost either.

The Priests most often included either orphans or children from families belonging to the Priestly caste. Intimate knowledge was passed on to them as they Spiritually developed through a series of initiations, through a whole chain of Spiritual self-improvement.

At the Slavic and Aryan temples (Temples) there were many ancient folios, scrolls, tablets, Santii, Kharatyi (parchments) with sacred texts written in priestly letters, these were the main treasures.

Priesthood of the Great Race in world history

Some may doubt both the very existence of Belovodye and the leading role of the Priesthood of the Great Race in the world history of Midgard-Earth. If you believe the "history" that is taught today in schools and higher educational institutions in many countries, then this is certainly impossible. But who said (and proved!) That the Slavs or the Aryans were illiterate? It is known that only the priests of the Great Race had four written languages in circulation: Da'ari script, Kh'Aryan script, Rassensky figurative-mirror writing, Svyatorussky letter.

These priestly writings subsequently became the basis for the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Ancient Egyptian, Persian, Sanskrit, Phoenician, Greek, Latin and modern writings of the Slavic and Aryan peoples. If there was no Belovodye, then there would not be that Ancient India, that Ancient China, that Ancient Egypt, that Mesopotamia, in the quality in which we know about them.

No civilization can arise spontaneously, from scratch, at the will or desire of an individual. For the emergence of civilization, certain internal preconditions and, possibly, some kind of external impetus are necessary. By internal prerequisites, we mean a sufficiently significant level of Spiritual culture.

To the present time, Christians of various directions sincerely associate human sacrifice with paganism - allegedly the faith of the ancient Aryans and Slavs, considering the latter an uncultured people. But what kind of high culture can then be said in relation to Dravidia (Ancient India), where human sacrifices were carried out systematically, through the most ancient religious cult of the dark-skinned peoples "Kali-Ma" - the cult of the black Mother.

Why "suddenly" there was a "qualitative leap", when the bloody cult was replaced by a bloodless, Vedic cult? “Suddenly,” nothing just happens. “Suddenly” is a consequence of the Kh'Aryan campaign in Dravidia in the year 2817 from the Creation of the World (2691 BC). And this campaign took place from Belovodye. Those who doubt this course of history can point to the "accidental" coincidence of the name of the so-called Indian Sacred Books - the Vedas. But the "Vedas" are a primordially Slavic word, one of the runes of the Kh'Aryan script, meaning Knowledge, Wisdom.

Another striking example is Ancient Egypt. From ancient Egyptian legends it is known that this country was founded by nine White Gods who came from the North. Under the White Gods, in this case, white-skinned Priests are hiding - initiated into the Ancient Knowledge, undoubtedly the former Gods for the Negroid population of Ancient Egypt.

Let us remember what Ancient Egypt began to possess after its creation by the White Gods. These are sixteen secrets: the ability to build housing and temples, possession of farming techniques, animal husbandry, irrigation, handicraft, navigation, martial arts, music, astronomy, poetry, medicine, the secrets of embalming, secret sciences, priesthood institute, pharaoh institute, use of minerals. It is worth noting that the Egyptians received all these skills from the first dynasties, and not by the years of the rule of the last dynasty. The period of the formation of the state of Ancient Egypt is also known - 12-13 thousand years ago.

Why were the people who founded Egypt called Gods? Only because their Knowledge was so vast that it allowed them to quickly organize themselves into a powerful civilization. But then it turns out that the white peoples already 13 thousand years ago were not so dark as they are today, various "learned" men.

How did the white priests end up in Egypt? Their route is quite simple: Belovodye (Russenia), - Antlan (Atlantis), - Ancient Egypt.

Why is now practically nothing heard about the Slavic-Aryan Belovodye - as the center of the spiritual life of the white peoples?

There is a belief that Alexander the Great visited some northern Sacred Land (Science and Religion, 1995, No. 1, p. 25-26). While on a campaign to India, being in the Aral Sea region, or in the Pamirs, he turned north to the desired country. In the poem of Nizami - "Iskander-name" on the way of the king lay a waterless desert, then the sand "turned silver" - apparently, a consequence of the snow. "All the earth is silver, water is like mercury …". Here is Belovodye! The journey to earthly paradise took two months. The city that Alexander reached was in a green valley. There is abundance around, and even the city is protected by "invisible forces." Alexander was met by the elders - the Priests, who led Alexander into the azure palace - the Great Temple of Inglia - “… immense as heaven …” and told him about their life. Faithful to heaven, the people of a just country received everything they needed from the Gods.

Studying the magazine version of the "Golden Book of Kolyada" by A. I. Barashkov (Science and Religion, M 12 1994, No. 1 - 1995), we also found a number of information about Belovodye. So the size of the garden - Vyriya was seven miles by eighty columns. But after all, both a verst and a column are units of length of the Span system of x'Aryan arithmetic! It also mentions the Smorodinka river flowing directly from under the stone, from the ground and having a red, bloody hue. Obviously, the Smorodinka River is a stream from a spring gushing out of the ground. The reddish color of the water is due to the oxidized iron present in the spring water. By the way, such springs are not uncommon in the mouth of the Omi! Iriy (Irtysh) is the border between Yavu and Navu. And this position does not contradict reality. Previously, the population of the temple city lived on the right bank of Iriya,and the burial places of the dead were on the left bank of the Sacred River.

If you turn to the annals of the Old Russian Church, you can find the following evidence: "… In the summer of 5028 from the Great Migration from Daariya to Russenia, on the feast of the three Moons, the month of Taylet, on the ninth day of the year 102 of Circum-Flight at the confluence of Iriy and Omi, Asgard of Irian was built …" … According to the same chronicles, Asgard of Iry was destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in the summer of 7038 from the Creation of the World (1530 AD) with the help of detachments from the Siberian Khanate.

These data do not contradict the evidence from Novgorod legends about the earthly paradise (Science and Religion, No. 1, 1995, p. 26). They are presented (in the middle of the 14th century AD) by the Novgorod Archbishop Vasily in his "Epistle" to Vladyka Theodore of Tver. Vasily argued in a dispute with Theodore that the earthly paradise did not perish, that it could be achieved. Here Vasily cited testimonies of people who managed to do this. Events, apparently, developed at the turn of the 13-14 centuries A. D.

Where have the Temples and Sacred Texts gone?

Where have the Temples, standing on the Land of the Holy Race, gone? Where did all the sacred texts disappear to?

After the destruction of Asgard of Irian in the summer of 7038 from S. M. The Great Temple of Inglia (the Great Temple of Primary Fire, also called Alatyr Mountain), built of Ural-stone, settled down and crumbled after three years. In the empty Temple, the basis was broken - the energy structure. Ural-stone supported its energy structure due to constant radiation from the creative acts of white people. But, despite the cessation of creative radiation, the sanctuary was partially preserved, thoroughly covered with what the Ural-stone turned into. Part of the network of underground passages has survived, and these passages were used in the 20th century by the OGPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB-FSK. For a long time, graveyards, burial mounds, cemeteries on the left bank of the Iriya were preserved.

Part of the Temples of the ancient Slavs and Aryans in Belovodye was seized by Christians to carry out their cult rites. Most of the Temples were barbarously destroyed, utensils of value were plundered. Sacred Santii, Kharatya, Volkhvari, tablets, books were mostly destroyed. However, some of the Ancient Sources of Wisdom survived. According to the testimony of the Joachim Chronicle, the sacred Slavic-Aryan texts were saved by Joachim himself. Even a non-believer understood that these books contain the Ancient Wisdom of Life! Many ancient sacred texts were preserved by the community members, Slavs and Aryans, who hid them first from the unkind princely eye, and then from the royal.

At the end of the 20th century A. D. in Russia, which is about to return to its historical roots, a real hunger for information has come for the primordial Slavic Spiritual literature. Therefore, the release of the edited by A. I. Barashkov "Veles book". In the original, it was written down on tablets in a Holy Russian letter. At the present time, "Velesova Kniga" has already passed three editions. In (Myths of the ancient Slavs. Veles's book. - Compiled by A. I. Bazhenov, V. I. Begunova, in particular, it is said that the language of the "Veles Book" does not belong to any one people; it is similar to the Old Slavic, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech languages. Such, as the academician believes,the confusion of the lexical signs of many Slavic languages does not speak of the great antiquity of this cultural monument. However, in our opinion, the academician did not take into account the fact that all Slavs are brothers, and once had one common language, which, subsequently, underwent changes characteristic of each nation. It was in this language that the Slavs spoke in Belovodye. Any Slav knew that the Great God Rod - the Creator of the World, One and Multiple, Almighty Essence. But the variety of manifestations of life was realized through the manifestation of other Essences - the hypostases of the One God of the Kind. In principle, there is not much difference between the Primordial Faith of the ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Franks, Saxons, Celts, Scots, Etruscans, Slavs proper, Wends, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persians, Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians.and once they had one common language, which, subsequently, underwent changes characteristic of each nation. It was in this language that the Slavs spoke in Belovodye. Any Slav knew that the Great God Rod - the Creator of the World, One and Multiple, Almighty Essence. But the variety of manifestations of life was carried out through the manifestation of other Essences - the hypostases of the One God of the Kind. In principle, there is not much difference between the Primordial Faith of the ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Franks, Saxons, Celts, Scots, Etruscans, Slavs proper, Wends, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persians, Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians.and once they had one common language, which, subsequently, underwent changes characteristic of each nation. It was in this language that the Slavs spoke in Belovodye. Any Slav knew that the Great God Rod - the Creator of the World, One and Multiple, Almighty Essence. But the variety of manifestations of life was carried out through the manifestation of other Essences - the hypostases of the One God of the Kind. In principle, there is not much difference between the Primordial Faith of the ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Franks, Saxons, Celts, Scots, Etruscans, Slavs proper, Wends, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persians, Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians. But the variety of manifestations of life was carried out through the manifestation of other Essences - the hypostases of the One God of the Kind. In principle, there is not much difference between the Primordial Faith of the ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Franks, Saxons, Celts, Scots, Etruscans, Slavs proper, Wends, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persians, Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians. But the variety of manifestations of life was carried out through the manifestation of other Essences - the hypostases of the One God of the Kind. In principle, there is not much difference between the Primordial Faith of the ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Franks, Saxons, Celts, Scots, Etruscans, Slavs proper, Wends, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persians, Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians.

Once, in Belovodye, the Priests of the Great Race possessed a harmonious system - the hierarchy of Divine Essences. The same structure was owned by the Priests of the Slavic peoples who moved from the land of the Holy Race to new lands. Gradually, the connection between the settlers and Belovodye was lost.

Priestly Wisdom was not always able to convey in full, and over time, inevitable changes took place both in the external cultural appearance of the peoples and in the Spiritual plane. Also, gradually, information about the land from which the peoples of the Great Race took place disappeared. By the way, such a little-known fact is described in history that Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich of Kiev allegedly sent embassies even (?!) To Belovodye when "choosing" a new religion. If this fact took place, then in the X century A. D. The Slavs living in the territory of Kievan Rus no longer knew that Belovodye was their ancestral home. The ancient Faith of Belovodya was the Spiritual source that nourished the Kiev folk Faith. It is worth noting that in Belovodye, only plant sacrifices and the fruits of human labor were brought to the Gods and Ancestors. Prince Vladimir himself tried to legitimize and introduce human sacrifices in Kievan Rus, the influence of the admixture of Khazar blood affected!

Part two
