An Amazing Archaeological Discovery Made In A Dream - Alternative View

An Amazing Archaeological Discovery Made In A Dream - Alternative View
An Amazing Archaeological Discovery Made In A Dream - Alternative View

Video: An Amazing Archaeological Discovery Made In A Dream - Alternative View

Video: An Amazing Archaeological Discovery Made In A Dream - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Incredible Archaeological Discoveries That Really Exist 2024, July

Dreams are one of the amazing phenomena of human activity. However, modern science pays too little attention to them, despite the fact that many interesting and surprising things are associated with dreams. So, the phenomenon of prophetic dreams has been known since ancient times. In addition, as it turned out, many interesting discoveries, such as the periodic table of chemical elements, the structure of the benzene ring, etc., were made by scientists in a dream. Here is another such case related to archaeological finds, today we will talk. Namely, about the discovery made in a dream by Penn State University Assyrology professor Geran W. Gilprecht.

Once he sat until late at night decoding the cuneiform inscriptions on two small fragments of agate from the ruins of a Babylonian temple. The professor confidently dated one fragment to 1700 BC. But the second classification did not give in. The tired professor lay down on his bed around midnight and dozed off. And suddenly he saw the following dream, the description of which on behalf of the professor gives in his book "100 Great Secrets of Consciousness" A. Bernatsky:

Some time after this dream, the scientist was able to visit a museum in Istanbul, where the originals of these fragments were exhibited. But only when he managed to prove that the two fragments are parts of a single cylinder, they were moved into one showcase. Before that, they were kept in different showcases belonging to different eras.

All these events with Gilprecht took place in the distant 1896 and they were described in detail in the writings of the "Society for Psychical Research". It is possible that this dream, which caused the scientific discovery, is directly related to the ability of our consciousness to "connect" to the cells of the information field of the Universe field, which in esoteric sources is called the Akashic Chronicles. And it is during a dream that it is much easier to connect to these "cells" than in the waking state.