Gooseberry: What Do We Know About Its Medicinal Properties - Alternative View

Gooseberry: What Do We Know About Its Medicinal Properties - Alternative View
Gooseberry: What Do We Know About Its Medicinal Properties - Alternative View

Video: Gooseberry: What Do We Know About Its Medicinal Properties - Alternative View

Video: Gooseberry: What Do We Know About Its Medicinal Properties - Alternative View
Video: All About the Gooseberry: A Wonderful Fruit 2024, October

In our country, the gooseberry was introduced into the culture many centuries ago. There is information that it was grown in the monastery gardens in the 11th century. In the XV century. under Tsar Ivan III, gooseberries were cultivated in Moscow gardens. It was most widespread in the 19th century, when a large number of large-fruited varieties were bred in England.

At the same time, large-fruited gooseberry varieties of Western European selection were brought to Russia and gradually began to replace the unproductive local varieties. After the penetration of such a dangerous gooseberry disease as powdery mildew (spheroteka) into our country from Ireland in 1900, the areas under this crop decreased sharply. When in 1914 a means of combating this disease was found, and then sphero-resistant varieties were bred, the gooseberry culture began to revive again.


Gooseberry is a perennial shrub of the gooseberry family. The berries are large, green or reddish, have a rounded or oblong shape, covered with bristles.

Gooseberry is a very valuable berry, which is harvested both unripe (for compotes) - already in June, and ripe. Sweet gooseberries are eaten fresh. Jam, jam, jelly, marmalade, compotes, jelly, pickles, wines, liqueurs, sauces are made from it.

  • Gooseberry is a valuable berry for dietary nutrition, it is a source of vitamins and minerals for the body.
  • Traditional medicine recommends gooseberry as a refreshing and vitamin supplement.
  • With hypovitaminosis C and B and with a deficiency in the body of copper and phosphorus, gooseberry is recommended for children and the elderly.
  • For patients suffering from anemia and blood loss, gooseberry fruit is recommended, as it contains a lot of hematopoietic folic acid (which makes them especially useful).
  • For chronic constipation (as a mild laxative and pain reliever), a decoction of gooseberry berries is used: pour 1 tablespoon of berries with 1 glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, cool and filter. Drink 50 g 4 times a day.
  • As an astringent for diarrhea, gooseberry berries are used. For 2-3 weeks of their systematic use, you can get rid of chronic diarrhea.
  • Gooseberry is a good choleretic agent.
  • Gooseberry berries contain hypotensive and capillary-strengthening, anti-sclerotic P-active compounds (anthocyanins and leuksanthocyans). Thanks to this, gooseberry is effective for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Infusion of gooseberry fruit removes excess cholesterol from the body.
  • As an anti-tuberculosis agent, traditional medicine uses gooseberry berries and leaves.
  • In the old days, with sore throat, fresh gooseberry juice mixed with a small amount of honey was considered an almost reliable anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Any acute inflammation of the skin - from erysipelas to rash caused by a burn? mi of poisonous plants, in the old days they were treated with a carefully strained decoction of ripe gooseberries, rubbing them into the skin, which brought immediate relief.
  • Gooseberry fruits are recommended to be included in the diet for skin diseases and eczema.
  • Inflammation in the kidneys and bladder can help relieve high amounts of gooseberries.
  • For diseases of the kidneys and urinary bladder (in particular, for urolithiasis and kidney stones), as well as for skin diseases, fresh gooseberry berries are useful.
  • In case of obesity and metabolic disorders, it is recommended to consume gooseberry berries in large quantities for 3-4 weeks (while limiting the calorie intake).
  • Gooseberry has a refreshing, choleretic and diuretic effect.
  • Gooseberry decoction and fresh fruits are effectively used in the fight against prolonged menopause bleeding and to normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Gooseberry is used to prevent tumors: it removes many harmful substances from the body.