LGBT Sex Education Breaks Polish Schoolchildren - Alternative View

LGBT Sex Education Breaks Polish Schoolchildren - Alternative View
LGBT Sex Education Breaks Polish Schoolchildren - Alternative View

Video: LGBT Sex Education Breaks Polish Schoolchildren - Alternative View

Video: LGBT Sex Education Breaks Polish Schoolchildren - Alternative View
Video: Свыкся с болью 2024, October

Before our very eyes, the technology of breaking the traditional attitude to marriage as a union between a man and a woman is being worked out in Polish society. At the legislative level, Poland manages to repel the attacks of the global LGBT community thanks to an article of the constitution that enshrines the definition of heterosexual marriage. In Russia, the commission working on amendments to the Constitution dismisses such proposals, not thinking how relevant these topics may become for our society tomorrow.

The battle between the west and east of Poland over the introduction of sex education in school education is gaining momentum. The war against the corruption of children and for the preservation of morality is going on in the information field. This is perhaps one of the most discussed topics in Poland after judicial reform and statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin about Polish anti-Semitism.

But the restructuring of the judicial system, as one of the branches of government, worries fewer Poles than the topic of reforming the moral foundations of society by introducing sex education in schools.

So far, we are not talking about a universal program for all schools in the country. But the example of northwestern Gdansk, as a pilot region, which has introduced an optional sex education program ZdrovveLove (Healthy Love), excited Polish parents. The program was developed by Polish sexologists with the assistance of the World Health Organization (WHO), which promotes sex education for children all over the world almost from birth. But Polish society, where the influence of the Catholic Church is strong, refuses to accept the supposedly progressive methods of education.

Even in Gdansk itself, where ZdrovveLove is supported by the city authorities, the program has not yet become widespread. Since the launch of the project in January 2019, out of 49 schools in the city, only seven have signed up for sex education seminars, this year three more have been added to them. In response, the parents created the Responsible Gdansk group, which launched a car around the city with the words “Mom! Dad! For help! Save me from sexualization. Enough ZdrovveLove!"

The organizers of the project themselves claim that “ZdrovveLove seminars are intended for first grade students of secondary school (9 years old - approx. IA Krasnaya Vesna). They think about sex anyway, and are probably experimenting as well. Therefore, it is important that they receive reliable knowledge before the start, not later. That they will have an understanding of contraception and know that both parties must give informed consent to sex.”

In addition, workshops teach about sexual and social roles, gender and gender stereotypes and much more, practical lessons are conducted using medical phantoms such as breasts, male and female genitals.

Krakow, the capital of Lesser Poland in the southeast of the country, was the first to raise the alarm. Head of the Education Department Barbara Nowak wrote on her social media page: “LGBT communities are well aware that their programs are incompatible with the main curricula in schools and with Polish law. They hide ideological gender content under the slogan of health promotion programs. They lie, deceive and corrupt. Isn't that enough for you? We will be in the know! Let's take action!"

Promotional video:

In turn, the liberal media made the name of the Małopolsk teacher Novak a bogeyman, calling him a nationalist and homophobic. Nowak and other opponents of sexuality education in schools argue that the global LGBT communities and their lobbyists inside Poland are behind all these "innovations".

One of the influential defenders of the LGBT community is the Mayor of Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowski, who supports the annual gay pride parades in the capital and signed the "LGBT + Charter" or the declaration on LGBT rights, in which the capital's authorities promised to support gay people in every possible way, as well as the introduction in schools and preschool institutions of the course "Sexual and anti-discrimination education."

It should be noted that since 1997, an article has been introduced into the Polish Constitution, which formulates the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, which greatly interferes with the promotion of LGBT ideology in the country's legislation. In December 2014, the Polish Sejm once again rejected a bill on same-sex civil partnerships.

But if it is extremely difficult to change the attitude towards same-sex sexual relations in adults, then it is possible to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards homosexuality in children - in this way the ideas of LGBT people are promoted in all countries.

According to the LGBT + Charter roadmap program, children from infancy to four years old should learn, including through the “doctor game”, to express their needs, from four to six - to learn what “joy and pleasure in touching one's own body "and" masturbation in early childhood. " Six to nine-year-old children will be provided with knowledge about contraception, sex in the virtual space, self-stimulation, and the use of "sexual language". For children between the ages of 9 and 12, sex education will be about learning about “diversity in sexual behavior” and different ways of expressing their sexuality.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party, said that the LGBT + Charter roadmap is an attack on families and children, and that "some places in Poland are already using some social engineering."

“It’s difficult to call it education, it’s not upbringing, it’s social engineering that should change a person. At its center is the very early sexualization of children. This is incredible, I myself, until I read it, could not believe it, but it should start from the 0-4 period, that is, from birth to the fourth year of life, Kaczynski said on March 9, 2019. These words, which caused a resonance, did not leave the pages of newspapers for several weeks and were discussed on television.

Such statements could not be ignored in other European countries. In October 2019, Prague hosted the largest conference in Europe dedicated to the problems of the LGBT community, which was attended by over 500 delegates from Europe and Central Asia. The event was organized by the human rights organization ILGA-Europe with the support of the Mayor of Prague.

A press release from the summit highlighted issues such as "the strengthening of Polish conservatives seeking imprisonment for sex education in schools" and "cooperation of the Hungarian government with Russia in the area of persecution of LGBT people." As we can see, Russia is also in the field of view of LGBT activists as a "rogue country".

Among the speakers of the forum are distinguished guests - Czech Foreign Minister Tomas Petříček and Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic. “We need the newly formed European Commission to adopt the EU LGBT strategy. The rights of LGBT communities are a litmus test of democracy and EU values. The protection of these rights and freedoms is the basis of the fundamental values of the EU,”reads the resolution following the conference. That is, the European countries are offered new criteria for freedom and democracy.

Before our very eyes, the technology of breaking the traditional attitude to marriage as a union between a man and a woman is being worked out in Polish society. At the legislative level, Poland manages to repel the attacks of the global LGBT community thanks to an article of the constitution that enshrines the definition of heterosexual marriage. In Russia, the commission working on amendments to the Constitution dismisses such proposals, not thinking how relevant these topics may become for our society tomorrow.