"Reforms" Of The Alphabet Lead To The Degradation Of The People - Alternative View

"Reforms" Of The Alphabet Lead To The Degradation Of The People - Alternative View
"Reforms" Of The Alphabet Lead To The Degradation Of The People - Alternative View

Video: "Reforms" Of The Alphabet Lead To The Degradation Of The People - Alternative View

Video: c 2024, October

Modern linguistic researchers note an amazing thing. It turns out that the shorter the alphabet, the more primitive the language becomes, losing its original imagery. All this leads to the degradation of morals, societies, as well as entire peoples and states. It is not for nothing that the servants of the forces of darkness, during all the "reforms" being made, tried to "cut off" the Old Russian alphabet. And now few people know that the old Russian initial letter once contained as many as 49 characters.

Here's what you can read about it in the book “Drop cap. A guide to the Old Russian language :

Thus, it is quite clear what the simplification of languages and the reduction of alphabets leads to, along with the loss of imagery. Primitive languages that have few letters and are devoid of their original imagery are not only the languages of degradants, but also ideal slaves, devoid of undistorted perception of reality. It is just such ideal slaves that it is very easy to manipulate and impose any nonsense on them as “immutable truths”. And without any evidence. Simply, as a blind faith.

You can tell them falsified fantasies instead of a true story, impose dubious hypotheses as supposedly scientifically proven truths, and they won't even notice all this. You can artificially arrange economic and financial crises to rob people and pretend that all this is just a random "coincidence" and the result of the action of some "blind forces." One can convince that all troubles are the result of the evil wiles of the neighboring people. The mindless herd will easily take all this for truth. The main thing is that specially trained "authorities" from a zombie box or from pulpits and altars speak with an intelligent look.

And, also, it is quite clear who benefits from further fooling of humanity, all these "reforms" of education and languages, as well as whose servants are all these "reformers" who have betrayed their peoples and all of humanity. But they themselves will not escape the same fate. which they prepare for us. But should we continue to let them do it? And especially now, when all the plans of the dark and their faithful servants from secret have become so obvious? It is not for nothing that the sages of antiquity stated: "Forewarned means saved!" And our salvation consists in returning to the true sources of our ancient culture and worldview, which were based not at all on blind faith, but on the comprehension of the laws of the Universe.

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