The Magic Of The NKVD, The Secret Of The Bank Convoy - Alternative View

The Magic Of The NKVD, The Secret Of The Bank Convoy - Alternative View
The Magic Of The NKVD, The Secret Of The Bank Convoy - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The NKVD, The Secret Of The Bank Convoy - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The NKVD, The Secret Of The Bank Convoy - Alternative View
Video: NKVD Movie2 2024, July

This short article is written in the form of a hypothesis. Since the main tools with which conclusions were drawn for constructing the narrative are atypical. It is a crop circle and magic. When writing the article, the author set himself the goal of revealing a little the secret of the bank convoy following from Smolensk in the summer of 1941.

Partially the history of this convoy is well known, it is typically retold, often and sparsely in informational terms, replicated on forums and websites. Here it is, in the military confusion threatening the encirclement in the summer of 1941, the bank cargo that was traveling from Smolensk apparently to Moscow along the way was hidden and has not yet been found. That cargo consisted of gold bars, paper bills, silver, gold coins and, possibly, something from the cache of Napoleon's booty supposedly discovered by the NKVD or NKGB before the war.

Two facts speak for the fact that this story is not a bike. These are silver coins of 1924 in one of the cars of the column, which was hit by a bomb before crossing the Dnieper near the village of Solovyovo, and the finds of the same coins were found somewhere near the village of Otnosovo, where this column entered. These coins were found during the war and after. Information about the advance of this column after the village of Otnosovo towards Vyazma is scant and contradictory.


Attempts to find hiding places on the basis of known facts have proved fruitless to this day. But if you turn to the glyp-one that is related to this story, then you can find out the reason for its appearance, the time and events that took place then.


But first, a little digression. Relatively long ago, I put in order my diary meditative records of decryptions of large holographic artifacts of the planet, these are pyramids, megaliths, etc. … All of them are stone copies of holograms of cells, which, like holographic cliches, by means of resonant wave imposition of the surrounding biological life on our planet, build organs living planetary organism. In turn, crop circles are flat holograms that signal the reaction of the living entity of the planet to negative moments in the planet's body. This glipt was discovered 10 years ago, then its meaning was rechecked and refined. For today, we can say the following about him.

The reason for its appearance was that groundwater with a high content of silver and gold of industrial processing of one of the hidden caches of the convoy fell into the deep layers of the earth, which was negatively perceived by the planetary entity. Along the perimeter, the glipt has a readable meaning of that time, it reads as the transportation of cargo by the military in cars and its further shelter in craters from under bombs and dug holes along the way of the convoy's advance.

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On the map, working with a glypt, you can localize where it happened, it was the Smolensk region. The glipt route coincides with the known part of the 1941 bank convoy route. It began in Smolensk and the final point, as it was supposedly established later, somewhere near the village of Anisovo.

There were stops along the route where the cargo was hidden due to military necessity. This is near the villages of Solovyovo, Otnosovo, Bolshie Lomy, Burtsevo. But, what is most interesting and unexpected, when locating on the map, it was found that the cargo was not just hidden in the ground, there was magical energy protection on the alleged hiding places. This conclusion was made on the basis of the fact that a wave clot was found near each alleged cache, the so-called energy double of the sacrificial animal, the energy structure of which was fed and is now being fed by the energies of local rivers. In addition, an energy dome was created over the caches. It was created by sprinkling spring or well water from three sources along the perimeter of the squares where the hiding places are located. If you find an entrance and enter under a stable dome formed from the smallest nano particles of water, then at the top of the dome you can see the cache markers in different places, in the form of Christian crosses on the wearer that are above the hiding places.

I have never been fond of magic and esoteric literature because of many obscure points that need to be commented on today, preferably in the modern language of at least alternative physics. However, from this the laws of magic do not cease to operate. With the above text, I shared with those who are fond of magic on the subject of whether such protection of caches is possible as I described here. From conversations, the protection of hiding places is typical, but to unfold the dome over large areas and look at the hiding places under it, no one met with this. There were a lot of tips on how to protect yourself when discovering and opening a cache, neutralizing the negative energy structure of the sacrificial animal. But no unambiguous solution was found, and mental modeling of the proposed options did not bring an unambiguous answer.

The structure of the energy shelter in all areas where the caches are located is apparently of the same type. But on one of the areas with hiding places there is a second dome above the hiding place from which there was a negative leakage of ground water deep into the earth, which caused the appearance of the glypt. There is a very strange energy, apparently the isolation of the cache deep into the earth took place with the help of a UFO since the energy of this place is similar to that of the UFO landing sites.

In custody. The way of energy security is the basis for further attempts to continue the search. Without deciding this, it makes no sense to find the coordinates on the map at home and check them on the ground.

Summing up the preliminary results of the search, we can say that the secret of this convoy, primarily in the NKVD workers who accompanied the cargo, in their unusual and unique abilities, when their knowledge was realized in war conditions. To resort to magic was apparently the right decision to safely hide the load. Further searches, I think, have prospects and the cargo is not irretrievably lost, of course, subject to confirmation of the presence of caches in the field and taking into account the successful solution of energy security.

Wish you success. Alexander