About Mysterious Glowing Balls Over The Graves - Alternative View

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About Mysterious Glowing Balls Over The Graves - Alternative View
About Mysterious Glowing Balls Over The Graves - Alternative View

Video: About Mysterious Glowing Balls Over The Graves - Alternative View

Video: About Mysterious Glowing Balls Over The Graves - Alternative View

There are many stories of eyewitnesses who observed glowing balls on the churchyards. Nobody knows what it is. It seems to be not ghosts - in the form to which we are accustomed, just some kind of globular formations. But why exactly above the graves do people notice these balls most often?

Mysterious balls over the graves are seen by a psychic and recorded by a camera

In those warm May days, the psychic Vyacheslav P. happened to be on a business trip in the hero city of Volgograd. On Victory Day, many people gathered on the Mamayev Kurgan.


… The sounds of mourning music floated over the ground, people laid wreaths at the mass graves of soldiers who died in the battle for Stalingrad. Suddenly Vyacheslav noticed that strange orange balls were flying out of one such grave. They climbed up and hung over the crowd, lining up in a garland. Looking around, the psychic saw that similar balls were hovering over other graves. Obviously, no one except Vyacheslav noticed these objects, because otherwise panic would have started in the crowd …

… In July 1991 the Russian scientist A. K. Priima received a color photograph from his Tokyo counterpart, paranormal specialist Miaki Komatsu. The photographer captured a woman and two children squatting near a tombstone. And above them hovered orange balls, caught by the lens of a Japanese "fancy" camera. The most surprising thing was that the balls formed in the air in the Latin letters "U", "J", "I". After examining the picture, the Russian scientist concluded that this is a coded message from otherworldly forces, but what does it just mean?..

Promotional video:

Mysterious balls in the life of Konstantin Pokrovsky

The next two stories "on the theme of spherical phantoms" happened to the Nizhny Novgorod photographer Konstantin Pokrovsky.

The first happened many years ago. Once Konstantin was invited to someone's wedding for a holiday shooting. Digital cameras at that time had not yet entered our life; instead of them, ordinary film cameras were used. While developing the films, Kostya discovered that they were all damaged, and the reason for this was some round white spots.

Konstantin nevertheless printed the pictures and began to examine the "marriage" with a magnifying glass. When zoomed in, the incomprehensible spots looked like balls floating in the air. The upset photographer could only apologize to the customers and return their money.

Finding the newlyweds was not so easy. They spent their honeymoon in the north of the region, in some godforsaken village. Konstantin sent his faithful "Niva" there.

In the tear-stained woman, dressed in a black mourning dress, who met him at the gate, Kostya barely recognized his recent bride. She immediately recognized the wedding photographer. “Now we don't need any pictures,” the woman said bitterly.

It turned out that her young husband had been killed by some unknown persons. Konstantin remembered that the father of the groom was a crime boss. In this case, the son may have become a victim of a banal criminal showdown. Apparently, the newlyweds did not come here by chance: they were hiding from someone.


But what are these mysterious balls fixed by the camera? Maybe the spirits of deceased relatives, who "flew" to the wedding to look at the happy newlyweds, or to notify them of the impending separation?..

Another time Konstantin Pokrovsky met with the ball, so to speak, in person. In July 2007, Kostya and his wife were at their dacha drinking tea on the veranda. At first, the ball appeared on the roof, then dropped and, sitting on the table, began to rotate smoothly, making a soft rustle.

Suddenly Kostya lost his sense of time. He would not be able to answer how long the spinning of the amazing ball lasted - an hour or a few minutes. Konstantin asked his wife if she saw anything unusual on the table. She replied that there was nothing but cups. The "visitor" remained invisible to her. But finally the ball soared up and began to make such movements as if it was calling for him. Obeying him, Konstantin got up, left the house and, starting the car, drove after the "stranger". The road was not close and took three hours. The final destination of the trip turned out to be a churchyard near the village of Pochinki. Coming out of the car, Kostya followed his "guide" on foot, and he led him to one of the graves. Topped with a rickety wooden cross, it looked long abandoned. On the darkened cross, Kostya could hardly read the half-worn inscription:“Pokrovsky G. Ya. 1874-1918 ". And looking up, he saw that his ball had disappeared somewhere.


For several months Konstantin searched the archives and finally found out that his great-great-grandfather Grigory Yakovlevich Pokrovsky, a village priest who was shot after the revolution by the Chekists, was buried in the grave. His family left for the city and tried to cover their tracks, fearing accusations of kinship with the "counter-revolutionary priest".

Kostya corrected the grave, erected a good monument with an inscription stating that his great-great-grandfather had died in the dungeons of the Cheka. It is truly amazing and touching that the ball - this invisible connecting substance between the world of the living and the dead - led Konstantin to the grave of a loved one, prompting him to learn about the life and death of his ancestor and to use the place of his last refuge!..

Daniil Myslinsky