Brands Of The Past - Alternative View

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Brands Of The Past - Alternative View
Brands Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Brands Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Brands Of The Past - Alternative View
Video: The 9 Most Successful Business Models Of Today 2024, October

Brand is a marketing term that symbolizes a complex of information about a company, product or service; popular, easily recognizable and legally protected symbols of a manufacturer or product …

Spirits "Krasnaya Moskva", sweets "Mishka clubfoot", sausage "Doctor"

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the Frenchman Heinrich Brocard came to Moscow in search of a better life. He had a profession, rare at that time, - a perfumer. If in the homeland of Brocard, in France, perfumes were not something completely unusual, then in Russia they were used only by the richest women, since such a delicate product was very, very expensive.


Brocard was a reasonable man, and in order, in modern terms, to master the market, he started with a simple: at his factory (it opened in Moscow in May 1864) he began to produce soap. Soap was different: for wealthy ladies, for example, it was intended "Greek" - based on high quality nut oils. The assortment also included Yantarnoye and Medovoye soaps. Brocard did not forget about women of poor means. Soap "Narodnoye" was intended for them. It was fragrant and of high quality, despite the fact that it cost only a penny (it's actually cheap: a good herring cost three pennies at that time). Any mommy will say that Detskoe soap is a good helper in childcare, but few people know that it appeared a long time ago. Brocard also produced it in his factory. Soap, in addition to its usefulness, was an interesting topicthat the letters of the alphabet were squeezed out on it (buy soap and teach your child the alphabet in between times).

The soap production and trade was successful. This was confirmed by the fact that Brocard's products received 8 medals at exhibitions in Paris, Brussels and Vienna. The royal family granted him a title of nobility. But Brocard wanted to step up the perfume ladder higher and higher. He dreamed of obtaining the status of a supplier to the Court of His Imperial Majesty. Some extraordinary act was required. And Heinrich Brocard did it. He made an amazing gift for Empress Maria Feodorovna (mother of Nicholas II) - a bouquet of wax flowers. Each flower had its own scent, which was not at all different from the natural one. All these aromas merged into one - delicate, subtle, captivating …

For this amazing gift, Brocard received the coveted title of supplier, since the empress liked the scent. The ladies of the court, and indeed wealthy women in general, believed that a bottle of perfume called "The Empress's Favorite Bouquet" should be in their boudoir (just like the Burenka cream advertised now, which "every woman should buy at least once in her life").

Promotional video:

The scent of new life?

After the October Revolution, Brocard's factory was nationalized. It received the unpresentable name "Zamoskvoretsky perfume and soap factory No. 5" (the word "soap-making" was especially impressive). Five years after nationalization, "Combine No. 5" was named in the spirit of the times - "New Dawn"

Heinrich Brocard, who did so much for Russia, disappeared with his family somewhere in the crucible of the civil war. But his friend and deputy Michel August remained at the factory, who came to Russia with Brocard. August was a hereditary perfumer, and it was a shame for him to watch how, though the most valuable equipment was needed for the household, such unpresentable laundry soap was brewed, and alcohol and turpentine were produced instead of bottles of perfume.

Michel dared to offer the authorities a new perfume. The bosses did not mind and even suggested names for the Soviet perfume, such as "Budenovets", "Red Perfumer", "Red Worker" (she must have blushed from labor enthusiasm). They say that Michel August was able to repeat the composition "The Empress's Favorite Bouquet". But, of course, such a name was unacceptable, they could have put up to the wall for it. Soviet spirits began to be called "Red Moscow".

However, according to historians of fashion and perfumery, the perfume "Favorite bouquet …" could not have been produced in 1913 (the technology was not yet sufficiently developed). There seems to be documentary evidence that the new fragrance was created in 1924-25. and very much like the famous "Chanel No. 5". Others argue that, on the contrary, “The Empress's Favorite Bouquet” became the prototype of Chanel. Now this is already very difficult to establish.

There were other versions of the birth of a new fragrance. One of them is like this. The creation of the famous perfume was supervised by the wife of Vyacheslav Molotov and the friend of Nadezhda Alliluyeva, Polina Zhemchuzhina. True or not - who knows. It is important that Krasnaya Moskva has become very popular, and from year to year it has more and more fans. She was preferred by the film actress Lyubov Orlova and Valentina Serova, the wives of politicians … In general, those who had money. Over time, the production of "Krasnaya Moskva" increased, its price became more affordable for ordinary women.

New is well forgotten old

When there are a lot of good things, for some reason it gets boring. The enormous popularity of the Krasnaya Moskva perfume led to a natural ending: at some point, the perfume began to get boring. Riga and Polish perfumes with delicate and fresh aromas, with a high content of synthetic additives (for example, "Perhaps", "Credo") appeared in stores. "Krasnaya Moskva", alas, began to be perceived as something outdated. Women of the older generation retained loyalty to the perfume, and for most of those born in the sixties and seventies, the scent was associated with grandmothers or aging aunts.

But the new is the well-forgotten old. Over time, perfumes began to come into fashion again: someone was nostalgic for the good old days, someone was interested in the scent shrouded in an aura of secrets. And so the New Zarya company began to produce a modern version of the fragrance.

High quality, proper marketing and stylish packaging still help Krasnaya Moskva perfumery to remain a global brand, a visiting card of first Soviet and now Russian perfumery.

Sausage and royal despotism

Despite all the great plans, there was not enough meat in the country in the 30s - the previous difficult time affected. And the builders of communism must be strong and healthy. Therefore, the idea arose to create a product with a high protein content that could replace meat.


There is a "food legend" that Stalin himself stood at the origins of the "Doctor's" sausage. The recipe was agreed with the People's Commissariat of Health. The new product was intended for "the sick who undermined their health as a result of the civil war and tsarist despotism."

To make 100 kg of sausage required: 25 kg of premium beef, 70 kg of semi-fat pork, 3 kg of eggs, 2 kg of cow's milk, table salt, sodium nitrite, granulated sugar or glucose, ground nutmeg or cardamom. Minced meat had to go through a double cut, spicy seasonings were excluded. In general, what the "doctor ordered." This is how the name appeared - "Doctor's" (although initially they wanted to call the sausage "Stalinskaya", but they were afraid).

"This low-fat sausage is good for children and those who are not recommended foods containing a lot of fat" - written about the doctor's sausage in "The Book of Healthy and Delicious Food" (1939 edition), and this could not be true.

The first loaf of "Doktorskaya" rolled off the assembly line in 1936. In the same years, 20 meat processing plants were built, so there was enough sausage for everyone.

Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, People's Commissar of the Food Industry, played a very important role in the creation and development of the food industry in the USSR (and in the history of Doktorskaya). It was he who had to solve this important task. I had to learn from the West. For example, in the United States, where the food industry was well developed. Thanks to America (and nothing can be done about it - it was) on the tables of our citizens appeared several varieties of sausages, sausages, pasteurized milk, canned food, ice cream, under Mikoyan's control began the construction of large food industry enterprises.

Two pieces of sausage

Of course, the sausages produced by different meat processing plants were different. This depended on the quality of the raw materials supplied to the plant and on the experience of the employees. The sausage of the Mikoyan meat processing plant became a model. This metropolitan giant supplied the first line of nomenklatura workers, bought the most expensive and high-quality raw materials. Nevertheless, sausage could be bought at almost any grocery store. Until the 1950s, the recipe and quality of the sausage were unchanged by the standard. It is also interesting that the cost of Doktorskaya was significantly higher than its retail price.

Perhaps, only the older generation remembers the taste of that “correct” sausage. The recipe lasted until the 70s. Agriculture, undergoing endless reforms, began to experience difficulties, meat production fell. The drought and poor harvest of the early 70s played a negative role. It was at this time that it was allowed to add starch or flour to the sausage.

The famous "Doktorskaya" often began to smell like fish (seafood was included in animal feed). Then soybeans were added to Doktorskaya. As the years passed, the meat in the sausage became less and less. Evil tongues began to talk about adding … toilet paper to the sausage.

Now, when enterprises can operate according to TU (technical conditions), they have the right to vary the composition of the sausage. As a result, she is not the same as she was before.

But, nevertheless, having seen the name "Doctor's" on the price tag of sausages in the store, we hope that very little time will pass, and this product, previously loved by everyone, will become as tasty as before.

Painting and candy

There are different anniversaries. For example, in 2013, the centenary was celebrated … the wrapper of the famous "Bear Footed" candy. The wrapper depicts a slightly altered plot of the famous painting by the artist Ivan Shishkin "Morning in a Pine Forest", which he painted in 1889.

"Bear" (or rather, "Bears", because there are three of them in the picture) are peculiar pastry veterans. They appeared in tsarist Russia. At one time this delicacy began to be produced by the Einem Steam Factory of Chocolate, Sweets and Tea Cookies. At the end of the 19th century, a new candy was brought to Mr. Julius Hoyce, who at that time was in charge of the Einem partnership. Quite exquisite: a thick layer of almond praline was "framed" by two waffle plates. The top of the candy was glazed. Hoyce liked the novelty. They began to think about what to call it. We didn’t think long. According to legend, in Hoyce's office there was a reproduction of Ivan Shishkin's painting Morning in a Pine Forest. The new product was named "Clubfoot Bear".


Now it was necessary to attend to the "dress" of the new product. Perhaps the most famous industrial graphic artist at that time was Manuil Andreev. It was he who became the author of the wrapper. The plot of the Shishkin painting was placed on the wrapper. The drawing was framed by fir branches and the stars of Bethlehem, since at that time sweets were an expensive and desirable gift for Christmas.

We still love him

After the revolution, no one thought about the new look of the wrappers. They were borrowed from old products. And the names of the products, in general, have not changed, they remained the same. After the 17th year, everything became universal, including the recipe for food products. From the end of the twenties, collections of recipes began to be produced, and any factory, having got acquainted with them, could start producing them.

As for the candy wrapper "Mishka", the student of Manuil Andreev Leonid Chelnokov restored the appearance of the pre-revolutionary candy. In 1958, the World Exhibition was held in Brussels. The Krasny Oktyabr factory was represented there by Mishka (in a new look). Confectioners returned home with an award.

"Bear" was produced by many confectionery factories in the USSR. More than 20 printing companies carried out orders for wrappers. Often the original was not adhered to. There are three bears (as it was in the picture), then their "company" increases.

The candy is gaining such popularity that it is being produced even in America (the patent for the "bears" has not been issued). In the second half of the 90s, this case was corrected. Now only the Moscow Confectionery Factory Krasny Oktyabr can produce sweets "Mishka kosolapy". If other confectionery enterprises want to master the production of popular sweets, they must conclude a license agreement with Krasny Oktyabr. To date, under such an agreement, for example, Rot Front and Podolskaya Confectionery Factory are working.

Nowadays, on the shelves of pastry shops, you can find everything your heart desires. The wrappers are one brighter than the other. But when you see “strict” candies “Clubfoot Bear” among this splendor of colors, your soul becomes warmer. In general, the "Bears" have a happy fate, they have been produced for over a hundred years and remain one of the most beloved.