Riddles Of Big Izygash - Alternative View

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Riddles Of Big Izygash - Alternative View
Riddles Of Big Izygash - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Big Izygash - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Big Izygash - Alternative View
Video: Super Tricky Riddles For The Best Riddle Solvers 2024, July

The world around us is mysterious and beautiful. To comprehend, to unravel it, a person tries from his very birth.

But this process is endless. With the solution of one mystery, another inevitably appears.

Probably many have already heard such a name as "Kuzbass Stonehenge"

Who has not heard, I will explain that we are talking about huge granite outliers or megaliths located in the Kuylyum-Surak granitoid massif of Gornaya Shoria, beyond Mezhdurechensk. Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov, a famous esoteric writer, was the first to speak about them publicly a few years ago. A very extraordinary and inquisitive person, he organized a small scientific expedition to these places back in 2012. What he saw there amazed not only him, but also all those who subsequently read the report and saw the photo and video materials made by the expedition. I was one of those "overwhelmed". In the photo I saw a huge wall made of almost even geometric granite blocks. The wall was perfect, the blocks fit exactly together in the form of polygonal masonry. Apart from the thought that this was the creation of human hands, another did not even arise. According to Sidorov, the height of this structure reaches 40 meters, the weight of each block-"brick" is about 1000 tons, and the age is more than 100 thousand years, and they are fitted to each other so that even a needle does not pass between them.

But how? How could such a thing be created in ancient times, if even now and close there are no such technologies ???

The more I thought about it, the more questions arose. If, as scientists believe, the conception of the most ancient civilization took place several tens of thousands of years ago, then who “ruled” the vastness of our planet before it? Even the people of giants, in relation to these "buildings" is difficult to imagine. I must say that megalithic objects on Earth are not uncommon. The most famous among them are the English Stonehenge and the "bricks" of Baalbek. But if there is no doubt about "hand-made", then we have a riddle on a riddle. In addition, it is not entirely correct to call our Kuzbass "stone architecture" megaliths, because this concept means ancient structures made of stone blocks of various sizes without the use of any cementing or binding compounds and solutions, but we have artificiality or the naturalness of this,not yet proven.

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There are many versions about the origin of our megaliths (for simplicity, we will accept this name). Someone believes that the participation of space aliens was not without the participation of space aliens, others claim that this is the result of the activities of the most ancient human civilization, others are convinced of their natural origin. And they all have their own reasons and explanations! Georgy Sidorov himself is an adamant supporter of the man-made structures of these structures. At first glance, his arguments are quite convincing, but almost all of them are based on assumptions that have no scientific evidence. Those who wish to get acquainted with the theory of G. A. Sidorov, as well as with the results of his research, can wander through the vastness of the Internet, where all this is freely available. But this was not enough for me, I wanted to see everything myself.

And such an opportunity presented itself. This summer I was invited to a small expedition to Mount Bolshoi Izygash, organized by the famous local historian Viktor Kharin and journalist, an expert on Shor culture Vyacheslav Krechetov. Their goal is to search for ancient cult places of the Shors, where various cult rites could be performed, mine is to see with my own eyes the megaliths that haunt me.

Our team consisted of 11 people. We traveled from Mezhdurechensk all day. First, we drove for a long time in the Ural, then climbed the mountain on foot, to an altitude of almost 1400 meters. The ascent is not difficult enough, only in a few places there were "twists", and swamps overgrown with thick grass blocked the road. As we approached the top point, the vegetation became more stunted, and at the end it completely began to resemble a mountain tundra. From the top of the mountain, from the place where we set up our base camp, in front of us, as far as we could see, the amazing beauty of the mountain landscape opened up.


It is difficult to convey how much power and splendor in this virgin beauty! The smoothness of the relief, the play of light and shadows, the merging of the sky with the firmament, and the air…. clean, crystal, enveloping. It's mesmerizing!

We had two full days at our disposal for radial exits. The route was built on visible huge rocky outcrops located a few kilometers from the camp. Looking at them as I approached, I did not find anything unusual in them. I saw something similar in Altai in the area of Lake Kolyvan or Tigirek. But coming closer to the rock, we were forced to jump from one huge stone to another. It would seem an ordinary kurumnik, but something was still embarrassing. And here the first discovery for me happened. It turns out that we were jumping on geometrically regular granite blocks that were lying like bricks after the destruction of a giant structure. The dimensions of the "bricks" were within the range from 1 to 4 meters, and the angles between the edges were correct ninety degrees. Most of them were rectangular,although I managed to find two adjacent columns with a square section, about 30 by 30 cm. The geometry was simply striking! These ruins began at the very base of the granite remnant, but it was impossible to imagine them once as a single whole with the remnant, somehow they did not "dock". The remnant was a huge rock, consisting of dozens of granite mattresses, laid on top of each other. The weight of each such mattress was hundreds, or even thousands of tons. Looking at them, the thought occurred to me that if these remnants have stood for tens of thousands of years and withstood many tectonic movements and earthquakes, then they have colossal seismic resistance. Could a person have done this? Hardly. These ruins began at the very base of the granite remnant, but it was impossible to imagine them once as a single whole with the remnant, somehow they did not "dock". The remnant was a huge rock, consisting of dozens of granite mattresses, laid on top of each other. The weight of each such mattress was hundreds, or even thousands of tons. Looking at them, the thought occurred to me that if these remnants have stood for tens of thousands of years and withstood many tectonic movements and earthquakes, then they have colossal seismic resistance. Could a person have done this? Hardly. These ruins began at the very base of the granite remnant, but it was impossible to imagine them once as a single whole with the remnant, somehow they did not "dock". The remnant was a huge rock, consisting of dozens of granite mattresses, laid on top of each other. The weight of each such mattress was hundreds, or even thousands of tons. Looking at them, the thought occurred to me that if these remnants have stood for tens of thousands of years and withstood many tectonic movements and earthquakes, then they have colossal seismic resistance. Could a person have done this? Hardly.and even thousands of tons. Looking at them, the thought occurred to me that if these remnants have stood for tens of thousands of years and withstood many tectonic movements and earthquakes, then they have colossal seismic resistance. Could a person have done this? Hardly.and even thousands of tons. Looking at them, the thought occurred to me that if these remnants have stood for tens of thousands of years and withstood many tectonic movements and earthquakes, then they have colossal seismic resistance. Could a person have done this? Hardly.


In the evening around the fire there was only talk about what he saw. Almost everyone had their own opinions and reasons. But the heated debates, threatening to drag on until the morning, were interrupted by nature itself, sending rain on us, thereby dispersing us into tents. Note that the weather in these places can change to the diametrically opposite within half an hour - rain, sun, heat, and vice versa. But the morning fog is a fairy tale! It is necessary to see how it is important and swollen crawling between the mountains, bending around and licking them, and only having met the solar "arrows", disappears without a trace.

As soon as the morning sun cleared away the fog, the camp began to move. There was no need to rush someone, everyone was eager for new discoveries. Having had a quick bite, we stood on the path. The day promised to be eventful and interesting. And so it happened! A few kilometers from the camp, they began to bypass and survey the next granite outliers. We saw the same mysterious architecture, enchanting with its monumentality. Bypassing one of the outliers, quite unexpectedly, we found ourselves in ruins that clearly resemble some kind of medieval fortress wall.


A wall, no other name comes to mind! What was supposedly left of her looked impressive. It was a structure made of granite blocks of various sizes, which was strictly limited in width to a few meters. In the photo, this can be seen quite clearly! The ruins of the "wall", across the saddle of the ridge, seemed to connect two outliers, which, if you turn on your imagination, are well represented by watchtowers. In general, the imagination in those places is simply raging! We walked around a few more outliers, and everywhere we observed the same "geometry". I noticed that such walls and outliers are never below. They are always located along the ridges and only on the slopes of mountains and hills. Looking at this, the number of questions grew steadily. For example, where do the trees growing practically on bare stones, at a height of more than 15 meters, come from,if their roots "get tangled" somewhere in rocky cracks before reaching the ground? Maybe they are charged with some other energy?


Why is there always water in the "stone bowls" that does not evaporate even in hot weather? And then, if these megaliths are artificial, then where did the material for construction come from, because in the district there is nothing that even closely resembles an ancient quarry or quarry? They seemed to have grown out of the earth. The latest version, expressed by Georgy Sidorov, visiting Mountain Shoria and Altai in August this year, is that all the megaliths located here are nothing more than ancient concrete-polymer structures. That is, they were built by layer-by-layer casting, which explains the polygonal masonry. You know, having seen all this with my own eyes, having touched it and “bitten”, I nevertheless tend to the natural version of the origin of these miracles. Otherwise, the question arises: who created them and why? And there is no answer to it …

The final opinion of the team was divided on what they saw. Someone believed that it was not without the intervention of reason, while someone insisted on a purely natural creation. Already in Novokuznetsk, I turned to the director of the Institute of Mining and Geosystems, professor, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences Yaroslav Mikhailovich Gutak for clarification. After listening to my story and looking at the photographs, his verdict was unambiguous: these unique natural formations have nothing to do with any man-made. Their primary crystallization took place at high pressure, at a depth of about 15-20 kilometers. Then, due to various tectonic processes, this entire massif ended up on the surface of the earth, where it underwent a completely different effect - weathering, including frost. (Weathering is the destruction of rocks and minerals under the influence of water,atmosphere, vital activity of organisms, temperature fluctuations and other factors.) As a result, granites disintegrate into separate blocks - "bricks", which, with further weathering, acquire a "mattress" shape, which is very characteristic with such crystallization as in granite. One of the explanations for the "geometricity" is the chemical composition of granite, which consists of 60% of orthoclase feldspar (Greek - "straight prickly"), which has a right angle between the cleavage planes (present in almost all "bricks"), which allows to him to inject on the correct geometric shapes. That's it! It turns out that a lot can be explained based on fundamental sciences.which, with further weathering, acquire a "mattress" shape, which is very typical with such crystallization as in granite. One of the explanations for the "geometricity" is the chemical composition of granite, which consists of 60% of orthoclase feldspar (Greek - "straight prickly"), which has a right angle between the cleavage planes (present in almost all "bricks"), which allows to him to inject on the correct geometric shapes. That's it! It turns out that a lot can be explained based on fundamental sciences.which, with further weathering, acquire a "mattress" shape, which is very typical with such crystallization as in granite. One of the explanations for the "geometricity" is the chemical composition of granite, which consists of 60% orthoclase feldspar (Greek - "straight prickly"), which has a right angle between the cleavage planes (present in almost all "bricks"), which allows to him to inject on the correct geometric shapes. That's it! It turns out that a lot can be explained based on fundamental sciences.having a right angle between the cleavage planes (present in almost all "bricks"), which allows it to be pricked into regular geometric shapes. That's it! It turns out that a lot can be explained based on fundamental sciences.having a right angle between the cleavage planes (present in almost all "bricks"), which allows it to be pricked into regular geometric shapes. That's it! It turns out that a lot can be explained based on fundamental sciences.

But the opinion of the authoritative scientist-archaeologist, candidate of historical sciences Yuri Viktorovich Shirin, who also adheres to the "natural" point of view: "Granite rocks of the Big Izigash are represented by outliers typical of these formations, which have the expressive name of" mattress-like units "by geologists. Wherever they are found on the planet, and there are a lot of such places, such natural structures can give rise to the illusion of artificial masonry. The fact that this is not so can be seen even in the presented photos. For example, in one of the photographs you can see an almost vertical vein of a different geological nature crossing the horizontal rows of blocks. It crossed the granite massif even before it began to stratify into horizontal blocks. Tectonic impacts partially shifted the blocks along with the fragments of this vein."

Well, what can you object to?


Much fell into place, although the number of riddles did not diminish from this, and disputes between supporters of different versions will not subside for a long time. In order to resolve them, it is necessary to conduct a serious scientific analysis of these unique places, with the involvement of scientists from different fields. This must be done carefully, without disturbing the natural harmony and natural balance, which are closely related to the ancient culture of indigenous peoples. Here the words of the same Yuri Viktorovich Shirin will be very appropriate:

“In some places of the planet, where social and economic conditions were favorable, such natural structures became the basis for places of worship. They were complemented by talented architects who played with the monumental power of nature's creations. For example, such monuments are known among Buddhists. Often, granite outliers are simply revered by local residents as symbols of mythological images.


For example, the Shors have a legend that somewhere on the granite rocks there is a cradle in which an ancestor of one of their clans grew up. Those who have been to the granite rocks know what gave rise to such legends. On the surfaces of such outliers, there are often holes and pits of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. In some of them, you can easily lie down like an adult in a cradle. Acquaintance with the ancient cultures of Gornaya Shoria does not allow us to hope that we will find megalithic structures in such places. But we know that nature itself was a temple for the Sayan-Altai peoples. Undoubtedly, around such impressive natural objects as rocks like Big Izygash, the ancestors of the Shors could have had a certain cult practice. And this can be either a complete ban on visiting such places, or some ritual actions,traces of which can be found upon careful study of such natural monuments”.


Complementing the above, I note that Viktor Kharin and Vyacheslav Krechetov practically managed to find, during our expedition, an ancient cult complex, where shamans of the distant vulgar might have sent their rituals. But to confirm this, as well as to unravel the origin of the megaliths, it will be necessary to visit these mysterious places more than once. And who knows what discoveries are still waiting for us! Therefore, we say to you, Izygash, - "Goodbye!"


PS Let's learn again as before, idolize nature. We must not allow her to turn away from us, otherwise irreparable things may happen.

Author: Andrey Chekalin.

Photo: A. Chekalin, O. Deroyan.