Meeting With A UFO Over The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

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Meeting With A UFO Over The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View
Meeting With A UFO Over The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With A UFO Over The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With A UFO Over The Pacific Ocean - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

This year turned out to be rich in various manifestations of UFOs, but one of the cases immediately became a key one in modern ufology. The incident took place over the Pacific Ocean, and here, as in 2004, American military pilots appear.

Recall that in 2004, a military pilot David Fravor, during an exercise over the Pacific Ocean, received an order to intercept an unidentified flying object. The results of the investigation were made public only in 2017, and the pilot was finally able to tell what happened in the sky over the Pacific Ocean.

The exercises could turn into hostilities (2004)

David Fravor and Lieutenant Slate obtained the coordinates of an unidentified target and went to intercept. Already experienced pilots were ready to meet an enemy plane or a spy probe, but when they arrived at the scene, they found nothing.

A little later, Fravor noticed that the water surface was seething, and the waves diverged in circles from one point. Above this place in the air was a snow-white oval aircraft, which moved chaotically, violating all the laws of aerodynamics.

When the American fighters approached the target, it rushed away at an inconceivable speed, and then, turning almost on the spot, rushed towards the fighters. David was about to open fire, but the UFO suddenly disappeared both visually and from radar.

After the report, Fravor was ridiculed, and the case seemed to be immediately closed, however, the investigation was ongoing all this time, and recently David was allowed to tell the whole world about what happened. The Ministry of Defense, in turn, confirmed the appearance of a UFO.

Promotional video:

An entire UFO fleet over the Pacific Ocean (2019)

This time, the unidentified aircraft were captured on the onboard cameras of the US interceptors. One of the alien ships can be clearly seen on the film - a light oval with a dark sphere. Also on the tape were the pilots' negotiations, from which it is easy to understand that the pilots panicked when they met the unknown: “There are a lot of them! A whole fleet! Hey, look at that thing, is it spinning? My God … they are all flying against the wind … The wind speed is one hundred and twenty knots from the west."

After the interceptors approached the objects, they quickly gained speed and disappeared. The same objects were observed two weeks ago from aboard a warship. The entire crew watched the uninvited guests, but the targets were never identified.

Objects appeared twenty-five kilometers above sea level, then quickly descended, hovering in one place. After that, after some time, the targets again gained altitude, or completely disappeared from the radar.

This time, the military did not hide from the public the fact of the appearance of a UFO, and footage from onboard cameras can be found on the Internet.