Psychometry. Thoughts Are Material - Alternative View

Psychometry. Thoughts Are Material - Alternative View
Psychometry. Thoughts Are Material - Alternative View

Video: Psychometry. Thoughts Are Material - Alternative View

Video: Psychometry. Thoughts Are Material - Alternative View
Video: Psychometry Unleashed | Episode 2 | My Spiritual Journey 2024, October

Tibetans believe that sorcerers have the ability to impose their will on things. There is a strict rule: a layman or a non-ordained monk should not keep in the house objects that were used in magical rituals. It is believed that evil creatures enslaved with their help are able to take out their resentment on unsophisticated masters. Tibetans in particular are wary of the purba, an enchanted ritual dagger that brings death to its owner.

There are cases when the "purba", moving in an incomprehensible way through the air, killed gape travelers. Such a dagger is presented as a gift to a pre-selected victim. After spending some time in the hands of an unsuspecting person, the "purba" suddenly suddenly "comes to life" and, overcoming the unfortunate man's desperate resistance, it pierces the heart up to the handle.

One can only imagine the horror of witnesses to the "accident". Moreover, such a knife cannot be taken out just like that. According to legends, he has such a power that can kill anyone who touches the handle. The relatives of the one killed with such a knife went to look for a llama who, using a special ritual with spells, was able to deprive the enchanted blade of its deadly power, after which it would be buried in the wasteland with all precautions or placed in a cave dedicated to some evil deity.

At one time, Europeans laughed at the fanciful beliefs of the Tibetans. And most likely, they laughed in vain. The English detectives, however, had a lot of work to do with the riddle thrown to them in the West End.

The town was terrified by a series of crimes that took place on the corner of Coventry Street. On the morning of April 16, 1922, a gentleman was brought to the capital's hospital on Charing Cross, who was bleeding. He had a deep stab wound in his neck. While the doctors were "patching up" the victim, one more wounded man was admitted to the hospital. In the evening, another victim was delivered from the same ominous street. The police officers, however, could not do anything, being in a state of some bewilderment. The victims as one assured that at the moment of the attack there was no one near them, at least at the distance from which a blow could have been struck. This amazing fact has been confirmed by rare witnesses.

After conducting a short investigation, the detectives were forced to admit that these incidents had no rational explanation. They were especially amazed that one of the victims had a wound under completely intact clothing.

The Scotland Yard archives contained information about an equally mysterious crime. In March 1901, a 72-year-old Englishwoman, Lavinia Farar, was found in a pool of blood on the floor of the kitchen of her house in Cambridgeshire. She was killed by several blows to the heart. The crime, in general, is commonplace, but it entered the history of forensic science because of one mysterious detail. The victim's dress turned out to be without a single cut. The blind old woman, who barely moved, could not lay hands on herself, and then change clothes - the blow to the heart was accurate. And the killer didn't need to change her clothes.

A similar incident was told to me by a militia opera. Having understood the circumstances of the murder of one old man, he was somewhat dumbfounded to find that the wound on the victim's back was under his clothes. For a long time no one cared about everything about the old man - in a word, an obvious "wood grouse". The motives of the crime and the identity of the killer himself were never clarified and the case was closed. When asked why such an unusual murder did not attract attention, the opera was sincerely surprised. Who needs it now? The old man had no relatives. And it seems that clothes were not even mentioned in the protocol.

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The list of mysterious murders, certainly involving otherworldly forces, is large. But in terms of explanations of what happened - there are obvious gaps. Detectives are not inclined to believe in miracles. The profession itself obliges them to strictly materialistic views on anomalous phenomena. And besides, outwardly mysterious crimes, in practice, often turned out to be a well-tuned trick. If the trick is not found, then the criminal villain is considered a notorious sly.

Sorcerers, in contrast to the keepers of order, are not limited by protocol settings and are not noticed in the materialistic perception of the world. They do not see the mystery in mysterious murders and the terrible action of a conspiracy dagger, and invisible pursuers are referred to as methods of purely magical murder. Evil creates the magician's imagination. “The ability to indulge in fantasy is of the highest value for a witch, because through this dark glass she sends her enchantments and, with her spells, sets the world on fire,” says Paula Hason's witchcraft textbook. - The more emotionally and deeply connected the roots of your secret visions, the stronger the effect of your enchantments. The success of all your enchantments will depend only on how much emotional power of the mind you can connect to it. The more violent the emotion, the greater the chance of success. You must be really ready to roll on the ground and gnash your teeth in ecstasy or hate everything when you enter your witchcraft circle."

Before committing a person to the pangs of death, the magician creates them for him in his fantasy. But this is not enough, the sorcerer's secret is to materialize his imagination in the real world, in events that involve the intended victim. For this, a mediator of the magician's will must be found. The pictures of impending retribution, created by the witch's mind, are transferred to an object that falls into the hands of the victim. This is how a “purba” appears and not always in the form of a charmed knife, it can be a decoration or a child's toy in general. It is believed that people unconsciously "read" from the object the program concentrated by the magician's will and they themselves will unwittingly contribute to their death.

A well-known occultist, who is hiding under the pseudonym Dion Fortune, described the murder committed by means of such a "guide".

The young rake decides to receive a significant inheritance, but his brother interferes with his commendable intention. In our wonderful time, in such cases, they turn to a professional, and simply hire a killer. But not one of those heroes Fortune. He presents his brother with a gift - an amazingly beautiful garland with the intoxicating smell of an exotic plant. A crystal was placed in the garland, charged with a deadly program. All the “zest” was in a special smell: it affected the subconscious in such a way that it opened up to the destructive influence of the crystal. Hallucinations created by the sorcerer burst into the human imagination. An irresistible force drew the heir to the window …

An impressive fiction? How to say. In one parapsychological salon, I witnessed how information about a person who had worn it for a long time was "read" from an ordinary comb. A pensive lady, closing her eyes, described his appearance, habits, some life events, which she could not witness. The shocked client confirmed some facts, but she herself heard about some for the first time. Then she confessed that she decided to test the "strength" of the woman leading the reception, and gave her husband a comb.

Reading information from objects in parapsychology is called psychometry. Researchers believe that inanimate objects in their electrons have an infinite number of "memory accumulators" that far exceed our neural memory. And, according to a textbook published by the Munich Institute of Parapsychology, we can also "connect" to this information network of inanimate nature at any time. Any subject with which we have contact stores information about us.

Maria Reis from Mexico City was famous for her ability to "remove" information from objects. Scientists decided to test this phenomenon. The renowned denouncer of occult tricks, Dr. Walter Franklin Prynes of the Boston Society for Psychical Research, conducted and accurately recorded the experiments with Maria Reis. One of the subjects of the psychometric study was a piece of leather from the cap of Mexican General Carlos Dominguez. Who was in this cap on the night that President Carranza was killed in an attack near Tlaxcalantango (Pueblo State).

Maria Reisse, holding a piece of skin in her hand, began to describe what she saw with her inner gaze: “Dark night, heavy rain. At about 3 am, I feel the stabbing cold of the early morning. I can see no more than two steps ahead … I hear shouts and curses, pistol and rifle fire, commands pronounced in Spanish. But there are no machine guns or cannons. It appears to be a night infantry attack. I see a large man fall in front of me, his distorted face illuminated by the flashes of rifle fire, his groans frighten me. Then he stops moaning. Running men stumble over his dead body. I'm terrified. This is a terrible sight!"

General Dominguez, who witnessed the skirmish, later confirmed the correct description of Maria. Subsequently, the experiments were successfully repeated in many parapsychological laboratories, including the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. As you know, this kind of experiments were carried out in our country by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The most important operational information was obtained with the help of psychometry.

The amazing ability of objects to remember events, combined with the fiery imagination of the magician, may well introduce very significant changes in the human psyche. Maybe this is the power of the spellbound knife? Tibetan researcher Alexandra David-Neel explains this approximately: “After a long concentration of thought, which lasted, perhaps, many months, the magician gives the knife the will to kill a certain person. Finally, the weapon is prepared and the ngags-pa (sorcerer) tosses it to his victim, and so deftly that the poor man will almost inevitably take the enchanted dagger when he needs a knife for something … They assure that a spiritualized weapon can be dangerous even for the magician himself: he himself may become his victim if he does not have sufficient knowledge or the necessary dexterity to defend himself … Although ngags-pa, the lamas explained,seeks only to revive the dagger, the image of the person against whom the divination is directed, and the picture of impending death always stands in front of the sorcerer's mind's eye."

But where do the invisible killers come from? Sorcerers claim that they are created by the power of imagination. At one time, much has been written about the phenomenon of materialization. Tibetans, for example, talk about tulpa, magical creatures. It should be noted that for local adepts, the creation of ghosts does not belong to the category of miracles. Such techniques are used during training in order to teach the student the truth that apart from his own imagination, no gods exist. Magicians see in the creation of a ghost as a means of making an obedient instrument of their will.

Alexandra David-Neel herself decided on a similar experiment. “Out of the habit of not taking anything for granted, I also decided to try to produce an experience of materialization,” she writes in her book “Mystics and Magicians of Tibet”. With the help of her imagination and concentration, she materialized a kind-hearted lama, whom others began to notice after a while. The ghost, however, quickly began to lose his kindness and became visibly embittered. Alexandra notes: “His presence turned into a real nightmare for me. I was already starting to lose control of him. And I decided to dispel the illusion. I succeeded only after half a year of desperate efforts."

It is interesting that stories about the creation of ghosts by one's own will and imagination can be heard not only in the East. This appears to be a common magical practice. Moreover, sometimes such ghosts appear spontaneously, under the influence of strong feelings. Here is an example from the practice of the occultist Dion Fortune: “One person to whom I disinterestedly provided significant help, caused me serious harm, and I was inflamed with a strong thirst for revenge. Resting one evening and lying in bed, I reflected on my resentment, and during these reflections I sank into a doze. The idea came to my mind to drop all restrictions and give free rein to my fury, like an ancient Norse warrior. Ancient Nordic myths rose before me and I remembered the Wolf Fenris, the horror of the North. I immediately felt as if something was being pulled out of my solar plexus,and a large wolf materialized on the bed next to me. It was a well-materialized form from ectoplasm. She was gray and colorless and had weight."

Fortune describes the horror, shall we say, from an extraordinary sight and the temptation to send this ghost to deal with the offender. With great difficulty, the occultist managed to dematerialize the wolf. And interestingly, Dion, like David-Neel, noticed that the creation of her imagination was trying to get rid of control and gain freedom. How not to recall the Tibetan and Indian stories about the struggle between the sorcerer and his creation, sometimes ending in the death of the magician himself.

The phenomenon of materialization is considered one of the most mysterious in parapsychology. According to some researchers, during materialization, an organic or inorganic substance is formed, called ectoplasm - a visible, felt and photographed substance that comes from the mouth and nose of the materializing medium. Phantoms are formed from ectoplasm by the efforts of the mind and some unknown force, existing from several seconds to several hours or more.

Phantoms can be touched, their pulse and respiration can be measured medically, and even talked to. It would seem that this is the moment where to exclaim: delirium, lies, idle inventions! But try to find one amusing book written by Soviet researchers, Professor, Doctor of Psychology Veniamin Noevich Pushkin and biophysicist, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Petrovich Dubrovy. The title of the book is "Parapsychology and Contemporary Natural Science". There are photographs of figures materialized by the imagination of the medium. Scientists, we note, with a name and scientific reputation do not deny such a phenomenon at all, but try to find an explanation for it from a materialistic point of view. There is probably no point in presenting their theoretical calculations, something else is important to us - the reality of the described unreal phenomena.

Apparently, in reality, the fiery imagination of the magician can create monsters, which in an unknown way receive the power that transforms the world of real phenomena. Veniamin Pushkin and Alexander Dubrov write that "thought is material, but this is a matter of a special kind - psychic matter, and the task of modern science is to deeply understand it as a unit of the human psyche, his consciousness." They also recognize that thought, as a materialized entity, "is capable of actively interacting with the environment, influencing the quality and state of substances and the dynamics of processes, and performing sensory-motor functions." From this we can draw a conclusion that haunts me: about our responsibility for our thoughts and the state of imagination. How many of us really know about our abilities? It may well be that some misfortunes with our loved ones do not happen by accident,they follow our careless thoughts. Imagine how much evil hatred of one person for another can create if it suddenly materializes spontaneously …

On February 14, 1945, the body of farmer Charles Walton was found in a field on Meonhill, near Lauer Quinton in Warwickshire. Passers-by who found him thought that he had been killed with a pitchfork, because there were deep marks on his chest and neck. As Scotland Yard detectives found out, the farmer had no enemies. No trace of the robbery was found. Local residents, however, had no doubt that witchcraft was clearly involved in this murder. Where Walton's body was found, it was rumored that a ghost with a pitchfork was roaming. The policemen guarding the murder site from the curious, too, were frightened by the appearance of a figure barely visible in the light of day. The case was closed due to the unclearness of many circumstances.

The English researcher of unusual phenomena Charles Fort left dozens of accounts of invisible killers.

Some of them, in our opinion, can be fully explained by the spontaneous “materialization of hatred”, similar to the one that happened to Dion Fortune.

Now, perhaps, the version of "virtual" murder, told by the head of the Moscow School of Hypnosis Gennady Goncharov, sounds not so strange. According to him, we have several specialists in our country who are engaged in "event modeling".

Imagine a person who, having received all the information about the victim's lifestyle, begins to mentally "construct" the events taking place with her. Let's say how she drives to work. The specialist gets used to the image of the "modeled", for a moment he becomes himself. Mentally tracing the route of the trip, makes "adjustments", presses, for example, the gas pedal, instead of braking. And clearly, visibly, tangibly "sees" how the accident occurs. And it happens in reality … Why not? After all, thought is material.

Remember the heroine of Alexander Kuprin, the witch Olesya. The girl follows the master and “gets used” in his image, repeating to the smallest detail all his movements. Then she imagines a rope pulled across the path and makes a "falling" motion. And the master is rolling on the ground … Riddle? Few people know that Kuprin really described one of the witchcraft techniques. And the most interesting thing is that you yourself can check its action.

At one psychological seminar, I was a witness and participant in an experiment. We were asked to walk one after another for an hour, getting used to the smallest features of movements in the image of a partner. At a certain moment, the "leader" conceived an action, but without performing it, he gave a signal to the "follower", whose task was to perform the action planned by the partner. And he did it! So strong was the magnetism of the rhythm. Moreover, after following the "leader" a little, you involuntarily begin to feel his psychological attitude and already from somewhere you know that this morning he was overjoyed or upset about something.

Occult secrets of criminal Russia