The Mysterious Creature Chupacabra Terrifies The Inhabitants Of The Village Near Syzran - Alternative View

The Mysterious Creature Chupacabra Terrifies The Inhabitants Of The Village Near Syzran - Alternative View
The Mysterious Creature Chupacabra Terrifies The Inhabitants Of The Village Near Syzran - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Creature Chupacabra Terrifies The Inhabitants Of The Village Near Syzran - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Creature Chupacabra Terrifies The Inhabitants Of The Village Near Syzran - Alternative View

An unknown animal of huge size, which growls and moves by jumping like a kangaroo, tried to kill the domestic animals of local residents in the village of Rameno.

On March 20, 55-year-old Natalya, who lives in a house on the outskirts of the village, told KTV-LUCH about the appearance of the Chupacabra in the village. According to her, the beast climbed into the garden and tried to deal with the yard dog. In addition, Natalya found two of her bloody cats, one of them seemed to be scalped.

“This is a nightmare, not a beast. From fear, I am shaking all over, - says Natalya, - a huge black-and-gray creature, like a kangaroo jumps on its hind legs, the front legs are short and the muzzle is long, and at the end it is a nickle, like a pig's. And the traces are so large with claws, like a bear.

Moreover, Natalya says that two weeks ago she saw two Chupacabras from afar. They jumped out of a street dumpster and even bent its metal edges. According to local residents, some of them are afraid to go outside the village.

- Our girls, while working along the forest and fields, will remember all the gods. I've poured vinegar into the sprayer to somehow fight off the Chupokabra if it attacks. Someone walks with sticks, my son gave me a stun gun, - said a local resident.

According to her, the chupacabra emits a terrible roar, not like a dog or wolf growl.

- Relatives say that Chupacabras are walking not only here, but also on Repyovka. Where 15 geese were killed, where rabbits were strangled. How to catch this monster, we do not know. I turned to my neighbor, a hunter, and he says it was these shepherd dogs that scared me. What are the shepherds! They jump, walk with a wheel, - said Natalya Dmitrienko.

The KTV-LUCH film crew is preparing to leave for the place where, according to residents, mysterious creatures were seen.

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Note that the chupacabra is a creature unknown to science, which, according to legend, kills animals and sucks their blood. Chupacabra often becomes the hero of films, TV series and books. At the same time, there is no reliable information from scientists about the existence of the Chupacabra.