Games Of "methodology" Or To Whose Tune Do The "technocrats" Dance? - Alternative View

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Games Of "methodology" Or To Whose Tune Do The "technocrats" Dance? - Alternative View
Games Of "methodology" Or To Whose Tune Do The "technocrats" Dance? - Alternative View

Video: Games Of "methodology" Or To Whose Tune Do The "technocrats" Dance? - Alternative View

Video: Games Of
Video: FUTURE Of WORK On The Wire! Which Way Will We Go? 2024, May

The new redistribution that has begun in Russia, the "fall of the governor" and the election results raise many questions. Back in Soviet times, the process of introducing the so-called “methodologists” into the “elite” began. Who are they, who are their curators, what are their goals and where are they trying to turn off the autopilot of the Russian ship - this is what today's article is about.

The Law of Time

Humanity, as a system, has its own parameters, including the frequencies of various processes. One of the main ones is the frequency of generational change, which characterizes the rate of renewal of the biological component of humanity. It is approximately equal to 25 years - this is the average time for a woman to have her first child. This frequency has remained virtually unchanged for many thousands of years.

Let's take transport. Man invented the cart, and it has served without significant changes for thousands of years. Man invented the carriage, and it has traveled for hundreds of years. He invented the locomotive, its design changed after decades (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, etc.). With the invention of the automobile and the airplane, the industry has already taken several years to renew.


The ratio of the renewal frequencies of the biological and social components and their relationship in the global historical process is called the Law of Time.

After changing the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time, the study of applied facts does not guarantee the occupation of a stable position at higher levels of the crowd-"elite" pyramid of consumerism, even to representatives of one generation, and not that to their descendants, since the applied factology they master repeatedly becomes obsolete over time. active life of a person.

Promotional video:


It was and in some moments remains so far as shown in the picture above, but the situation is changing, which is clearly seen in the chart below.

Population of the planet living in extreme poverty, 1820 - 2015. Extreme poverty is defined as consumption levels below 1.9 international dollars per day. The international dollar takes into account the difference in dollar prices between countries and the rate of inflation
Population of the planet living in extreme poverty, 1820 - 2015. Extreme poverty is defined as consumption levels below 1.9 international dollars per day. The international dollar takes into account the difference in dollar prices between countries and the rate of inflation

Population of the planet living in extreme poverty, 1820 - 2015. Extreme poverty is defined as consumption levels below 1.9 international dollars per day. The international dollar takes into account the difference in dollar prices between countries and the rate of inflation.

You can see that after going through a period of resonance in the 1950s, we switched to a different mode of social life. It can be seen that in the time of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, only a very small layer of people had access to the benefits of public life. Today, about 10% of the world's population lives in extreme poverty. The law of time is only gaining momentum, making crowd- "elite" methods of solving problems more and more inoperable. This causes not only disappointment in the lives of many people, but also a massive interest in the reasons for the instability of the life position of individuals, families and societies, raises questions to which there are no answers in the “elite” “political science” and the psychology of crowd-“elite” social systems, and makes predetermined the mass interest in the management and development of the methodology of cognition and creativity.

That is why society needs everyone to understand the laws governing the structure of life, to which the life of man and society is subordinated; was able to identify processes in their causal relationship; and also became a manager on whom the life of the whole society depends. In such a society there is no need to maintain a hierarchy of personal slave-lordly relations, which crushed crowd-"elite" societies, such a society does not need oppressors, whose purpose is to preserve parasitism in other people's labor. At the same time, official hierarchies will not be built on the principle “I am the boss, you are a fool; you are the boss, I am the fool, "because they are an expression of the structural way of management.

On methodology and ideology

The knowledge a person needs to manage his life and the life of society is called methodology. It is a system of methods and principles of cognition based on dialectics as the art of posing questions and finding answers to them. The methodology allows us to resolve uncertainties in life, to identify private processes and to determine their nesting in more embracing processes.

But methodology has one more function: it is a management tool, and in a methodologically illiterate society, it can be a tool for manipulating large masses of people.

Accordingly, in the second case, if the methodological culture is not widespread enough in society, its few carriers give rise to ideology (through which control is carried out).

A methodologically illiterate society can accept ideology or reject it. If a society has adopted an ideology, and the ideology is more or less adequate to life, then it overcomes the crisis that has matured in this society.

The ratio of types of power in society
The ratio of types of power in society

The ratio of types of power in society.

So Russia by the mid-1930s. overcame the crisis created by the Romanov dynasty by the beginning of the 20th century. But everything in the ideology, introduced in this way into a methodologically illiterate society, is inadequate to life from the very beginning or acquires the quality of inadequacy as a result of the historical development of mankind and this society, becomes a generator of new problems and crises, which cannot be overcome on the basis of the previous ideology. There are many examples of this, including in the history of our country:

  • the inability of the Romanov dynasty to identify and solve problems on the basis of their adherence to the Orthodox ideological shell of the Western concept of government "slaves, obey the masters …" (Ephesians 6: 5-7);
  • the inability of the USSR society on the basis of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism (the secular shell of the Western concept of management) to identify and resolve the accumulated by the beginning of the 1980s. Problems;
  • the inability of the post-Soviet government to solve problems on the basis of imported liberal-bourgeois ideology (together with Marxism they still dominate the education system);
  • other ideological shells of the same Western concept of management (Scientology, Shchedrovitsky's pseudo-methodology, Gref's agile, etc.) - do not contain adequate methodology: management theory, sociology, psychology, economics, presenting only a cosmetic set of methods (not methodology) to maintain functioning according to the current concept;

In all cases, ideologies that had lost the adequacy of life themselves became problems that societies had to identify and overcome.

An example of the methodological illiteracy of society:

On October 31, 1939, at an extraordinary meeting of the Supreme Council on foreign policy, the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov outlined the current problem:

Having defeated the enemy and banned the attributes of the Hitler regime, our people did not do the main thing - they did not penetrate the essence of fascism. And without penetrating into the essence, he did not develop the methodology necessary for all countries and peoples, especially for those who have been and remain under the rule of fascism, which must be eradicated once and for all.

Adherents of the global “elite” promoted Marxism as a secular ideological shell of the Western concept of governance. The danger for the curators of this project was represented by the very fact that within the framework of Marxism, the Marxist-Leninist dialectic was presented to society, which not everyone could perceive formally.


"Subjective dialectics" in form represents, in practice, a sequence of definite in meaning and at each stage, unambiguously understood in their connection with Life questions, both explicitly posed and implied, to which certain answers are given that are unambiguously understood in their connection with Life. The unambiguity of understanding (possibly multivariate: in the sense of an unambiguously defined set) is determined by culture - a personal, social group, society as a whole. And we emphasize that if there is no connection with the Life of questions and answers, then there is no subjective dialectics. What arises in the absence of a connection with Life is abstractionism, possibly generating the illusion of its objectivity.

In other words, Dialectics is a conversation of a person in a good mood with Life, thoughts and other deeds, which has an inevitable consequence of the implementation of the plan for the development of our world in one way or another.

At the same time, a fairly general theory of control (the basis of the methodology) and the dialectical method turn out to be interconnected so that the possession of the dialectical method allows one to develop a fairly general theory of control, and the possession of at least some more or less workable theory of control in some hidden form also contains dialectical method. Also, effective management skills in their essence are the life expression of "subjective dialectics" inherent (at least) to the unconscious levels of the psyche of the individual.

To prevent this from happening, the pseudo-methodology was introduced in advance by the global "elite" through the so-called "methodological circle" of G. P. Shchedrovitsky.

On the pseudo-methodology of Shchedrovitsky

To understand what the ideology of “methodologists” (game technicians) is like, we read the memoirs of one of their participants, a representative of the “School of Effective Leaders” Valery Lebedev:

In late Soviet times, this idea was put into practice by Georgy Petrovich Shchedrovitsky. And so secretly that this most powerful spring of all his activity is hidden to this day.

Georgy Petrovich Shchedrovitsky
Georgy Petrovich Shchedrovitsky

Georgy Petrovich Shchedrovitsky.

At the very beginning of the 1970s, when Georgy Petrovich, or GP, as everyone called him, came to Minsk and conducted sessions there with his early team to expose old thinking, he was sometimes frank in private conversations. In his scheme, the main strategic stimulus of his entire life looked like this.

The strong point of the SMD methodology (System-Thought-Activity), which Shchedrovitsky had developed for a long time, was schematization. That is, the representation of any social device or process in the form of diagrams, blocks, figures and functional connections between them using arrows. Everything became very clear and understandable. Where, what block, who is connected with whom and how, where you need to enter in order to do this and that.

Organizational-activity games Shchedrovitsky conceived just for the further development and implementation of the "intellectual revolution" in the USSR. Run hundreds of thousands of people through the games and create a massive class of supporters. These will be directors of enterprises, heads of shops, district committees, city committees, regional committees, judges, higher school teachers, ministerial officials of all ranks. It seems that there was no category of the population that was not captured by the "game movement" of the late 1970s and all 1980s. Although no, there were such categories - this is the army. As well as the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As far as I know, there was no ODI. And what is the seizure of power without the security forces? But these systems were considered by Georgy Petrovich to be something like executive bodies. There will be an order from the political leaders - they will carry out - and that's it."

This stuffing became possible also because the leadership of the USSR and the KGB could not generate the methodology necessary for society, remaining under the rule of the delusions of Marxism.

This is also confirmed by the words of Vyacheslav Molotov in a conversation with Felix Chuev:

And in fact, it was necessary to support the process of returning to the de facto estate-caste system and not allow society to leave it. That is, in this sense, the goals of the party nomenclature and the goals implemented by the global “elite” through pseudo-methodologists coincided.

On the example of today's life in Iran on the basis of historically established Islam, it is clearly seen that when dogma is actively implanted in society for a long time (it does not matter what - Marxism, historically established Islam, historically established Christianity), people begin to see that this dogma is not viable, and they begin look for a way out from under her power. And in the absence of the skill to perceive life and to think independently, in the absence of knowledge of the real methodology, in the absence of skills in mastering and developing methodology, it is very easy to deceive them. It was for this purpose that a snag was planted in the form of the so-called "methodology" of G. P. Shchedrovitsky, which is being improved to this day.

In the West, there is an analogue of the domestic pseudo-methodologists - "generous" - this is a sect of Scientologists, operating in the same conceptual field. Both teachings are intended to explain to the foolish minions of fate who accidentally got their hands on money and power, why they deserve it - money and power. To this theory was added the coaching of the party nomenklatura and their offspring on how to behave in front of more competent people, so as not to lose credibility and not lose control levers.

The world's most famous Scientologist, Tom Cruise, gives a speech at the inauguration of the new Church of Scientologists in Madrid
The world's most famous Scientologist, Tom Cruise, gives a speech at the inauguration of the new Church of Scientologists in Madrid

The world's most famous Scientologist, Tom Cruise, gives a speech at the inauguration of the new Church of Scientologists in Madrid.

The essence of these teachings is equivalent to anti-science - or Bayesian science. Bayesian science is an activity that produces models that need to be corrected whenever new experimental data comes in. As a consequence, in Bayesian science "goal is nothing, movement is everything."

The "methodology" is based on the ancient philosophical approach about the existence of "true names of things", through the description of which a certain phenomenon is supposedly automatically achieved understanding the essence of this phenomenon. In fact, this is not the case, since cause and effect are confused here. Processes and phenomena (and they are in images) can be effectively controlled if not names in general are found for them, but names adequate to life, i.e. metrologically sound names.


But from all this, the Soviet party leadership understood only that it was enough to “ask the question correctly” for management to become effective. Therefore, all the activities of managers-methodologists began to be reduced to the search for the "correct" formulations of questions and their transmission down to the professional community.


Unfortunately, the party nomenclature of the USSR did not want to understand the danger of pseudo-methodologists. Why? Because in her, at the unconscious levels of the psyche, there was a request for the restoration of the estate-caste system. "Methodologists" are easily manipulated from the outside, if at some nodal points they suddenly receive the expected "feedback" ("feedback" - means a response, response, response to any action or event) from reality (unexpected "feedback" - does not refute the theory, but "refines the model").

Development Institute

The son of G. P. Shchedrovitsky, Pyotr Shchedrovitsky, President of the Foundation “Development Institute named after G. P. Shchedrovitsky”, openly said that he and his students claim to rule the country and the world. That their "method" was created for the general unification of management in the world. That their task is to unite highly specialized specialists, giving them something in common.

From his interview:

- You are the head of the Georgy Shchedrovitsky Development Institute Foundation and share the ideas of the methodology. Can you formulate what is its essence ?

P. G. Shchedrovitsky could not clearly define the essence of his "methodology". For him, this is just a set of certain methods that allow him to be more competitive among those who have not mastered them. Without an answer to the question - who is a Man and why he came to this world, without defining a Man with questions of morality and goal-setting - the entire "methodology" of Shchedrovitsky crumbles into dust, which is demonstrated by the inability of his students to come to an understanding of the real methodology and goals of society development. And their actions are expressed in an attempt to pull up society to the extent of its misunderstanding and therefore to slow down its development towards Humanity, which is impossible in principle.

That is, Shchedrovitsky's pseudo-methodologists are preparing auto-synchronizing zombies, whose intellectual potential is aimed at achieving goals with the help of "schematization" and "game technicians". Moreover, these zombies believe that they themselves determine their goals, not realizing that their goals have already been embedded as an integral part in the “methodology” of G. P. Shchedrovitsky. The basis of his teaching is materialism. Consequently, there is no understanding of the fact of the existence of the hierarchically highest comprehensive management and the objective laws of human existence, which the methodology cannot contradict. And this is dangerous for today's civilization: the fact is that if you read the works of ethologists (a branch of biology that studies the behavior of animals), then the estate society is a monkey, slightly trained by civilization, while the Earth requires the civilization of Humanity,and not trained talkative Banderlog and biorobots …


The basis of an adequate life methodology is a fairly general control theory (DOTU), which relies on a mosaic worldview of integrity (the world is single and holistic and everything in it is causally conditioned, which allows an individual who owns DOTU - through metrology - to easily enter the problematics of all special sciences; and, if necessary, to find a common language with specialists in them: that is, the conceptual and terminological apparatus of DOTU is a means of interdisciplinary communication of specialists from different private branches of knowledge and activity. This makes DOTU a means of uniting carriers of disparate scientific knowledge and applied skills into a harmonious collective integrity necessary for the safe life and work of individuals and groups that make up society. This is the main advantage of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of DOTU,nothing like that in the "methodology" of G. P. Shchedrovitsky is gone.

The control can be carried out according to three possible control schemes: software, software-adaptive and predictor-corrector scheme.

  • Programming scheme: current information about the state of the external environment and the position of the object in it - feedback - is not used in the control system. There is no flexibility in behavior.
  • Software-adaptive scheme: feedbacks about the state of the control object and the state of the environment come with a delay, as a result of which measures are also taken with a delay and the control error grows up to the collapse of control.
  • Predictor-corrector scheme: the control system reacts not only to past events, detecting deviations from the ideal control mode, but also identifying tendencies for deviations to occur if the forecast is accurate. The predictor-corrector is "smarter" and provides more flexible, unconventional control than previous schemes.

And Russia needs to strive to move to management at all levels according to the "predictor-corrector" scheme in order to solve problems proactively, before their real manifestation in life.

"Shchedrovityane" in power

Today, many of the "Generous" Scientologists are in the highest government. Among them are such surnames as Kirienko, Gref, Kuzminov, Nabiullina, Kudrin, Volodin, Kurginyan, Khodorkovsky, Surkov, Mizulina, Glazyev and others.

In the context of the implementation of the policy to promote the caste-caste society and the tribal system in the “elite” itself, it is important for the “generous” team under the leadership of Kiriyenko to maintain the stability of management while the very principle of slavery remains unchanged.

The collection of feedback from the population by "technocrats" in the pilot regions has improved, which made it possible to solve a number of social problems, while not changing the crowd-"elite" essence of the system itself, which allows further blurring the eyes of the population. However, even with such control, there is a mistake: it consists in the fact that either a feedback averaged relationship is collected (the system is not able to identify the most important useful signal or the entire range of useful opinions), or mutually exclusive statistics are collected on one issue. As a result - an increase in the number of unfulfilled promises and the solution of secondary problems instead of priority ones.


That is, Kirienko's pseudo-methodologists do not have an understanding of the law of normal distribution (there are no appropriate criteria for selecting participants to collect feedback). The system itself limits itself from interacting with the right statistical tail of the law of normal distribution - those who are oriented towards the real future and are the "vanguard" (if we recall Lenin's terminology) of social development. Consequently, “collateral” damage is inevitable.

The weakest point of the “methodologists” is the absence of proactive management influence to “avoid” management errors in the future. Can the work of Kiriyenko's "technocrats" be considered successful if the goals are achieved, but the collateral damage is significant and may even override the usefulness of management results?

The Technocrats hit the ceiling of the adaptive control scheme. Since the basis of their activity is materialism, in fact they are “I-centrists” (when an individual considers himself to be the center of his worldview), believing in his exclusivity, knowledge and intelligence, with a limited understanding of the surrounding reality.


At the same time, they are characterized by a view of society (population) from the outside: there are them, and there are all the others. That is, the model of a socially just society is unacceptable for them at the level of their worldview, and the maximum they can evolve into is a society of well-meaning demonism.


On what principles is selection based if there is no unity based on understanding the objective laws of human existence, and, as a consequence, the need to live according to conscience? This can be seen in the example of the same RANEPA school of management: teaching is still going on with the same old ineffective liberal mantras, multiplied by pseudo-methodology. The lack of unity on the basis of good morality is replaced by team building, similar to the jumping of drunk paratroopers into the fountain on the day of the Airborne Forces and psychological breakdown - parachute jumps, armored personnel carriers, etc. on the beach - breaking is much more feasible, because the organization of garbage collection for "slaves" for them is an insoluble problem and below their dignity).

Videos from the training of the "personnel reserve" are already circulating on the Internet. Future "technocrats" rally and fight fear, jumping into the river from a 7-meter cliff. Photo:
Videos from the training of the "personnel reserve" are already circulating on the Internet. Future "technocrats" rally and fight fear, jumping into the river from a 7-meter cliff. Photo:

Videos from the training of the "personnel reserve" are already circulating on the Internet. Future "technocrats" rally and fight fear, jumping into the river from a 7-meter cliff. Photo:

When it gets into reality, the limitations of programmatic-adaptive management begin to appear, especially at the municipal and regional levels, where it is impossible to “pour” a lot of money into the problem. As you reach the limit of your capabilities and increase the understanding of the population, this scheme will cease to work. What can we say about those regions where not "technocrats" Kiriyenko are at the head, but governors-general from among the former guards and proteges of the oligarchs closest to the pie. That is, the regions - where the program management is still not taking into account feedbacks.

In fact, conditions are being created when, with the hands of new managers-"technocrats" raised in Kiriyenko's school, imperceptibly for the majority of the population, the country may enter a catastrophic scenario for it. The country's security is under threat.

Goals and objectives

The transhumanist future as a goal at this stage is camouflaged under the digitalization of "supporting" processes (for example, in the field of education) and is presented as an extremely useful process for society and the state.

The team of pseudo-methodologists is being blindly used by the global "elite" to achieve the following goals in the management process through the Western project of globalization:

  1. building a global oligarchic fascism based on the ideology of transhumanism;
  2. control over the situation in Russia and preservation of the crowd-“elite” model of society, preventing the formation of a humane society and state by channeling useful initiatives and supporting all kinds of imitation processes (a lot of noise and nothing in essence).

The pseudo-methodologists themselves today are working to achieve the following goals:

  1. control over the processes in Russia and the preservation of the crowd-“elite” model of society;
  2. training of personnel and introduction to the authorities;
  3. reboot of the "elites" with the redistribution of assets and their henchmen in the power structures;
  4. digitalization of society and human subordination to artificial intelligence, programmed by algorithms of crowd- "elitism".

It should be noted that the so-called "methodologists", working according to the program-adaptive control scheme, both in the process of achieving the designated goals and after achieving them, will inevitably encounter difficult or even insoluble problems for themselves. Thus, at the reboot stage, some of the “elite” groups in power will imitate their loyalty and devotion, but in reality they will actively oppose integration into the “Kirienko's” management model, which can lead to a breakdown in management with unpredictable consequences. After achieving the designated goals, “technocrats”, due to their own methodological inconsistency, will inevitably face uncertainties that are insoluble for them, which can lead to an imbalance of the entire management system. The accompanying damage will be unacceptable for the would-be managers themselves,and the state as a whole.

Today's "methodology" is both Scientology (Kiriyenko went through the Scientology procedure - clearing), and Shchedrovitsky's "methodology" in their further improvement based on the principles of Bayesian science. This is a set of effective methods for managing the population, to which the "methodologists-technocrats" themselves do not attribute themselves, but at the same time do not consider the population to be outright slaves.

This position is well reflected in the well-known speech of the pseudo-methodologist G. Gref at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum:

Here is a verbatim transcript of his speech, highlighting what is important in our opinion:

Hence, one can understand why pseudo-methodologists avoid public discussion of the development goals of society and the state both at the federal level and at the regional level. And also why there is no methodology in the education system - this topic is prohibited. What is incomprehensible is frightening. But they cannot understand.

If this condition is not met, then the authorities will constantly face circumstances unpredictable for them. Numerous examples observed in the political life of Russia confirm this fundamental position.


The transition to a society of social justice is impossible without complete and unconditional mastery of the methodology of cognition and creativity on the basis of a fairly general theory of management. Due to the objective laws of the existence of human society, there are no other options for the development of mankind. This is the only way out for human civilization.
