Incredible Finds From Siberia That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Incredible Finds From Siberia That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View
Incredible Finds From Siberia That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Finds From Siberia That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Finds From Siberia That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Incredible Finds That Scientists Still Can't Explain 2024, October

The facts known to mankind about the Earth of the beginning of time are very scattered. The data about when and how the first people appeared, whether other intelligent beings lived on the planet before modern man is a mystery covered in darkness. Nevertheless, scientists somehow offer coherent theories about the origin of species, about how evolution went. How do they manage to draw general conclusions on the basis of one unrelated event that took place in ancient times?

Moreover, the theory is proposed to be considered the only possible! Why is that? Is it because it is much easier and more profitable for scientists - geologists, paleontologists, cryptozoologists - to defend their versions to the last, than to consider new ones? After all, these hypotheses can call into question so many carefully built reputations! So many titles can be inflated! It is better to reject what does not fit into the framework of officially recognized evolutionary theory. Moreover, having a big name, it seems incredibly simple to hide new finds!

In Siberia, due to the harsh climate and remoteness from civilization, little scientific research is being conducted. This is a matter of the future - and the distant one. But the development of territories where there are minerals brings incredible surprises. They pose valid questions for scientists.


While working near the port of Igarka, beyond the Arctic Circle, a huge amount of processed chalcedony was found - a semi-precious variety of quartz, a very hard stone.


It was as if a laser had swept the edges of a stone. Everything would be fine, only the layer has an age approaching one hundred million years. Two translucent fragments, in addition to cutting, also have notches. Triangles inscribed into each other, crossed lines that form a kind of snowflake.


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Who worked the stones? If the origin is natural - how to explain it? In addition, how can one explain the obvious effect of ultra-high temperatures on stones?


A volcanic eruption? A thermonuclear reaction? Something happened in those places in ancient times. Where are the other parts with inscriptions? Perhaps, at the bottom of the ancient sea, waves have erased all traces over millions of years.


A strange thing happened in the Primorsky Territory. The builders of the road reported that they found fragments of a structure made of an unknown mineral.


The first oddity is that the ancient building is assembled from geometrically correct details of various complex shapes. Cylinders, plates, cones are made of the rarest moissanite. Since the crystals are very small, unknown builders fastened them together with a crushed mass of the same mineral.


There are several questions at once. Where is the mineral found in this place, which is found mainly in meteorite fragments? Who could create the technology for its processing? Moissanite is the most durable material that does not lend itself well to any mechanical, thermal and chemical attack. Now scientists confirm: the maximum that can be made from moissanite is a pebble for jewelry. And here - a whole building! It turns out that the ancient and highly developed civilization had access to this mineral and was able to master its industrial processing! Does it somehow not fit with the assertion of official science that a few thousand years ago only wild tribes lived here?


Another discovery was made during a geological exploration expedition. In search of gold, they found tungsten products in the form of springs. Tungsten is a rare and difficult metal to work with. As if this was not enough, cores of hard metal - molybdenum - were inserted inside the springs.

And again questions. The finds are clearly artificial. Both materials are refractory and are used in incandescent lamps. What is the purpose of such springs? What are the light bulbs in the pristine layer that formed about a hundred thousand years ago? Or did ancient intelligent beings use tungsten and molybdenum in other devices and structures unknown to modern man? There is no answer yet.

Megalithic structures are found all over the world. The statements that ancient Egypt and Central America are the birthplace of megaliths are already a thing of the past. They also exist in Siberia. By their existence, such monumental buildings refute the theory that these territories were deserted in the recent past. The dating of the megaliths convincingly proves that they are much older than the Egyptian pyramids! Who created them? The riddle has not yet been solved.


There are so-called "cauldrons" in the Siberian Valley of the Dead. These objects have no explanation. Who and when flooded huge metal structures in swampy lakes? And most importantly - why? Local residents are well aware of them, and pass on information from generation to generation. Scientists have seen the cauldrons and cannot explain their purpose. They tried to subject the material of the cauldrons to research, but so far the Siberian finds do not reveal their secrets.


Balls of unknown origin are found in abundance in Siberian soil. Sizes - from apple to soccer ball. But on Franz Josef Land there are balls and more. They have an ideal shape, but no traces of processing are visible. The arguments of official scientists that it was nature itself and ocean water that worked on the balls do not stand up to criticism. The purpose of creating stone gardens is not clear. Why do they dot the entire coast of one of the islands? Perhaps someone brought them there? But were these people? Or is it evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization before human?

And a little more about the finds. In Kamchatka, during the work of archaeologists, a metal structure was found right in the rock. Some metal cylinders of various shapes were visible from the rock. The find is certified and dated - about 400 million years ago.

* Algae * resembling gears
* Algae * resembling gears

* Algae * resembling gears.

Incredibly, scientists said: it's algae! Yes, metal. But there is no doubt!


All over the world, they continue to discuss the find of a marble sarcophagus with the remains of a woman in the Kemerovo region. The sarcophagus, according to those who found it, was filled with a transparent liquid and the mummy of a woman with the features of a modern white man has been perfectly preserved.

What does it mean for modern science that there were highly developed beings on Earth in that distant era with knowledge and technologies like this? This means - a revision of all official theories! They hide the truth - but, probably, it will not be long.