Egyptian Executions: What It Is, And Which Of Them Have Found A Scientific Explanation - Alternative View

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Egyptian Executions: What It Is, And Which Of Them Have Found A Scientific Explanation - Alternative View
Egyptian Executions: What It Is, And Which Of Them Have Found A Scientific Explanation - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Executions: What It Is, And Which Of Them Have Found A Scientific Explanation - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Executions: What It Is, And Which Of Them Have Found A Scientific Explanation - Alternative View
Video: Peculiar Mummified Bodies w/ a Secret 💀 Smithsonian Channel 2024, October

One of the Scriptures describes 10 Egyptian executions, which fell on an ancient civilization one after another. Scientists managed to find scientific explanations for 7 of them. Their arguments were supported by historical facts and modern research.

With regard to the remaining three executions that befell Ancient Egypt, scientists are still speculating and hypothesizing.

What is "Egyptian executions"

One of the Holy Scriptures, the Pentateuch, describes the punishments that befell the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. The reason for this was the unwillingness of Pharaoh to free him from the bondage and release the sons of Israel.

The second volume of the "Pentateuch" - the book of Exodus, tells how Moses calls on the ruler of Egypt to release his people. Otherwise, the Egyptians will face God's punishment.

Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites. Then Aaron, the elder brother of Moses, raised the staff. He hit them on the river surface in front of the ruler of Egypt. The water in the river turned into blood, and the fish died. This is how the first execution looked like - punishment by blood.

Each reluctance of the ruler of Egypt to heed Moses' requests was followed by a new attack

Promotional video:

  1. Punishment by blood.
  2. Invasion of toads.
  3. Punishment by midges.
  4. Punishment with dog flies.
  5. Cattle pestilence.
  6. Ulcers and abscesses.
  7. Thunder, lightning and fiery hail.
  8. Locust plague.
  9. Egyptian darkness.
  10. Death of the firstborn.

Some of these misfortunes had a historical and climatic basis. Scientists were able to compare the facts, events of past centuries, and find out the reasons for some of the troubles that befell Ancient Egypt.

Scientific substantiation of natural disasters described in Egyptian executions

A group of paleoclimatologists, archaeologists and researchers, after a thorough study of the period of the existence of Ancient Egypt, came to certain conclusions. At one of the historical moments, there was a sharp change in weather conditions. After several years of rains and a warm, humid climate, a drought set in, provoking a chain of "executions".

Egyptian darkness

The reason for this phenomenon could be two natural disasters. Sandstorm - This is caused by strong winds that lift large amounts of sand into the atmosphere. Ancient Egypt was located in a desert zone.

Another cataclysm is the volcanic eruption that occurred on the island of Santorini. Then billions of tons of ash got into the air. In Egypt, archaeologists have found pumice - volcanic stone. But there are no volcanoes on Egyptian territory.

Thunder, lightning and fiery hail

The consequences of natural disasters - thunder and hail - are well known to most of the world's inhabitants. Although such cataclysms could have been provoked by a volcanic eruption. Ash is carried by gusts of wind over long distances. If a rain cloud "collides" with it, a very colorful natural phenomenon is obtained.

Punishment by blood

The drought that began provoked the shallowing of water bodies. In warm shallow water algae and microorganisms multiply rapidly. The red color of the river could be given by the bacteria Oscillatoria rubescens or "Burgundy blood". When they die off, they give the water a characteristic "bloody" color.

The bacteria are toxic. They poison the water, which leads to the mass death of fish and other river inhabitants. Under the scorching rays of the sun, dead carcasses quickly decompose, exuding a specific smell. And, naturally, the water becomes absolutely unsuitable for quenching thirst.

This chain of events triggered subsequent executions.

Scientific rationale for the invasion of insects and amphibians described in the Egyptian executions

Invasion of toads

The rate of transformation of tadpoles into frogs is influenced by the level of hormones. In a stressful situation, they are produced in large quantities. This leads to the rapid "maturation" of amphibians.

In search of water suitable for habitation, the toads rushed to land.

Punishment by midges and dog flies

The heat, the decaying carcasses of fish, amphibians and other representatives of the fauna, provoked first the appearance of various midges, and then flies. The larvae of the latter feed on the tissues of the dead. The insect-fed frogs have become extinct due to the lack of a favorable habitat. This led to the rapid breeding of gnats and flies.

Locust plague

The migration of these voracious insects remains a scourge in the modern world. They travel great distances to find food. The drought that began in Egypt contributed to the locust invasion.
