Forbidden Archeology. Why Aren't We Being Told The Whole Truth - Alternative View

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Forbidden Archeology. Why Aren't We Being Told The Whole Truth - Alternative View
Forbidden Archeology. Why Aren't We Being Told The Whole Truth - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Archeology. Why Aren't We Being Told The Whole Truth - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Archeology. Why Aren't We Being Told The Whole Truth - Alternative View
Video: Archaeology from Space | Sarah Parcak | Talks at Google 2024, July

The past of Mankind arouses the keenest interest of scientists and the public. We see in the media statements about new finds by archaeologists, we watch films about how people lived and what they did. Moreover, science fiction writers put forward versions of the future based on the past - days that have long passed and will never return. But are all the finds so open, and how much do we know about the real artifacts found by archaeologists? After all, it is they who can lift the veil of the millennial secret.

Shocking discoveries by archaeologists that few people know about

According to the assurances of the researchers, the first man appeared on Earth more than 4 million years ago. It was a bipedal creature, not much like a modern city dweller, however, the resemblance to us is beyond doubt. Australopithecus constantly improved, evolution "walked by leaps and bounds."

The world was changing, and the appearance of the primitive humanoid creature changed
The world was changing, and the appearance of the primitive humanoid creature changed

The world was changing, and the appearance of the primitive humanoid creature changed.

Despite all attempts at evolution, man remained mortal. The first people carved figurines from wood and stone, left drawings on rocks, thin leather, papyrus. In writing history, humanity considered itself the crown of evolution. But in fact, archeology hides a lot of inconvenient facts that can shock the public.

Our ancestors lived poorly at first - in dugouts and caves, then somehow they invented the wheel, learned to read the stars and much more. Stupid? Yes. But at the same time, it was our ancestors who built the pyramids, created amazing masterpieces of art and extremely accurate calculations. How to combine such inability with great knowledge? What are archaeologists silent about, and why still visible and invisible artifacts of antiquity do not reveal their secrets?

Perhaps even modern technology cannot always cope with the unique masterpieces of the past
Perhaps even modern technology cannot always cope with the unique masterpieces of the past

Perhaps even modern technology cannot always cope with the unique masterpieces of the past.

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Technological progress as an indicator of the skills of ancestors

Today skeptics completely deny the possible skills of our ancestors. But it is worth reminding everyone that modern technical progress in the picture of Eternity is nothing more than a fleeting second. Considering that the scientific and technical achievements of our time are real for only 1.5-2 centuries, and humanity has millions of years of existence, it is reasonable to assume the cyclical development of society.

The ancestors of people possessed such technologies that their contemporaries cannot "dream" of even in fantastic visions. And indeed it is. But such knowledge is not at all included in the established concept and course of history, therefore it is hidden from the public.

This is not a modern invention at all, but a very ancient artifact
This is not a modern invention at all, but a very ancient artifact

This is not a modern invention at all, but a very ancient artifact.

What's wrong with human history

The simplest example is the discovery of an obsidian bracelet in a soil deposit more than 9500 years old. How people, who did not have modern technology, were able to achieve the unique smoothness of the surface of the stone, remains behind the scenes of scientific explanations.

The same obsidian bracelet is almost 10,000 years old
The same obsidian bracelet is almost 10,000 years old

The same obsidian bracelet is almost 10,000 years old.

The era of the pre-ceramic Neolithic was not famous in any way for skills or at least knowledge in stone processing, but there is a bracelet! And the accessory proves that it was made using machine processing. Scientists have come to grips with the study of jewelry, deciding to study all stages of material processing.

Modern craftsmen confirm that the quality of polishing is practically at the limit of modern possibilities. Lenses of modern telescopes are polished in a similar way. Is this not the first proof of the intelligence and advanced technologies of our ancestors? Recall that the artifact dates back to the pre-ceramic Neolithic era, when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers and certainly could not know anything about metals, stones, or have any tools for processing igneous rock.

It turns out that 9500 years ago, Homo sapiens had technologies that modern people did not have. If the bracelet was the only proof of advanced technology, it would be called a “fake” and left the idea alone. But it was not there, there are plenty of artifacts in the world that prove the mind and vast experience of our ancestors.

Artifacts without explanation are not a myth

Products in the hundredth, thousandth of an inch are today made in laboratories, cast in workshops on high-precision mechanisms. It is impossible to predict the existence of such equipment in the past, but it will have to.

Springs made about 100 thousand years ago
Springs made about 100 thousand years ago

Springs made about 100 thousand years ago.

Scientists have discovered a whole set of springs and coils in layers of sedimentary rocks dating back about 100 thousand years. That is, more than 10 centuries ago, people knew how to make springs.

Springs cannot be attributed to a natural phenomenon, they are clearly made by the hands of a person or other intelligent creature
Springs cannot be attributed to a natural phenomenon, they are clearly made by the hands of a person or other intelligent creature

Springs cannot be attributed to a natural phenomenon, they are clearly made by the hands of a person or other intelligent creature.

Some springs are generally found in soil layers dating back to the Pleistocene period. Coils are made of copper, tungsten and molybdenum, the melting temperature of the composition is from 2600 C. It is impossible to assume that they were "planted", the level of deepening of the finds is from 40 m - few people want to turn over the layers of the earth to ask scientists another riddle. And here are some more shocking finds from the past:

Discs from Colombia, 6,000 years old, with drawings of the birth and birth of a person with a strange head shape
Discs from Colombia, 6,000 years old, with drawings of the birth and birth of a person with a strange head shape

Discs from Colombia, 6,000 years old, with drawings of the birth and birth of a person with a strange head shape.

An artifact from 7000 years old, the mystery of which has not yet been solved
An artifact from 7000 years old, the mystery of which has not yet been solved

An artifact from 7000 years old, the mystery of which has not yet been solved.

Elongated skulls of people from Antarctica, or are they not people at all & hellip
Elongated skulls of people from Antarctica, or are they not people at all & hellip

Elongated skulls of people from Antarctica, or are they not people at all & hellip;