A Mysterious Alien Is Discovered In A Secret Room Inside The Great Pyramid In Egypt - Alternative View

A Mysterious Alien Is Discovered In A Secret Room Inside The Great Pyramid In Egypt - Alternative View
A Mysterious Alien Is Discovered In A Secret Room Inside The Great Pyramid In Egypt - Alternative View

Video: A Mysterious Alien Is Discovered In A Secret Room Inside The Great Pyramid In Egypt - Alternative View

Video: A Mysterious Alien Is Discovered In A Secret Room Inside The Great Pyramid In Egypt - Alternative View
Video: Egyptologists Open a Newly-Discovered Pyramid 2024, October

And this is not the first time in history, according to worldtruth.tv

We have heard dozens, if not hundreds, of hypotheses about the Great Pyramid of Giza, its origin, purpose, and who was the builder of the structure. While some of the proposed theories are extremely bizarre, they cannot be completely dismissed as there is a lack of scientific evidence that can definitely put an end to all discussions.

Many people believe that the pyramids of Egypt have a connection with the other world. Better to say, not only the pyramids in Egypt, but the pyramids in general. What would you say about the story of an alien found under the Great Pyramid in a secret abode?

According to the March 2000 issue of the Egyptian magazine Rose al-Yūsuf, a discovery of this kind was made in Egypt. History tells that in 1988, a French Egyptologist was studying the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza when he accidentally discovered a mysterious and unknown room inside the pyramid. The room was reportedly sealed right after construction was completed over 4,000 years ago. The room contained a mysterious crystalline transparent body.

According to reports, the mysterious crystalline enclosure was actually some sort of life support system for a small alien creature believed to be dormant. Finding a secret room like this one was more than extraordinary, but finding a real alien inside the pyramid could cause chaos, life-changing.

The physical evidence that could have supported the story, published in the Egyptian magazine, is still missing.

But the story continued. According to Egyptian Magazine, when researchers examined the newly found room, they found more clues about its mysterious occupant when they stumbled upon a strange papyrus. The hieroglyphic inscription spoke of a mysterious creature who was said to be a messenger who arrived in Ancient Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu. Apparently, the alien's mission was to announce the arrival of his people on Earth.

The mysterious visitor received high favor from the pharaoh, as a mysterious papyrus reports that the Great Pyramid was allegedly built as a vessel for a crystalline capsule that contained an alien creature. Was this the true purpose of the pyramid? Well, we don't know, but the story of the incredible discovery is more than fascinating if it's actually true … which many of us doubt. Imagine that … an alien is discovered inside the pyramid? Wouldn't that be all over the news …? Oh wait … probably not … Because all such discoveries that challenge the mainstream quickly disappear.

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Anyway, let's get back to history. The Great Pyramid was supposedly built as a power plant in order to keep the crystalline capsule in working order and the alien alive. Advanced technologies were also used in the construction process.

What if… in some mysterious way… the pyramids are a global phenomenon, not isolated monuments. And they are connected to the stars and otherworldly beings …

After the mysterious creature was discovered, friend of the discoverer, biologist and researcher de Brahe boarded a plane to Cairo in order to take tissue and DNA samples from the creature. But shortly after landing, de Braga was allegedly sent back to Europe by the Egyptian authorities. And the mysterious creature and the crystal case were confiscated by the state security and taken away to an unknown destination, where the creature and otherworldly technologies are still preserved. After that, no mention, statement or news of the alien, room, crystal case, or find was made. Everything was covered with a veil of mystery, as if it had never happened.

But let's look a little at history. And you know, we might come across something interesting. We learn that this is not the first time a mysterious creature has been discovered inside the Great Pyramid. According to the stories, the first person who actually "hacked" the Great Pyramid was the powerful caliph, nicknamed Abdullah al-Ma'mun, son of Harun al-Rashid. It was in 813 A. D. After several days of hard labor, his workers tore off several blocks of granite and found a burial chamber that contained the remains of some strange creature, surrounded by precious objects, it seemed as if the creature had been buried with great honor.


In the book Secrets of the Great Pyramid, author Peter Tompkins mentions the event:

Some Arab authors report that Al Mamun discovered a stone statue in the shape of a man in the sarcophagus. They say that the statue contained a body that had a breastplate made of gold with precious stones, a priceless sword on the chest, an emerald, a ruby on its head the size of an egg, which shone like daylight.

What to do if … all of the above is indeed true. And most of the evidence is actually hidden from our eyes. What if a huge piece of history is missing for some reason?