The Craziest Theories About "Area 51" - Alternative View

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The Craziest Theories About "Area 51" - Alternative View
The Craziest Theories About "Area 51" - Alternative View

Video: The Craziest Theories About "Area 51" - Alternative View

Video: The Craziest Theories About
Video: How Area 51 became the center of alien conspiracy theories 2024, October

The US Edwards Air Force Base, known to all as Area 51, has been full of various theories and rumors over the decades.

Official US authorities recognized the existence of the base only in 2013. By this time, both Americans and people around the world had already managed to build enough guesses about what actually is hidden behind the fenced-in area in southern Nevada.

Facebook users, in order to find out what really is on the territory of the base, decided on September 20 to storm it. About half a million volunteers intend to free the aliens allegedly there. In connection with the renewed interest in Area 51, the British Daily Star decided to recall the most curious theories about the mysterious American base that have arisen over the past decades.

Theory 1

Study of alien technology. In 1989, a certain Robert Lazar was invited to American television, where he said that since 1988 he had been working in Zone 51. The man claimed that he was brought to the base in a car with tinted windows.

According to Laser, he was invited to study the flying saucers and figure out how they work. The scientific world was rather skeptical about his story, since the man did not provide a single proof of his words. However, this theory has its own supporters, who to this day believe Lazar.

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Theory 2

Interrogation of aliens and autopsy of alien beings. This theory appeared after the stories of the same Bob Lazar. He stated that he accidentally saw a small gray creature in a spacesuit, standing between the men in white coats. There was also a certain Victor, who confirmed Lazar's words. He, in turn, claimed that he also worked at the base and witnessed the interrogation of the aliens. Victor even provided a video of a psychic man trying to communicate telepathically with an alien shot down by the US military. And the alien autopsy theory became known after the release of a 17-minute film from the mid-90s. The footage shows people in white protective clothing removing organs from a creature. Later, the creators of the tape admitted that they filmed it in the studio, but only in order to supposedly replace the original footage.

Theory 3

Creation of a hybrid of a human and an alien. There is another version that in "Area 51" people, together with aliens, are working on creating a hybrid of an alien and a human. Some believe that the military, together with aliens, are trying to create a new race that will look like people, but have superpowers. Others believe that the base is engaged in the cultivation of spare organs that the aliens need.

Theory 4

Secret government headquarters. Some conspiracy theorists are convinced that in "Area 51" there is a group of scientists, heads of military departments and senior officials who have been studying spaceships and aliens since 1947. The adherents of this theory believe that this secret committee is working on an agreement and the creation of a single world government, in which there will be humans and aliens to rule the Earth.

Theory 5

In "Area 51" the moon landing was simulated. Some people still believe that there was no Apollo program. In fact, supporters of conspiracy theories argue, scientists realized that they could not survive in space, and in order not to disgrace themselves in front of the whole world, they came up with a cunning deception: they organized the launch of an empty rocket, and a few days later they removed an imitation of the landing on the moon in "Area 51" …

Theory 6

Development of dangerous climate weapons. This theory emerged after the publication of a report by the National Science Foundation. The report stated that in the late 1940s and early 1950s, the Cirrus project was being developed in the United States, the implementation of which could use rain as a climate weapon. Conspiracy theorists quickly linked this experiment to Area 51, but there is no reason to believe that it was carried out there.

Theory 7

Creation of helicopters to carry out secret missions. According to this theory, in "Area 51" there is not a base with aliens, but a base of helicopters that carry out secret missions. However, even here, conspiracy theorists believe that these machines belong to a secret government department that hides the evidence of aliens on Earth.

Theory 8

Area 51 was invented by the Pentagon to hide the real secret research center. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the military is deliberately creating a stir around Area 51 to hide from the population real research centers located elsewhere. Prominent British journalist and filmmaker Mark Pilkington believes that the military is promoting the idea of aliens and the threat of a UFO invasion to distract attention from its own dangerous experiments - for example, the development of new spy planes.
