Ants Found Supermind - Alternative View

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Ants Found Supermind - Alternative View
Ants Found Supermind - Alternative View

Video: Ants Found Supermind - Alternative View

Video: Ants Found Supermind - Alternative View
Video: SUPERMINDS YEAR 2 UNIT 8 PAGE 104 2024, October

As it turns out, there are living beings on Earth that have created their own - parallel to ours - civilization and surpass humans in many of their qualities

These are simple ants. Recently, researchers from the University of Melbourne were amazed at the behavior of large Argentine ants, who, in the face of danger, did not run in panic in all directions, saving their lives, but acted calmly and rationally in the interests of the entire group, as if they had their own Ministry of Emergency Situations implementing a rescue plan. Scientists who have observed the behavior of these creatures for several years have come to the conclusion that they may well teach us how to act in emergencies. Appearing on Earth 130 million years ago, ants have settled in all regions of the Earth and even in Antarctica. They can be found on any unnamed island lost in the ocean. Ants make up from one-sixth to one-quarter of all terrestrial biomass.

They not only possess monstrous strength, equivalent to that, for example, a person could lift a five-ton truck over his head, but they are also extremely intelligent. Although their brains weigh a tiny fraction of a gram, its power is enough to create a fully thinking creature. One colony sometimes consists of 10 million ants, which act surprisingly well together, striving towards one goal. Sometimes even supercolonies arise, where billions of genetically related insects live.

They are the only ones on Earth, besides humans, who breed other creatures for their needs, for example, graze aphids with its nutritious secretions.

It was found that ants produce chemicals that transmit information, express emotional feelings and confuse the enemy.

Taken together, ants are a veritable superorganism with the intellectual power of an advanced mammal. They communicate with the help of hormonal secretions, and scientists started talking about the fact that the ant colony is a single intelligent organism. In their colonies there are no uprisings or disobedience, since this will immediately put the entire anthill on the brink of survival.