Enslavement: Stolen Human Superpowers - - Alternative View

Enslavement: Stolen Human Superpowers - - Alternative View
Enslavement: Stolen Human Superpowers - - Alternative View

Video: Enslavement: Stolen Human Superpowers - - Alternative View

Video: Enslavement: Stolen Human Superpowers - - Alternative View
Video: What Happens When You Smoke Weed | Sadhguru 2024, July

We are just plain shadows of ourselves. The potential of the creators of the Universe is hidden in us. But we continue to be held captive by petty thoughts and primitive goals.

“The man of the Earth, as the most powerful and all-embracing being in the Universe, possesses the colossal power of Reason (asserted by the writer Sergei Borodin). Being the descendants of the original earthly civilizations that ruled numerous starry worlds, the people of the Earth in an implicit form continue to possess the superpowers of the ancient ancestors. High spirituality and the accompanying desire for universal prosperity and brotherhood in the endless expanses of the Cosmos have played a cruel joke with the civilization of the Earth Union. Galactic civilizations supposedly friendly to earthlings, which in fact sought to seize and colonize their possessions by any means available for this purpose, took advantage of the openness and benevolence of the earthlings' policy to carry out a treacherous attack on our planet. The factor of surprise and all-destructive preventive strike played a decisive role in the seizure of the Earth and other planets of the solar system by space aggressors. Since those ancient times, the invaders began to implement the misanthropic doctrine of clearing the Earth's living space for their colonists.


The result of a long process of alien colonization was the modern state of the slave existence of mankind. The enslavement ultimately manifested itself in such a large-scale primitivization of human consciousness that he does not even know about the forced conservation of 98%, and in many cases even 99.9999%, of the potential capabilities of his body. Catastrophic changes in the habitat on the planet, resulting from the use of monstrous means of destruction against the Earth, led to the mass death of earthlings of the original civilizations, to the degeneration and depopulation of survivors, and later to mutagenic processes in the biology of their descendants. The most outstanding modern people consciously manage to use in their life, at best, only 1.5-2% of their potential capabilities. The truth about the glorious past of the ancient earthlings,about the power of their Mind was isolated by the masters of psychic interventions and manipulations from the conscious sphere of a person and is hidden in the subconscious depths of the psychosphere of a person. These are the conditions of the slave vegetation of today's humanity on their home planet under the vigilant control of the slave owners.

For many millennia, space colonizers have continued the merciless exploitation of the genetically determined natural power of earthlings. Human civilization in its modern version can be compared to a cow herd, which experienced shepherds graze on fat pastures, after which the cows are either milked or slaughtered in the slaughterhouse. And just as a cow obedient to the will of the shepherd is used for the production of food, the real masters of the planet force the human body to function in such modes in which the specific abilities of his being are initiated on an unconscious level. These abilities are based on the interaction of the individual human mind with objective reality through 28 highly organized information and control channels,which are the exclusive prerogative of the human form of life and are only supplemented by the well-known five senses, which in fact are dominant only for representatives of the animal kingdom. Thus, manifesting his true nature, a person can produce multilevel constructive or destructive influences in the space-time continuum.

Since the nature of these deeds is inexplicable from the perspective of the earthly science of the physical laws of the universe, in the system of values of the biblical civilization they are attributed only to the category of miracles. A person today could regain the powers of the ruler of the Universe, if in his consciousness the knowledge about himself, about his sacred possibilities, about the potential power of his thoughts, about the nature of the controlling influences of his nature on various processes such as on Earth and anywhere in the Universe.


Those aliens who, at the expense of treachery, managed to destroy the culture of our ancestors, and to plant their mutated descendants in a cage of mental limitation, are most interested in the quite definite capabilities of their human slaves. For this purpose, they have developed and introduced into the society of people a wide variety of stimulants of a material and moral order, encouraging a person to activate at a subconscious level such natural components of his body that generate a special type of radiation. With the help of such a subtle substance, our ancestors once created new worlds, endowed with self-consciousness various mental images, phenomena and processes, matter of varying degrees of organization, including artificially created technical, biological and biotechnical objects. Now these unique spiritual emanations of man are used by the invaders of the Earth against his will. Moreover, the person himself does not even know about the abduction of the lion's share of his bioenergetic potential. In this regard, the only thing that an ordinary individual can be surprised at as some kind of anomaly of his being is the unrestrained bubbling of his own emotions, which periodically arises in him literally out of the blue in the absence of any serious reasons for such a violent excitation of his nervous system.periodically arising from him literally out of the blue in the absence of any serious reasons for such a violent excitation of his nervous system.periodically arising from him literally out of the blue in the absence of any serious reasons for such a violent excitation of his nervous system.

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However, with all the seeming hopelessness of the situation of the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth and the predetermination of their guaranteed destruction in the real foreseeable future, in fact, the situation is in an unstable state. Regrettable as it is for the colonists to realize, a certain balance of power has been established between them and the earthlings. True, the advantage is gradually shifting to the alien camp, but this happens for a very trivial reason. The aliens act deliberately, in full accordance with the superposition, worked out in detail by their strategists at the logical level. The Earthlings, due to the centuries-old manipulation of their consciousness, do not perceive the fact of their slavery, nevertheless, they show spontaneous resistance to the colonizers on a subconscious level.

Taking into account the origin of modern mankind from the omnipotent rulers of the starry worlds, it becomes clear the power of their Mind emanating from people, which, even in the unconscious mode of generating human thought forms, is a stumbling block for the colonial plans of cosmic aggressors.

Calculating this state of affairs, the invaders, at the cost of incredible efforts, try to tilt the situation in their favor. And yet, with the existing status quo, they will not be able to balance on the edge of the abyss for a long time - sooner or later, the alien civilization will surely fall into it. Playing on the brink of a foul, the aliens seek to accelerate the process of depopulation and degradation of humanity. The process of accelerated depopulation is constantly reducing the number of obvious and potential opponents of the invaders, which makes it possible to concentrate more and more powerful means of complex influence on them on the still unconquered earthlings. Well, the faster the degradation of human nature proceeds, the less chances people have to rise to a conscious level of resistance to the invaders, while showing the power of cosmic justice and retribution for the evil they expelled into space.


Actually, time, with the mass passivity of people, plays in favor of the aliens. It is important for them to gain time by counteracting in all possible ways the process of people remembering the whole immense gamut of cosmic knowledge that is hidden in their subconscious. Such knowledge, along with the liberation of the inhibited physiological functions of the human body, will quickly lead people out of the state of spiritual captivity with all the ensuing consequences. The colonialists have shown miracles of ingenuity to prevent this from happening, since it would have been the end of their slave-owning power. The most reliable way for this is to put a person in one way or another into a mode of mental instability, for which there are a lot of methods and means.

The most effective methods of provoking a state of mental imbalance in a person is to create conditions for everyday disorder for him, since few of the average people can endure the exhausting hassle at the household level for a long time. When, in addition to material needs, close people, including relatives, are also involved in persecuting the intended victim, the object of influence becomes mentally unbalanced in the shortest possible time. And in such a state, people are very easy to manipulate in order to accelerate involutionary processes."