Alan Chumak: Healing Sessions Live - Alternative View

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Alan Chumak: Healing Sessions Live - Alternative View
Alan Chumak: Healing Sessions Live - Alternative View

Video: Alan Chumak: Healing Sessions Live - Alternative View

Video: Alan Chumak: Healing Sessions Live - Alternative View
Video: ASMR - Alan Chumak 1980's Healer (real) 2024, October

The whole country gathered for healing sessions on TV by Alan Chumak. They put cans of water and cream in front of the TV, sat down themselves - and a session of "charging" and "healing" began. After the session, they drank tea with charged water, rubbed the charged creams into the places of pain and hung pictures of the miracle worker.

Healer's childhood

There is little information about the psychic's childhood. It is known that Alan Vladimirovich Chumak was born in Moscow on May 26, 1935. Alan's father worked as a translator, so the boy received such an unusual name for the Soviet Union. The future healer lived with his parents and younger brother in Bolshoy Kislovsky Lane. I studied poorly at school, from four to three. Chumak himself explains this by the fact that "he tried not to load his head with unnecessary, as it seemed to me, knowledge."

Instead of general education, the boy was fond of astronomy, read books about space, the planets of the solar system and other galaxies. I often went to the planetarium.

Chumak speaks about one moment from his childhood with special warmth. The younger brother asked to tell him about India. Alan began to tell him about a distant and exotic country, describing in detail the life, culture and religion of India. According to Chumak, he never read anything about India, and this information came to him from outside. Alan marks this episode as an early manifestation of his gift.

In his youth, he became interested in cycling. After leaving school he entered the Physical Culture Institute. After graduation, he began his career as a cycling coach and achieved recognition. Once Alan Chumak was sent to a scientific conference in Minsk. The scientific report of the young coach unpleasantly struck colleagues with the presence of invented facts and pseudoscience. At 29, he had to retire from cycling.

Promotional video:

Healer Career

Alan Chumak entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, and after graduating from the university began working as a sports commentator on television. In the late 1970s, he began work on material about charlatan magicians. According to Chumak, this was not accidental, because it was at this moment that he clearly felt the presence of his healing power. In an interview, he says that a certain head turned to Alan, with the words "it's time for you to learn." Later he becomes a "student" of the voice, and he assigns lectures for him at a certain time: "Come at 11 o'clock, with a pen and a notebook." The voice reads to Chumak lectures about the universe, about energy flows, about the structure of the universe. After six lectures, Alan begins to practice. The first woman comes to him, she has kidney problems. He accepts her at home, and he cures a serious illness by “straightening” her energy field with his hands.

In 1983, Alan Chumak began cooperation with the Research Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

For several years, Chumak received at his home, in a one-room apartment, everyone in need of miraculous healing. Rumors about the great miracle worker spread instantly, all of Moscow went to Chumak for treatment. During this time, he developed a talent for extrasensory perception. Since 1989, Alan Chumak has been starting the famous television healing sessions. His method was simple: he asked to sit down more comfortably, relax, put cans of liquid to "charge", waving his hands chaotically for persuasiveness, whispering something - charged with energy through the TV. People believed (or maybe they just wanted to believe) in Chumak's miraculous abilities. He quickly gained popularity.

Today's marketers might envy its effectiveness. The target audience of Alan Chumak was the whole country, especially easily inspired people. Chumak is not only a good seller of his abilities, but also a subtle psychologist. During face-to-face sessions, he gave the public two creams: "charged" and regular. He explained which cream has the special energy of Chumak and asked to apply it. Then he asked to "just feel the difference." Thanks to the pressure on the psychosomatics of the person, the “charged” cream gave a miraculous effect, while the usual cream did nothing.

They made money on the Chumak phenomenon: in the 90s they spread information that the number of "Evening Moscow" would be charged by a healer. And it worked! People were buying up a “healing number” in batches without hesitation.

In an interview, Chumak tells about wonderful stories of recovery: how the girl came out of a coma, how people began to walk, see, hear again - in a word, they were healed. That people from power structures, from the Politburo turned to him for help, but he did not like to work: they say, they were too arrogant, they did not want to be treated in the order of the general queue. True or not, it's hard to say.

While the Chumak phenomenon was gaining popularity, critics, skeptics, fighters against pseudoscience and the Ministry of Health became interested in his personality. An order was issued to ban the propaganda of non-traditional methods of treatment, and Alan Chumak's program was no longer broadcast on TV.

Relationship with Anatoly Kashpirovsky

At the end of the 80s, two people conducted tele-sessions of treatment: Alan Chumak and Anatoly Kashpirovsky. Chumak tells where Kashpirovsky “came from”: “when I started my TV shows, the Ministry of Health gathered two collegia, where they discussed the question of what to do with me. Kashpirovsky, as a certified psychotherapist, stated that he could do the same.

Then they decided: to replace the incomprehensible Chumak without medical education with a Kashpirovsky-certified psychotherapist. And Kashpirovsky did what he could: hypnotize people. According to Chumak, the whole country was going crazy, many were dying of heart attacks. After six treatment sessions, Kashpirovsky was removed from TV.

The meeting of the two "colleagues" took place when Chumak and his wife Lyudmila and Kashpirovsky flew to America.

It turned out that Kashpirovsky sat down right behind Chumak. Before that, they pretended not to know each other, but when they sat down one after the other, they greeted and talked. Kashpirovsky had a birthday, they rented a restaurant, drank and ate. The conversation did not go well, after all, the "competitors". Then Chumak told the hypnotist that Kashpirovsky's actions could be repeated by a hundred people, and that what Chumak was doing was no one. Surprisingly, Anatoly Kashpirovsky said nothing.

The attitude of experts to the Chumak phenomenon

One of the first to talk about Chumak as a charlatan was Academician Eduard Pavlovich Kruglyakov. He argued that there is not a single confirmation of the magical effect of Chumak's TV sessions. Other experts talked about the placebo effect - that people craved a miracle, and it appeared in the image of Alan Chumak. The audience convinced themselves that water, photos and ointments have a magical effect and will help change life for the better. Although often the path to a better life is in a person's head.

Alan Chumak today

In the period from 2007 to 2009, Alan Chumak wrote 3 books about his method of treatment. In them, he spoke of himself as an explorer of the nature of the supernatural gift. In 2008 he took part as a member of the jury for the Battle of Psychics in Ukraine. Today Alan Chumak has an official website where he sells DVDs with magic videos (although if you keep up with the times, you need to sell subscriptions to your video). Chumak assures that his sessions will help to improve his life qualitatively in just 7 months.

On his website, Alan Chumak claims that he is "a scientifically proven phenomenon of healing at a distance." But besides these words, there is no other evidence - no research, no books, no scientific papers. The healer says that he "cured an entire generation" and "energized several subsequent generations of people"

The psychic offers to buy a disc to get rid of the evil eye and damage. If a person just wants to improve the aura at home, then he can buy Alan's photo for 1000 rubles, and the “shelf life” of the photo from the date of purchase is six months.