6th Law - Program. Women's Logic - This Is The Absence Of Any Logic - Alternative View

6th Law - Program. Women's Logic - This Is The Absence Of Any Logic - Alternative View
6th Law - Program. Women's Logic - This Is The Absence Of Any Logic - Alternative View

Video: 6th Law - Program. Women's Logic - This Is The Absence Of Any Logic - Alternative View

Video: 6th Law - Program. Women's Logic - This Is The Absence Of Any Logic - Alternative View
Video: The Scientific Method: Steps, Examples, Tips, and Exercise 2024, October


Weather forecasting and woman's behavior are absolutely identical phenomena. Everything from the lantern and the mood.

A. Garin

"All representatives of the female tribe have the wind in their heads and it is impossible to guess in which direction it will blow in a couple of minutes." But it can sweep away, and even how that will not seem a little!


Logic cannot be feminine or masculine. Logic is either there or not. Logic is science, and science has no gender difference!

Also, there is no physics, chemistry, mathematics, female or male. I hope the author has clearly expressed his idea to you? There is, of course, a matrix of behavior (psychologists of thinking) of people based on the environment, upbringing, national mentality, culture, education, profession, position, gender difference and other parameters. This is described in more detail in the chapter “Thoughts aloud”. When a rational object is raging and gushing emotions, then there is neither logic nor common sense, and cannot be, in its actions and actions. This is the normal and natural state of a young woman (not all, of course). The fact is that a woman has a priority of feelings and emotions over reason. Therefore, a woman thinks, speaks, acts and does everything based on her emotions and feelings. And the mind serves her emotions and feelings, and nothing more. Therefore, men do not understand how women think. And she just doesn't think about anything, but feels and acts according to her emotions, and that's it. She begins to think when it is necessary for her personally and only.

For example, how to make this "goose" your property, or pinch it well, on pins (diamonds, cars, yachts, villas, bank cards).

Promotional video:

But it also happens that a woman thinks (relatively) logically. As a woman gets older, she will become a little more logical. Feminine logic has three components.

1. The law of reproduction (the law of future motherhood).

2. Emotions (their dominance in the behavior of women is the main difference from men).

3. I want it so (self-affirmation or whims - if you look through the eyes of men).

1. The law of reproduction: - here a woman shows miracles of courage, heroism, selflessness and love. We are still far from them, especially when you see with what loving eyes they look at this miracle in pants. A male, and you think how you can love this type? And you thank the Lord that you can still love us, at least somehow!

2. Emotions - A woman always thinks and acts only on the basis of her feelings and emotions.

It is impossible to find common sense in her actions, for the reason that they are not there, and were not, and will not be when. The main thing is how I feel! And that's all. When a woman shows common sense, she becomes successful in her affairs, career, business. But the balance needs to be observed, so very smart women, having made a name for themselves and showing themselves in something, stop their careers and become just wives. And they get their family happiness - so they are really smart and the balance is observed, and they have shown themselves. But there are very few of them, very much! By the way, "Cinderella" from the Soviet film of the same name did this, it was recently made in color. And sometimes women in their emotions are great. Women in the manifestation of their emotions are bolder and more decisive than men. Of course, men in their emotions are too often, very careful. And they think - or maybe not,but it is worth it at all to start, because it can still come out sideways, eh? And also because a decent man is afraid of offending a woman with his attention and decisive actions.

The man chases the woman until she catches him.

A. Rub

Therefore, when a woman goes out to hunt for prey, a male. She has every right to use any methods and techniques to capture prey. But of course, when this prey is not very good, then he objects to it. Violently, too, is impossible, especially when this prey screams out of fear and cut it out! By the way, this is really necessary for men, otherwise they think too slowly and for a long time. Of course, a man is almost always cowardly and before doing something, he will think, what if it will hurt, and it might be better to fade in time. And for some reason I don't want to lose my freedom.

So the woman must take the "bull" by the horns and lead into her corral - the stall.

But of course, if a man himself strongly does not want this woman, then you should not take this bull. Forcibly sweet, you won't, it will run away anyway! The exception is two cases: someone else's husband and the use of love potions and conspiracies, this is categorically unacceptable, dangerous and forbidden, a TABOO is imposed on this!

When magicians and sorcerers offer their love spell services, they are not professionals. A real magician and sorcerer will never do this business. Black magician, yes. Because his main task is to harm humanity! Lucifer's order. It is impossible to build your personal happiness on someone else's misfortune; you will have to pay a very high price for this. Moreover, the final price will not correspond to the purchase price. Hope for Russian, perhaps, will not pass, and does not pass, because this is not just stupidity, but much more! And the use of a love spell and a conspiracy is absurd, the one who uses a love spell actually does not love and cannot love. This is just a sexual egoist who just wants to amuse his flesh, and nothing more. And he is simply indifferent to the feelings, desires and thoughts of his object. The person who applied the love spell, in fact, will not receive anything (there will be no love,no happiness), except for their torment and suffering. This limitation is set by the LORD himself. And some have the audacity to argue with the Lord about this. The author is not joking about the prohibition set by the Lord. After all, even HE never violates his prohibition. The Lord gave a person freedom of choice, and only the person himself must always decide what and how to do and how to act.

3. This is what I want: This is really absurd and incredibly stupid. But they are very zealous, they spend it in their lives. And naturally they get for nuts, and for the largest - 5 rubles, and smart only for small - 3 kopecks. And what is most interesting is that they know that they will get on the nuts and still climb, with their own I SO WANT! Where is the mind then? Probably at the level of butterflies flying into the fire. I want extreme, a lot and more! But this also goes away sometimes with age, and sometimes with enlightenment in the head. It happens, but, unfortunately, very rarely. There is one more item in this section. A woman's word should be the last, even if it does her great harm. She knows it and will do it anyway. And the second point. Everything should be done the way she wants it. Even if it is stupid and tinged with idiocy, it must be done,as she wants it!

Women's thoughts are like Brownian motion of particles. Where do they lead, she herself does not know? And what she says and how she speaks also does not always understand what she is doing, unfortunately it happens too often.


From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races"