How To Understand A Woman - Alternative View

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How To Understand A Woman - Alternative View
How To Understand A Woman - Alternative View

Video: How To Understand A Woman - Alternative View

Video: How To Understand A Woman - Alternative View
Video: How To Understand A Woman's Body Language 2024, April

A woman is a fragile creature, a little defenseless, playing with emotions. Most men would agree with this statement. A woman is an amazing person who, with her stay in the life of a young man, can turn everything upside down: fill existence with care and love, warmth, support and tenderness and something crazy. But how to understand a woman? A question asked by virtually every male on earth. Women, with their own psychology, is something mysterious and even more complicated than some technical sciences. She is able to create the most suitable conditions for achieving any heights, fast and successful career growth, create a family, without which life will seem like decay.

How to understand women or what a woman wants from a man

The psychology of women is a rather complex science, the subtleties of which should be understood by every man in order to create a strong family. Writers, thinkers, psychologists, philosophers, men of different professions, social statuses, ages from time immemorial have wondered how to understand a woman, what should be done, how to act. In the modern, technologically highly developed world, with all the careful research of personality psychology, men have not been able to fully comprehend the logic and psychology of all their beloved ladies.

It should be noted that the development of the art of understanding the psychology of women is not given to all males. There are individuals who, from birth, do not have, do not develop qualities that contribute to the understanding of women. No, they will not be alone all their lives. Depending on their own level of self-development and education, through trial and error, they learn to determine the type of women that suits them in terms of status. Their life will be aimed at meeting their own needs and nothing more. Therefore, the main criterion for understanding women is the level of development of a man as a person. The more a man develops, tries to achieve something in life (even if it will be even the slightest achievements at the level of repairing the refrigerator on his own), the more chances he has to determine the true path to understanding the female sex.

The main thing is to understand the essence - it is not always necessary to try to understand a woman, often a lady does not understand what she wants herself. Yes, this makes the female sex seem frivolous, windy and fickle. One can only accept this. Before throwing a tantrum, it is enough to ask directly what the girl wants, so as not to unravel all the branching of her hints.

First, you need to understand what women often require from men:


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Do men understand women in this concept? Probably not. For a man, stability means having sufficient capital on a bank card, a place where you can spend the night, in which there will be a constant companion and children. This is not necessary for such a fragile creature as a woman. Stability, translated for a woman, means attention to her behavior, condition, the manifestation of care and support. Yes, women often look at the purse, how much money is in it, this is how nature works. The main role of a woman is a mother, protector of offspring. And as a good caring mother, she wants her child to live and develop in comfort. What is needed for this in modern society? Money.

Even if she turns to mother nature: every self-respecting female chooses only an alpha male, in order to feel protected. This is where the relationship with stability can be seen. It is important for a woman how much her chosen one is ready to accept her as she is: evil, kind, not wearing makeup, rude, childishly crazy, joyful. Anything that causes tenderness today can become irritation in a week. This is her world, she is not to blame for this, such is nature. Women are created to bring variety to this world, emotionality. It is important for men to understand for a woman when she is supported in those moments when she acts strange, her whims, sudden joys - this is another chance to study the inner world of a woman every day, and get something new every time.

A man needs to learn to perceive all negative emotions as a request for support, care and love. You need to adapt to listening not to the words that the woman says, but to the intonation, the emotions with which she says it. After all, when my husband was away for a long time, he often hears: "where did you hang out, again somewhere drank or walked?" Initially, these words are insults, but the intonation says a little about something else - the wife worries about her husband, and whether he is worried about whether he is doing well. You need to start to panic when your wife is parallel to where you are and with whom. As a result, you just need to be always there, support at every moment when you want to be angry with her, you need to remember how you love her and say it without stint.


Full of jokes and anecdotes, how women evade marital duty (intimacy). Either my head hurts, now I’m tired of household chores, the children are asleep, or the neighbors cannot be disturbed. But do men understand women in a similar way? And the men themselves have forgotten what they say: “don’t bother me, I’m tired at work”, “today is a hard day, just come on quickly.” Perhaps not a variety of intimate life, inattention to wishes in bed, a devil-may-care attitude, but simply satisfying one's needs is a consequence that wives turn from passionate lionesses in bed into bores or simply avoid intimacy. Psychologists have proven that passion is a feeling that can bring people together for centuries or separate forever. The differences between a woman's passion and a man's are markedly different. Impulsivity, impressionability, emotions are important for her. Learn to evoke passion through non-verbal communication.


Like any person, she wants to feel loved, needed. But as a person who is more emotional, she demands it everywhere and always. She wants to understand that she is needed not only with the help of verbal statements, but also actions. It is important for her to see and know that a man likes her madly, that she drives him crazy, that she is insanely seductive, beautiful, no matter how she is dressed or in what emotional state she is. Strange, but it is an absolute truthful fact that the appearance and health of a woman depends on a man. Only a man can influence a woman's ability to take care of herself. When buying expensive and beautiful clothes, a man should do it for both, and not for his wife, just to satisfy her needs. He should admire her, ask her to wear beautiful dresses and heels, so that the girl feels like the one and only,and a man next to such a lady will always be on top. By showing sincere support and care for a woman in return, it is possible to receive so much care that any obstacles and impossibilities will become real and very accessible.

Analyzing the information received, some conclusions should be made. Men should learn to talk frankly with their chosen one, to recognize all her desires and needs, so as not to twist all the hints in their head. In conversations, perceive not the text that they hear (these are insults), but the subtext hidden deeply. You should spend a little time in the shoes of a girl, develop empathy as a means of perceiving the life and actions of a woman from the point of her emotional outlook. All a woman wants is to feel stability and confidence. Looking at the chosen one, she should see strength and protection in him. Show her that you can be a caring father, a faithful husband, an understanding friend, and you can provide for her. It may be enough to demonstrate that you can be trusted, that you are not afraid of any responsibility.

Psychologists' advice on how to understand a woman

Each person periodically uses feelings instead of reason when solving problems; often such actions lead to life mistakes, which a person begins to regret. Feminine nature promotes a more emotional perception of information and reactions more spontaneous and thoughtless. Taking into account the concept of logic, it should be mentioned that it is female logic that has an inherent emotional color. From a male point of view, their logic is more sober and rational. The psychology of women and men has many differences, which is why there are different opinions about one situation and conflicts based on misunderstandings. A woman is an individual who is often guided by feelings and emotions. To understand the feelings of a woman is possible only by feeling her experiences, to be in an identical emotional state.

If a person considers a woman's act irrational and stupid, it is not advisable to hold a grudge against her, be angry or react aggressively - this will pull even more deeply thoughtless actions on the part of the woman. You need to learn to be patient, when this storm of emotions subsides, the girl herself will understand and regret what she did. A man must learn to calm down a storm, an emotional outburst, and not throw wood on the fire with the help of resentment, aggression and the same emotional actions.

Here's what psychologists advise to do in order to understand a woman and her desires:

  • You should not immediately strive to understand all feminines. Determine for yourself who you want to understand how you feel about this female representative. Having decided, start acting based on the attitudes you have acquired in a specific direction (after all, this woman can be: a wife, daughter, grandmother, sister, employee). Trying to decipher the origins of the behavior of one lady, one can draw conclusions, derive the basic principle of action for other women. Don't try to focus on quantity, try to be content with quality. When trying to understand this, the young man should be as sincere as possible, make his intentions clear. No girl will let herself be understood and will not open up if she does not experience confidence and protection.
  • A woman is also a man. She not only reacts emotionally to everything, but also knows how to think, think rationally, comprehend, follow events and draw conclusions. Accordingly, a woman is able to change not only externally, but also internally. At first she will be a little girl, then a girl, a woman, and over time she will be quite old, while maintaining her values and styles of behavior, but deep down she will be a completely different personality. Men shouldn't forget this. Ladies are prone to contradictions, so a woman today may be the absolute opposite of a woman tomorrow.
  • Women's reasoning. Such a fragile and carefree subject can easily turn a small fly into a huge bear that can destroy everything. Do not try to understand all the branching of female logic, often it confuses men even more and easily unsettles. This must be taken for granted, as something deeply stable, and then it will be easier for a man to find the right key for a woman. Remember, no matter what the actions are, a woman always achieves attention with them, she requires an understanding of care and love.
  • Duration of the process. Everything is not so hard, at the same time it is not entirely easy - it is all real, and like any study (for example, language or mathematics) it takes time. It is important to understand the feelings of a woman and you need to do this with love, sincere desire, and also with respect. It is not easy to achieve your goal, but to change your own life for the better. The main thing is mutual understanding and mutual support. Do not be afraid to talk sincerely with the beautiful representatives of humanity, they deserve it.

How to understand that a woman is in love

Sometimes, there comes a moment of truth in a relationship, when a guy or a girl undertakes to talk about further relationships. How serous will this connection be, whether something needs to be changed. Often men ask this question, because they do not understand whether a woman is in love with them or not. It is easy to understand the feelings of a woman, it is enough to take a closer look at her behavior with a little reverent and more attentiveness.

Psychologists have noticed that the behavior of a woman who is in love can be easily determined even by several indicators. For a start, external signs are of particular importance. Even the most ordinary girl, a gray mouse, turns into a beauty. She not only pays attention to her appearance, but sparkles with happiness. It is easy to see the sparkle in the eyes, not only when a lady is next to a man, but even when she is sleeping. Thanks to the vibes that she radiates, she even more attracts and attracts her man. A girl who wore pants and sneakers during such periods prefers dresses, heels, romantic tops, begins to play sports, even if she has never done it before.

It's all about the hormones seething in the body of a beautiful lady. It is thanks to them that her mood changes at a kaleidoscopic speed. Sadness, tears, immediately a smile and sincere laughter - this is an excessive manifestation of feelings and emotions, characteristic of the period of falling in love. Most likely, a man will notice that his chosen one is too absent-minded, forgets what he promised to do, and puts the dishes in the refrigerator instead of the cabinet. The thoughts of a woman in love are clogged with something completely different, she thinks about the prospect of developing a relationship, how she loves her man and how she wants to prove it to him. And as a consequence, this is not a state of thinking about anything other than a man, absent-mindedness, clumsiness.

Any female representative is characterized by coquetry, lovers - doubly. A man should notice that the girl teases him more and more often, flirts, makes eyes. And what is most elementary is concern. All girls, without exception, have a maternal instinct. Overprotection and care is a clear sign of falling in love. If a woman, instead of work, runs to you, headlong, because you suddenly sneezed and stayed at home to get sick, know that this woman is in love.

How to understand that a woman likes you

If a lady has "laid eyes" on a man, this will be noticeable even with the naked eye. It's not the whole point of what this person says to a man, but her behavior at the same time, even if she speaks completely without signs of attention in his direction. Often, women can insult a man, resent his impudent behavior, but gestures, postures and facial expressions will speak of the opposite. This is the so-called "body language", which betrayed all intentions, namely:

  • Hairstyle. A woman, seeing a pretty man who she probably already liked, will strive to present herself as much as possible in a favorable light, for example, correcting her hair, almost every time, when the object of her adoration is looking at her.
  • Woman pose. If, while sitting, a lady of the fair sex has thrown her leg over the other or picked her leg up under her, she wants to show that she is pleased with the company of a man. And the toe of a shoe or some kind of shoe will definitely look towards the chosen one. But when the legs are facing in the opposite direction, the woman is uncomfortable and wants to run away.
  • "Presentation" of your body. At the sight of an object of adoration, girls often straighten their backs, put their hands on display, if possible, bare the shoulder area, straighten their breasts. All this is an interest in a man.
  • Voice. Girls change the timbre of their voices when talking to a man. It will be a chesty and seductive voice.
  • Correct behavior. In front of a man who likes a woman, a lady will always try to do everything right, as is customary in society, sometimes contradicting her views. At the same time, he always tries to catch the eye of a man. Sometimes it looks like stalking.
  • "On pins and needles. " A woman will be very nervous, mainly if a man does not ignore the signs of attention shown. You should be careful, observe the behavior of the girl and communication with other people, perhaps this is just a shy girl.

For a much deeper understanding of female behavior, one should study the psychology of emotions and body movements. This will help you to find out whether the woman liked you and the situation when you need to do your legs as soon as possible. Remember: you should not jump to conclusions without studying the woman's behavior from beginning to end. Several signs of loving behavior do not mean that, in fact, everything is so. In any study, it is important to be patient and considerate when it comes to female representatives - you should be understanding, caring and sincere.