The Crisis Of The Historically Established School And Pedagogy - As A Science And As A Practice - Alternative View

The Crisis Of The Historically Established School And Pedagogy - As A Science And As A Practice - Alternative View
The Crisis Of The Historically Established School And Pedagogy - As A Science And As A Practice - Alternative View

Video: The Crisis Of The Historically Established School And Pedagogy - As A Science And As A Practice - Alternative View

Video: The Crisis Of The Historically Established School And Pedagogy - As A Science And As A Practice - Alternative View
Video: 6 Problems with our School System 2024, October

The crisis of the historically established public institution of the school encompasses both the system of universal compulsory education and the system of higher professional education. It is multidimensional.

One of the aspects is fundamental, i.e. it is he who determines all the other possibilities of the general education and vocational school. Its essence is that the organization of the educational process in schools, colleges and universities harms the health of students, including irreversible harm, which can have a negative impact on the health of future generations. The fact is that for more than a ten-year age period, which accounts for school and university education, the development of the body and psyche requires physical activity. But despite this genetically programmed need, schoolchildren and students lead a sedentary lifestyle throughout the school year, and during school hours they are immobilized for hours in positions that are unacceptable from the point of view of the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Therefore, there are no healthy graduates of schools and universities without any reservations, and many graduates become carriers of several chronic diseases and unrecoverable defects in the development of organisms and psyche, which are not diseases.

And even if we completely eradicate such a phenomenon as the introduction of schoolchildren to drinking and smoking at the age of 8 to 16, the harm caused to the development of the organisms and psyche of children and adolescents by physical inactivity and immobility in biologically unacceptable positions will continue to be the main characteristic of a historically established organization educational process in schools, colleges and universities. For the facts about the situation with the health of schoolchildren, see the works of I. K. Rapoport, V. F. Bazarny and other publications on this topic.

Those. the organization of the educational process and the ergonomics of the environment in which it takes place in schools and universities must be purposefully changed in such a way as to eliminate immobility from it in biologically unacceptable poses during training sessions and hypodynamia throughout the entire period of study in schools, colleges and universities.

The second aspect of the crisis is due to the fact that the education system took shape in that historical era, when once mastered knowledge and skills remained relevant throughout the entire period of a person's subsequent active life, and in some cases did not become obsolete for centuries. Forming in such socio-cultural conditions, science was focused on the accumulation of various kinds of factual knowledge (the third priority of generalized management tools), and the education system was focused on "loading" a set of information recognized as relevant into the student's psyche and on its basis to develop certain relevant skills, characteristic of the subcultures of the respective social groups. The teaching methods and the organization of the educational process were aimed at solving this problem, and the student was required, first of all, two qualities:1) quickly load the proposed information into the psyche and 2) the ability to recall previously loaded information when it is required by the teacher-examiner or life circumstances.

Accordingly, the best students in this system were those who, thanks to the first quality, could learn much more than others, and who easily recalled in the fullest possible volume and detail what they had been taught. Observation, interest in something unusual, the ability to independently comprehend what was perceived - in this system there were little demanded qualities (and moreover, they were quite often suppressed by the system), but in life this was the lot of small geniuses of science and technology, politics.

In addition, until about the end of the 18th century, it was possible to read several dozen volumes of good quality in order to become a comprehensively erudite person, capable, if not of independent professional activity in any sphere of society, then of mutual understanding with the professionals acting in them.

This education system was formed socially and spontaneously in the states of Europe. The Russian Empire borrowed it in a ready-to-use form as "advanced" along with science and its organization, and the USSR inherited it, in general, without revising and changing the system-forming principles (not counting the revision of the content of curricula).

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