Features And Causes Of The Global Systemic Crisis - Alternative View

Features And Causes Of The Global Systemic Crisis - Alternative View
Features And Causes Of The Global Systemic Crisis - Alternative View

Video: Features And Causes Of The Global Systemic Crisis - Alternative View

Video: Features And Causes Of The Global Systemic Crisis - Alternative View
Video: Immanuel Wallerstein: The Global Systemic Crisis and the Struggle for a Post-Capitalist World 2024, June

Probably, I too often focus on various options for the development of the global systemic crisis, which both the militant wings of the financial oligarchy - leftists and liberals - are actively trying to straddle, every hour voicing their mriya about extrajudicial mass executions on social, ethnic and even gender grounds.

I apologize for the reflection, but I really don't want to once again fall into the category of enemies of the people because of my non-kosher and non-halal origin and learn from the next revolutionaries what wrong parents I have and in what wrong place I had the misfortune to be born, and most importantly - how much I personally now owe them, the revolutionaries, because of all this.

However, the question "What do you offer?" - sounds fair and quite natural, despite the fact that the questioner had in mind a very narrow sentence - whom I personally propose to annex and roll into the asphalt"

I accept the challenge and once again I will try to voice my vision of the optimal future, which will not suffer from systemic sores, the present, which is clearly rolling out of adequateness.

I'll start from the stove, that is, once again about these sores, that is, systemic problems that cannot be solved by existing tools in the existing economic paradigm:

The first is a purely economic, basic problem - unsecured credit usurious interest, which is aggravated by uncontrolled private credit issuance and the same private profit, when in the formula "money-commodity-money stroke", this stroke is not covered by any money supply, but now it is not even covered by tangible assets.

The second - political, which comfortably builds on the first - is the totalitarianism of intermediaries who do not produce anything material, but are very actively consuming and even more actively appropriating. These intermediaries include the entire financial sector, the state and the legion of class brethren from marketing, consulting, kevorking, and ending with large retail chains that are for some reason only obscenely remembered by manufacturers of goods.

The totalitarianism of intermediaries, whose capital is neither factories, nor fields, nor ships, but who control logistics, that is, the road from producer to consumer, made it possible to monopolize not only economic, but also political relations. As a result of the interbreeding of non-productive monopoly in the economy and political capital in society, a unique elite was born, not tied either to a place, like feudal lords, or to production, like the classical bourgeois, but usurped both the political power of the former and the economic power of the latter.

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Such an elite that is not responsible for anything with an indefinite place of residence, not burdened with concern for the entrusted population and the territory under its mandate, could not help but bring the entire world economy to a state where the usual mechanisms for ensuring the vital activity of entire continents cease to function.

Oil painting: It is impossible to repay the total debt - the entire value of all the assets of the planet is no longer enough for this. Equalization of the standard of living under the leader is also impossible - Asia and Africa, consuming like America, cannot be provided by the current world economy. Dead end.

Agents of the international ruling elite (Fursov calls it supranational structures of coordination) propose a simple, like a mooing cow, way out of the situation - to reduce the population of the planet to such an amount when everyone will have enough … At the same time, the financial international approached this proposal very creatively, having developed its own depopulation program.

If for the West the program to control the population through same-sex marriages, the child-free movement, and now also through the "ecologists" has been announced as a lifesaver, then the Russian population is invited to go along the tested route and reduce the population through a new revolution with an all-inevitable new civil war, as well as with charming interethnic conflicts around the perimeter.

Returning to the beginning of the article, I will repeat - I am extremely frightened by the readiness of a part of the population of the former USSR to act according to the indicated plan and stir up a lot of such elegant Maidan children at their place of residence, followed by a war of all against all.

To oppose this still so eternally attractive idea of "destroy to the ground, and then …" can be relationships that absolutely peacefully and unobtrusively sprout on existing ones, like on humus, and in the end (if they prove their viability) become dominant … Or do not become if the calculation is incorrect. But in any case, the condition for the emergence and development of "something new" should not be the obligatory preliminary destruction to the foundation of everything old.

It is this trick - "Until we destroy the old, we will not be able to build the new" - that is the main populist weapon of the supranational coordination groups. According to this logic, until the last caravel was drowned, it was impossible to build steamers, and until the last steamer was destroyed to smithereens and in half, a ship with an internal combustion engine cannot be put on the slipway …

However, the introductory part was delayed. I'm sorry. It's time to get down to the essence of the proposals. And I will start, perhaps, with something bright, close and understandable to everyone … With something on Sunday. For example, from a picnic. From a normal picnic with barbecue, beer, fishing and songs around the fire with a guitar.

One of us took over the meat and seasonings from our own farm, the other took our own brewed beer, the third took the fishing rods, and the fourth the guitar. We got together, had a good time, talked, ate and rested, that is, we satisfied several needs at once. And now the question is - what taxes should we pay for this? Our whole picnic is just a constellation of services - catering, theatrical, recreation and entertainment … there you can even find psychological assistance and social rehabilitation services …

But you can't throw out words from a song - there are services, satisfaction of needs is present, but there are no taxes … By the way, there is no added value and profit, which are subject to these taxes. But if we went to the restaurant of another friend of ours for a barbecue, ordered a local minstrel's song with cognac, everything would be completely different … Then there would be profit, VAT, and all the taxes accompanying it. So what's the difference?

The difference is that in the first case there is no purchase and sale transaction. No deal - no tax base. We do not hire each other - there is no employment contract and, accordingly, there are no payroll taxes. Further more. No deal - no room for a bank loan. We do not lend to each other within our company. Accordingly, we do not need external credit either.

I started about taxes as the clearest and most understandable example. But the essence of direct interaction is much broader - we do not need intermediaries within our company at all. None. Neither government, nor financial, nor consulting and marketing. Parity cooperation is surprisingly self-sufficient. And this is its main advantage and the main horror for all language workers.

Within our friendly company, we save our resources not only on intermediaries. We have a wonderful working model of a completely planned economy.

As a restaurateur, I have to constantly create an excess supply of food because I have no idea when and who will want to visit my establishment. Therefore, from 15 to 30% of semi-finished products are constantly produced in excess, with a firm understanding that they will not be sold. And their cost is included in the price of other products.

And when we get together with friends, I know in advance what and how much needs to be prepared and the spread between the planned and consumed is usually an arithmetic error. That is, I actually save a third of the resources in the second case with the same amount of protein-satisfied.

And now extrapolate our relationship to the economy as a whole … A third of the savings out of the blue, how much is it in rubles? Although there is a problem here - a third of the resources saved in this way is minus a third of GDP and minus such a number of dubiously employed parasites that it is scary to imagine …

Ahead of some outraged exclamations, I will immediately say that medicine, public order protection and social assistance and defense are perfectly integrated into such a system of cooperation and interaction. If you wish, we will talk about the functions of the state within the framework of cooperation in detail and separately.

To the natural question "Are there examples of real work of the described model?" - I will answer - yes, there are. See the article How to Organize Your Life by Yourself.

There is not everything, but a lot. The state has remained behind the scenes, and, I repeat, I propose to talk about its functions separately.

The sprouts of the new always sprout through the trampled soil of the old. Every day we observe the still chaotic bursts of transition to new social relations based not on subordination, but on cooperation. Even the term appeared - the uberization of the population - after the name of the pioneer - the private taxi network Uber from San Francisco, the twins of which in Russia can be considered Yandex-taxi, Blah-bla-car and others). Having started in the sphere of providing private transportation services, the system of private cooperation began to multiply rapidly, capturing more and more new areas of activity.

The essence of this process lies in the fact that the producer and the consumer of services communicate directly, bypassing and leaving without food a huge mass of intermediaries, which include officials and credit institutions. At the same time, the visible result - a reduction in the cost of services - hides another, no less important - the deprivation of the food supply for a huge mass of unproductive intermediaries. Well, the direct link between producer and consumer, without any hint of subordination, is new to the entire familiar industry of goods and services.

To summarize with a quote from my own June article:

So, the plague of the XX-XXI centuries - a systemic economic crisis - is being treated and prevented by establishing simple, direct, understandable and effective channels of interaction between producers and consumers along the entire production chain, which should loop around and eventually eliminate unnecessary links of financial and commodity intermediaries. the role of which in our time can be successfully played by global information networks and new technical capabilities for the analysis and synthesis of information necessary for effective exchange of goods.

Just as an elementary set of available techniques that are effective prevention of infectious diseases, we will have to learn anew (as in the Renaissance Europeans - wash) will have to learn how to organize a simple and effective interaction (in Latin - cooperation)

It's easier together than one at a time. More fun, livelier, more profitable …

For example, move the cabinet. One - you will be tortured, together - instantly. Or if you wanted fresh milk. No, not like the supermarket. But the real one, so as in childhood … Well, for this, to buy a cow? By the way, how much does it cost to buy a cow? And hay … And then again … waste of life will also have to somehow be disposed of …

But if for three, or even better for ten, then not only a cow, then you can swing at the whole barn. And not only to aim, but also to build, maintain, and even expand, because as a result of such cooperation, each participant in the movement has more investment resources than as a result of the usual commercial activity.

And all because cooperation is not commerce at all. This is mutual assistance and interaction based on mutual respect, when there is no need to sell anything in the commercial market. This is a system where the infection itself is completely absent in the form of an unsecured loan interest, and with it - the need for constant expansion (rising prices and market expansion) in pursuit of this security.

We will learn to interact and cooperate, creating efficient, vertically integrated consumer structures, where the consumer orders and lends, the manufacturer produces and ships, and financial intermediaries, that is, banksters, nervously smoke on the sidelines. The global systemic crisis will fade away by itself!

If we do not learn, we will be doomed to further shamanism of alchemists from among the transcorps, who are struggling with the crisis just like medieval healers - with plague epidemics.

But I personally count very much on the instinct of self-preservation and prudence of ordinary people who do not have a high degree of dedication to the finintern, and I not only count on, but also apply all my modest efforts to the practical implementation of what I have described and what I see as real salvation from the plague of XXI century.

Author: Sergey Vasiliev
