Ghosts Come Suddenly - Alternative View

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Ghosts Come Suddenly - Alternative View
Ghosts Come Suddenly - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Come Suddenly - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Come Suddenly - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 GHOST Videos SO SCARY You WON'T Be Able To FINISH ! 2024, September

The appearance of ghosts is difficult to predict, they always come unexpectedly, when you are not expected at all. Numerous eyewitnesses who happened to see guests from the other world, remembered meeting with them for the rest of their lives.

The deceased son visited his mother

This unusual incident happened in the fall of 1907, over a hundred years ago. That year, October 11, Mrs. Rose Sutton of Portland received another letter from her son. James, a lieutenant in the American Navy, studied at the Naval Academy in Annapolis (Maryland), he loved his mother touchingly and wrote to her regularly, knowing that she was anxiously awaiting every word from him. Although the next letter was quite cheerful and did not contain information about any troubles or problems, Rosa Sutton was suddenly seized by inexplicable anxiety, her mother's heart sensed trouble.

Friends and relatives reassured Rosa, convincing her that her fears were groundless, but she was right - the very next day the unfortunate woman received a notice of her son's death. It reported that James started a drunken fight, the fighters were separated, but the lieutenant did not calm down on this, returned home for a pistol to take revenge on the offenders. The police tried to arrest and disarm him, then he committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol.

Rose Sutton seemed to be petrified, she sat, clutching the notice in her hands, staring straight ahead, and could not even cry. And then her son suddenly appeared in the corner of the room! His lanky figure in a long military overcoat was painfully familiar to her, and James's expression was calm and very sad. Later she recalled: "Jimmy stood in front of me and said in a familiar voice:" Mom, I never killed myself … there is no blood on my hands as there was no blood at the age of five. " After these words, James seemed to melt into thin air, and his mother fainted.

When she began to come to her senses, pictures of what had happened to her son began to flow to her, like snatches of a dream. Here are several people attacking James, hitting him with feet and butts in the face and body, then one of the villains pulls out a pistol and finishes the barely living lieutenant. Rose Sutton clenched her fists, now she knew that she had a purpose in life - she must restore the good name of her boy and get the punishment of his killers.

Rosa's husband was very skeptical about her story, believing that from the shock she experienced she just imagined it all. However, the ghost of his son continued to visit his mother, giving her detailed descriptions of the appearance of the people who attacked him. And to his younger sister in a dream, James showed a painted portrait of the leader of the assassins named Atteli. In the photo where Lieutenant Sutton was filmed with his fellow officers, the girl immediately recognized the one whom her brother had shown her. We managed to find out that this officer is actually called Atteli!

Promotional video:

With great difficulty, the Suttons managed to get the case on James' death reopened. The exhumation of his body in 1909 confirmed that the lieutenant had been severely beaten. Thus, the suicide verdict turned out to be very dubious, a repeated trial proved that Lieutenant Sutton was killed. James' good name was restored and the ghost's visits ceased.

The hotel administrator who was present during the conversation told the police that over the past two weeks he had repeatedly seen the famous actor at the hotel and when the last time, two days ago, asked him about the location of filming, Heim only smiled sadly and briefly replied that, they say, let it be all remains as it was.

Poets don't die …

Wars, which entail thousands, if not millions of tragic deaths, give rise to many restless souls striving for their loved ones, loved ones, friends. It is during wars that the number of reports of ghosts always increases. In the First World War, at the very end of the bloody massacre, the poet Wilfred Owen died of his wounds in a military hospital in France. In England his elderly father was looking forward to his return, he waited until he saw his son in broad daylight in an officer's uniform. Wilfred walked by, turned around, nodded and … disappeared. Old Owen realized that he would never see his son again.

Seven days after Wilfred's death, the ghost of the poet appeared aboard a British cruiser in Table Bay, South Africa. The ghost visited his brother on the ship, who served on the cruiser. Harold Owen, a malaria patient, was lying in his cabin just then. He saw his older brother, tried to talk to him, Wilfred was somehow unnatural, but kindly smiled at him and disappeared. Later, Harold wrote that during this meeting with the ghost of his brother, he experienced "only an extremely pleasant inner sensation from the fact that I see him." Shortly after the ghost's visit, Harold fell asleep, and upon awakening, he finally realized that he had seen his brother for the last time. About a week later, the news reached him that Wilfred had died of his wounds.

Reincarnation four months after death

Ghosts posing for photographers

Literally from the first days of photography, some ghosts highly appreciated this innovation and in some cases clearly sought to get into the frame to declare their existence to the whole world. Of course, it was not without fakes, one way or another, at the beginning of the era of photography, numerous photographs with real and fake ghosts flooded the newspapers. Then, with the exposure of some hoaxes, interest in such pictures dropped noticeably and they began to appear less and less often.

Now, with the help of a computer and graphic programs, anyone can make a very convincing fake with a "ghost", but this does not mean that real ghosts have stopped posing for photographers. In 1990, Englishman George Todd, while vacationing in Tyrol, took several pictures of his friends at the dinner table. When he had already developed the film at home, one of the pictures showed a translucent female figure. The stranger, smiling slightly at the photographer, seemed to fly in front of his friends' table. Through it one could see both the glasses on the table and some details of the interior. After examination, this photograph was found to be genuine.

In 1991, the British Sunday magazine published a curious photo taken in the Covent Garden shopping center in London. On it, together with the Webb family (parents and their three-year-old daughter), a ghostly figure of a schoolgirl in a black dress, as if floating in the air, got into the frame. This image was studied by the former president of the Royal Society of Photographers Vernon Harrison, who exposed many fakes with imaginary ghosts, aliens, flying saucers and dinosaurs hiding in lakes. So, Harrison recognized this picture as real and even expressed his satisfaction that such a convincing and high-quality photo fell into his hands.

From time to time, our magazines and newspapers publish photographs of our readers, in which they managed to capture something clearly otherworldly. Sometimes in such pictures it is clearly visible that the ghosts did not happen to be on them by chance, they clearly wanted to get into the frame …