Why Are UFOs Often Seen Near Baikal? - Alternative View

Why Are UFOs Often Seen Near Baikal? - Alternative View
Why Are UFOs Often Seen Near Baikal? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are UFOs Often Seen Near Baikal? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are UFOs Often Seen Near Baikal? - Alternative View
Video: I Often See UFO's and Strange Things Happen Too | This Morning 2024, September

Baikal is a unique lake, about which there are many legends. Many consider Baikal a place of power and quite a few eyewitnesses claim anomalous activity of unknown flying objects.

The phenomenon of flying saucers is not confirmed by official science and this topic is a favorite among ufologists.


Those who like to study such phenomena note that some of the mysterious objects hang over Lake Baikal for several hours, as if feeling themselves as the owners of the lake. There is a lot of evidence that the lake is being watched, but any photo and video evidence is not taken seriously by scientists.

But there is also a completely fantastic theory that the aliens are not at all guests, and at the depth of Lake Baikal there is a certain base for extraterrestrial ships. There are various stories of divers who saw unknown creatures at a depth of more than several meters, and a bright glow emanates from their bodies.


How to refute or prove that an extraterrestrial civilization can exist in the waters of Lake Baikal? And if this is so, then for what purpose are they located on the lake, which belongs to earthlings.

If we assume that extraterrestrial civilizations are able to travel through galaxies for short distances, then it is better for people not to show their aggression towards them.

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And if you add your opinion, then it seems to me that thousands of UFO witnesses are difficult to mistake for madmen and call them for treatment. If people massively see unidentified objects, then it is worth considering the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, what do you think?