The Macabre Legacy Of David Rockefeller - Alternative View

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The Macabre Legacy Of David Rockefeller - Alternative View
The Macabre Legacy Of David Rockefeller - Alternative View

Video: The Macabre Legacy Of David Rockefeller - Alternative View

Video: The Macabre Legacy Of David Rockefeller - Alternative View
Video: How Rockefeller Jr. Forced the Creation of a National Park 2024, June

The death of David Rockefeller, the de facto patriarch of the American establishment, at the age of 101, was praised by mainstream media for his alleged philanthropy. I would like to contribute to writing a more honest portrait of this person.

Rockefeller American Century

In 1939, along with his four brothers - Nelson, John D. III, Lawrence and Winthorpe - David Rockefeller and their Rockefeller Foundation funded top secret "Peace and War Studies" at the Council on Foreign Relations, New York influential private US foreign policy think tank, which was also controlled by the Rockefellers. Even before World War II broke out, a group of American academics gathered to plan a post-war world empire, what the knowledgeable Henry Luce, publisher of Time and Life magazines later called the American century. They created a program to take over a global empire from the bankrupt British, but they carefully chose not to call it an empire. They called it "spreading democracy, freedom, American free enterprise."

Their project looked at the geopolitical map of the world and planned how the United States would replace the British Empire as the de facto dominant empire. The creation of the United Nations was an important part of this. The Rockefeller brothers donated land in Manhattan to the UN headquarters (and in the process made billions from raising the prices of adjoining plots of land they also owned). This is the same Rockefeller method of "charity". Any donation is calculated to increase the wealth and influence of the family.

After the war, David Rockefeller dominated US foreign policy and countless wars in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. The Rockefeller faction created the Cold War against the Soviet Union and NATO to keep a resurgent Western Europe in the position of an American vassal. I documented how they did it in my book Gods of Money. Here I will consider several examples of David Rockefeller's crimes against humanity.

Rockefeller Biological Research: "Controlling People …"

Promotional video:

If charity is motivated by love for our fellow man, then Rockefeller Foundation grants are not. Take medical research, for example. Before 1939 and the start of the war, the Rockefeller Foundation funded biological research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. This was Nazi eugenics - how to breed a more advanced race and how to exterminate or neuter those they considered "inferior." Rockefeller funded Nazi eugenics. Rockefeller's Standard Oil also broke US law to secretly supply scarce fuel to the Nazi Air Force during the war. In the aftermath of the war, the Rockefeller brothers arranged for leading Nazi scientists to travel to the United States and Canada with clean-up papers and gruesome human experiments to continue their eugenics research. Many worked in the top secret CIA project MK-Ultra.

In the 1950s, the Rockefeller brothers founded the Population Council to promote eugenics disguised as population research for birth control. The Rockefeller brothers were responsible in the 1970s for a top secret US government project led by Rockefeller National Security Advisor Kissinger, project NSSM-200 titled "Potential Implications of World Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests." The project argued that high population growth in developing countries with strategic raw materials such as oil or minerals is a "threat to the national security" of the United States, as more population requires economic growth using these resources domestically (sic!). The NSSM-200 has made population reduction programs in developing countries a precondition for US aid. In the 1970s, David Rockefeller's Rockefeller Foundation also co-funded with WHO the development of a special tetanus vaccine that limited the population by preventing women from maintaining pregnancy, literally opposing the very process of human reproduction.

The Rockefeller Foundation has created an entire field of genetic manipulation through ownership of the Monsanto corporation and funding biological research at universities to create genetic weapons and other methods of artificially altering the gene expression of a given plant. Since the Rockefeller sponsorship of the disastrous Golden Rice Project in the Philippines, GMO's goal has been to use GMOs to control the food chain in humans and animals. Today, over 90% of all soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified and over 80% of all corn and cotton. However, they are not labeled in any way.

Control the oil …

Rockefeller's wealth is based on oil produced by companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron and others. Henry Kissinger, political advisor to David Rockefeller since 1954, was involved in all of Rockefeller's major projects. Kissinger secretly manipulated Middle East diplomacy in 1973 to instigate the OPEC oil embargo.

Oil shock 1973-74 was directed by a secretive organization David Rockefeller formed in the 1950s known as the Bilderberg Group. In May 1973, David Rockefeller and the heads of major American and British oil companies met in Saltsjobaden, Sweden for the annual Bilderberg meeting to plan for an oil shock. The blame for it will be blamed on the "greedy Arab oil sheiks." This shock saved the falling US dollar and turned Wall Street banks, including David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan, into the world's largest banks.

This author has a "confidential" minutes of this meeting, which describes the price-raising strategy described six months before the Arab-Israeli war. Please read my book A Century of War, this document is there. In the 1970s, Kissinger summarized David Rockefeller's global strategy: “If you control oil, you control entire countries; if you control food, you control the nations; if you control money, you control the whole world."

Control the money …

David Rockefeller was chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, a family owned bank. He was responsible for getting Chase vice president Paul Volcker to become chairman of the Federal Reserve under President Carter to create a Volcker interest rate shock that, like the oil shock, saved the falling US dollar and bank profits. from Wall Street, including Chase Manhattan, through the global economy.

Volcker's October 1979 Shock Therapy, supported by Rockefeller, created the Third World Debt Crisis of the 1980s. Rockefeller and Wall Street used this debt crisis to force state privatizations and significant devaluation of national currencies in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico. Rockefeller and friends like George Soros then appropriated the most valuable assets of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico at prohibitively low prices.

This was similar to the scheme used by British banks in the Ottoman Empire after 1881, when they effectively took control of the Sultan's finances, controlling all tax revenues through the Ottoman Public Debt Office (OPSA). Rockefeller business circles used the debt crisis of the 1980s to plunder most of the debt-ridden Latin American and African countries with the help of the IMF as their police officer. David Rockefeller himself had friendships with some of the more brutal military dictators in Latin America, including General Jorge Videla in Argentina or Pinochet in Chile, both of whom owed their positions to CIA coups organized by then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on behalf of the Rockefeller family in Latin America.

Through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller was the main author of destroying the economies of entire countries and promoting the so-called globalization - a policy that benefits primarily the largest banks in Wall Street and the City of London and select global corporations - thereby serving as invited members. "Trilateral Commission". Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission in 1974 and entrusted his close friend Zbigniew Brzezinski with the work of selecting its members in North America, Japan and Europe.

If we are talking about an invisible, powerful network that some call the "deep state", then we could say that David Rockefeller considered himself the patriarch of this "deep state". His real actions deserve to be honestly considered for what they were - misanthropic, not humane.


F. William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, a political scientist with a diploma from Princeton University, and a bestselling author on oil and geopolitics, an article written exclusively for the online magazine New Eastern Review.