Mysterious Disappearance. - Alternative View

Mysterious Disappearance. - Alternative View
Mysterious Disappearance. - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Disappearance. - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Disappearance. - Alternative View
Video: Most MYSTERIOUS Disappearances NOBODY Can Explain! 2024, October

The search continues for billionaire Steve Fossett, who disappeared a few days ago on his plane in the United States in the Nevada desert.

American rescuers looking for Steve Fossett in the Nevada desert have already found several planes. However, none of them belongs to the millionaire, whose whereabouts have been trying to establish for the fifth day.

Experts do not exclude that the search area will have to be expanded. NTV correspondent Anton Volsky reports the latest news from the scene.

Rescuers found the wreckage of the plane, and there was hope that the operation could soon be suspended. However, after just an hour it turned out that these are fragments of an old apparatus that crashed back in the 70s.

For five days of searching, teams of specialists have already found six old aircraft, which had not previously been possible to find due to the lack of the necessary equipment. Moreover, they have never looked for anyone so closely in Nevada.

Cynthia Ryan, US Civil Aviation Oversight Officer: “The wreckage found belongs to another liner. The owner was reported missing since 1975, we didn't even know anything about this long-standing disaster."

Thirty planes and helicopters, as well as more than 200 rescuers, take part in the search. The Nevada airfield has never seen so many aircraft.

Today, reliable information has emerged as to where Fossett may be. This is the idea of some four facts that the special services are in no hurry to make public.

Cynthia Ryan, Civil Aviation Authority Officer: “Imagine you have a puzzle of five hundred pieces and you only find four. It is almost impossible to put together a whole picture from such a small amount of evidence, so we cannot say anything to the press yet."

Rescuers have already examined half of the outlined search area of 30 thousand square kilometers. The lack of results leads them to believe that Fossett could have flown even further. Then the area of operation will probably be expanded again. On the fifth day, the rescuers first spoke about the cost of this event.

Cynthia Ryan, US Civil Aviation Oversight Officer: “An hour of operation costs about $ 100. We already have about 650 flight hours."

There are still more questions than answers in this story. Why did the plane's radio beacon not go off, does Fossett have his famous watch with a satellite transmitter on his wrist? Why are neither the beacon nor the clock transmitting signals? The disappearance of the billionaire becomes even more mysterious.

It is still not clear where to look for the famous record holder. However, rescuers hope that their puzzle of the lost five hundred pieces will still come together.