Climate: Why Is There A War For Antarctica? - Alternative View

Climate: Why Is There A War For Antarctica? - Alternative View
Climate: Why Is There A War For Antarctica? - Alternative View

Video: Climate: Why Is There A War For Antarctica? - Alternative View

Video: Climate: Why Is There A War For Antarctica? - Alternative View
Video: A new Cold War? Why the Antarctic is on the brink of an international power struggle 2024, June

Scientific evidence suggests that glaciations occurred in the history of the Earth, and they were replaced by warmings with a regularity of several hundred thousand years. But these are official messages - those that ordinary people are allowed to know. And what are the real data on the frequency of changing climatic conditions? This is unlikely to be communicated to the general public. But we can judge that something is wrong by the activity of various states that they manifest in “interesting” places on the planet.

There are several such "interesting" places. First of all, the USA. The most knowledgeable strata of the American population hastily left this country. American journalist Janet Pelan claims that about 6 million American citizens already live outside the United States, and this number is increasing by 150 thousand every month. These data are for 2014. Things have only gotten worse now.

Oligarchs and super-oligarchs of non-Jewish origin flee the United States to Chile and Argentina. Among them are the Rockefellers, Ted Turner, Holdren, Fords and others. The Rockefeller Foundation and Ted Turner have already bought about 8,094 sq. km of land. This is eight times the territory of Moscow or 1/5 of the territory of Belgium. These oligarchs naturally run to their own - the Nazis, who took refuge from retaliation after the Second World War.

Naturally, oligarchs know the secret springs of world existence, that is, they actually know the future. And this knowledge makes them flee from the USA - "until it started" …

The less informed are digging for themselves "nuclear" bomb shelters in the very American soil. Those who are completely ignorant are senselessly arguing with the first and second, as well as among themselves about the nonsense of the expected cataclysm.

The same situation is observed in Europe, which is hastily surrendered to the uncivilized Arab-African Semitic population. “950 million Africans and Arabs will finally bury Europe by the middle of the century,” says the German professor Heinzon, nicknamed Karl Marx of the 21st century.


In a strange way, a civilization built for millennia has been put under the knife of tolerance and xenophilia. Moreover, the heads of European states compete in the scale of the grief that they brought to the lands of their peoples-voters. Germany is raped, France is blown up, Norway is slaughtered - the Semites are settling in new places.

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Besides Argentina, the Americans are fleeing to Altai. According to the residents of the Altai Territory, the fugitives have already built for themselves real arks - buildings that can withstand a flood. Yes, and Russian rich people in Altai build themselves luxurious bunkers. The Polish journalist Viktor Bater wrote about these facts in the article "Shelter for … the end of the world" about that.

The details are surprising. In the company "Spetsgeoproekt", a monopolist in the market for the construction of private shelters, the phone rings continuously. Orders come every day. One of the owners of such an ark does not hide the fact that he has huge reserves of weapons and ammunition in his bunker. The area around the bunker is mined, and the access codes change weekly. In the Altai mountains in southwestern Siberia, the Altai-12 microdistrict was built, designed for thousands of residents.

Altai was chosen due to the fact that research, legends and predictions synchronously assert that some kind of global catastrophe will happen, and Altai will be one of the few regions on Earth out of the water. Among those who yearn for salvation are millionaires, artists, intellectuals, travelers, programmers, doctors, engineers. In the same place, in Altai, a special center is being built in complete secrecy for the political elite of Russia, including the president.

In fact, about Altai, that he will supposedly be saved, the researchers are mistaken, because they do not study the data of archeology. Altai is one of the most uninhabited regions of antiquity. Man appeared in those places only in the Bronze Age, that is, later than in any other place. And this suggests that for some reason Altai was not adapted to human life. To put it bluntly, I was under the ice. You can try to hide in Altai only if you don't have brains.

Another "interesting" point is Central Russia. All European-American anger is directed here. It is, of course, indicative or even theatrical, but the Russian lands are considered among the priorities by future fugitives. The task of the West and Zion is to convince the local population of the unsuitability of the Russian lands for post-Flood life and thus scare people away, forcing them to migrate to other territories. The scarecrows themselves will occupy our homes.

Based on archeological data, it should be said that Central Russia is the most stable and safe place. Here, at least for the last 300-200 years, civilization has not undergone any significant natural impacts. Places of ancient settlements have been discovered by thousands in each of the regions of Russia.

It should be noted, by the way, that the USA also built their own ark. It was filed as a "religiously oriented amusement park" at the Museum of the World's Creation located in Petersburg, Kentucky. This is a very profitable business for scarecrows - the park is estimated at $ 120 million. It is clear that, using the "sacred" texts, the fraudsters will collect the indicated money from gullible Americans and go with it to Argentina or Altai.

However, the most powerful vector of migration is directed to Antarctica and the southern lands of South America. There is a real war going on here. While for influence and under the guise of secrecy …

Journalist Benjamin Fulford, in his article "Strange Activity Around Antarctica," drew attention to a number of events that clearly demonstrate a noticeably increased interest in this continent. “There is something going on around Antarctica these days that is shrouded in mystery, but also attracts many influential people,” he writes.

First of all, attention is drawn to the February visit to Antarctica of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill. For the first time, fate brought a clergyman so far from his cozy home in Moscow. Such a voyage clearly shows that something unusual is happening. What was the patriarch doing in Antarctica? This is the main question.

Cyril visited the base on Ardley Island. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church was transported there by motor boat. Let us remind you that this island is a protected area. The reasons for the protection are supposedly some very important birds. Only it is not specified whether these are feathered birds, or important "birds" in a political context.

Patriarch Kirill performed the symbolic baptism of Antarctica. He presented the Trinity Church with an icon of Saint Prince Vladimir - the Baptist of Russia. Among the baptized polar explorers were Chileans, Chinese and Uruguayans. Moreover, Cyril himself called Antarctica "the top of the planet" and admitted that he conducted the rite of illumination of the water as a rite of baptism of the entire globe: "When I sanctified the water in Antarctica today, I thought about the whole globe, which is below us, and prayed for God's creation." …

The patriarch could not resist calling Antarctica Paradise: "Antarctica is an image of ideal humanity, where there are no weapons, military operations, and people from different countries help each other disinterestedly, this should become an example to the whole world." Veiled, of course, but quite recognizable. Yes, and the message - live like on an ark, all together and peacefully - is quite obvious.

That is, the visit of Patriarch Kirill clearly demonstrates that the Church perceives Antarctica as a new Paradise. Naturally, not today, because there is snow, ice and frost here. But, apparently, the Church knows something that allows her to count on some climate change, as a result of which the ice will disappear, and in Antarctica there will be a real Paradise.

Following Patriarch Kirill, in the first ten days of May 2016, US President Barack Obama also visited the southern lands. He dedicated his visit to the South American Nazi headquarters in Bariloche [1], located in southern Argentina. Recall that the operation to resettle the Nazis to Argentina was called the "Rat Trail". There is evidence that Hitler himself escaped this path, and Germany is now ruled by his daughter Angela Merkel (literally Angel of Death).

Immediately before the specified visit of Obama, it turned out that China had already managed to build its gigantic base in southern Argentina, allegedly for space exploration. It is unclear how all this was kept secret. Also, the subsequent actions of the Argentine military are not clear: the government of this country boasted that it sank the "Chinese fishing vessel" "Lu Yan Yuan Yu 010".

Naturally, official statements indicate that the Chinese ship was sunk near the exclusion zone off the coast of southern Argentina. But Pentagon sources say the ship may have been a Chinese spy ship. Rather, it is true, as the fishing vessel would have responded to Argentine warnings and would not have flooded.

In addition to this base, China and Argentina have launched other projects. One of the largest is the construction in Argentina of two nuclear power plants with an estimated cost of up to $ 15 billion.

China is not a stronghold of nuclear technology, but, obviously, Argentina is today being raised to a civilized level, as they say, by the whole world. And Russia has its own duty here too. Back in 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on the deployment of a Russian military base in Argentina. Naturally, for space observations …

When Argentina emerges with its scandals, the fascists - the Nazis and the Khazars - always appear somewhere nearby. So Woolford discovered them - in a neighboring country: “The harsh attempt by the Khazarian mafia to overthrow the Brazilian government has already failed, depriving the Khazar mafia of Brazil as a place to flee - now that the American people are beginning to realize the crimes committed against him, say CIA sources in South America.

That is, the journalist called the reason for the Khazar coup in Brazil the same mass escape that some part of the American population is going to make. By the way, it should be recalled that the American and other Khazars are distinguished by the fact that they warn each other in advance about a terrorist act that they are going to commit, or about a cataclysm that will take place for other reasons.

For example, let us recall the three miraculous rescues of the Khazars in Shanghai, all “at the last minute”. Or even more miraculous rescue of the Khazars during the terrorist attack in Domodedovo on January 24, 2011. The lucky ones were also warned at the last minute. You can recall an interview with Rabbi Finkelstein, which he gave on American radio in 2006. The recording is available online.

The rabbi colorfully described that the community was warned at the last minute, and therefore none of the Khazars died in the twin towers when they were blown up on September 11, 2001. Moreover, the interviewee said that the building owners were also warned in advance, and they made very good money on this warning, having insured the demolished buildings just three months before the explosion.

"Silverman (Ed.) … got two for one, and he doubled insurance like magic just three months before it happened, and he doubled on that, so he made four times his money, "Finkelstein said.

The same “unknown” forces warned him, Finkelstein, and he also made very good money on this terrorist attack: “I entered the stock market, and I sold American Airlines, I sold United Airlines, I sold the insurance company Lloyd London, because for It was a big blow to them, I also sold the Alliance insurance company. So I made a few shekels."

The speed of information dissemination throughout the community is simply amazing: "We know how to spread the word so that every Jew in the world who goes to synagogue knows it within 45 minutes."

Thus, the turmoil that is happening around the world today is the result of certain processes. The main one is the benefit of individual clans, which they intend to obtain by creating terrorist attacks and catastrophes at the nodal points.

But there is another vector. "CIA sources in Asia say that their ties, 'which are above the government', are all 'flying South' this week and have clearly hinted that the 'South' has to do with Antarctica," Woolford continues, explaining the southerly direction. political interests.

That is, either the Khazars are going to blow up the civilized world and sit out in previously uninhabited places, or there is some other problem behind this mass migration.

I must admit, I am not a supporter of universal conspiracies, although I am aware of the fact that the methodology of such a conspiracy exists - this is the Bible, including the Old Testament, that is, the Torah. History shows that very many, if not all wars on the planet were launched according to the biblical scenario. However, the “nonexistent” Khazaria is not as omnipotent as the media controlled by it are trying to demonize it.

In this work, we will not analyze the version of the conspiracy, but focus only on the natural nature of possible catastrophic changes.

Just before Christmas 2015, the Pope suddenly spoke about the end of the world: “While the world is starving, burning, and descending into chaos, we must understand that this year's celebration of Christmas for those who decided to celebrate it may be their last Christmas . According to his prediction, already in the next, that is, in this, 2016, the world will become unrecognizable.

Following the pontiff, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain fell into a similar depression. During the filming of the annual Christmas message for the BBC, she repeated the Pope's warning about the last birth of humanity, news reported on December 25, 2015.

“This will be the last Christmas on earth, because evil forces, much stronger than her own, persecution across Europe is gaining strength every day,” the queen said and explained that what was said by the message was “motivated by compassion and care for her people."

We have to agree that such persons as the Pope and Queen of Great Britain are too public to make rash statements. Therefore, what they said must be taken with full attention. However, one should not underestimate the scale of possible cataclysms and slide into predictions of any war or any local natural phenomenon.

The queen mentioned extraterrestrial forces. This is clearly not Yellowstone volcano. Astronomers, of course, will perceive such a warning as the possibility of a cosmic phenomenon. But every day an increasing number of works are accumulating, showing that nothing ever arrives from space to us. All catastrophes are organized in a different way - here, on the spot, on earth, by the Earth itself.

And let's return once again to the trend - flight to the South. If there is a trend, then there is a force that drives it. Nobody pushes people in the ass. They run, knowing about what we do not know yet. But there is such knowledge!

“Many years ago, Pavel Laine, a source in the Pentagon's military intelligence, told the author of these lines (Woolford - ed.) That the British-controlled modern missile destroyer Sheffield was captured by the Nazis operating from an underwater base in the region. Sheffield was allegedly sunk in 1982 during the Falklands War between Argentina and Great Britain using an Exocet missile,”says Woolford, once again trying to find an explanation for the processes in Hitler's nonexistent genius.

The version about the strength and might of the Hitlerite fascists is very popular in the world. It is profitably promoted by all the same Khazars, making a scarecrow out of the Nazis for the whole world and extorting permanent compensation from Germany - for some reason, sent to one, Khazar, gate.

In our opinion, it is senseless and stupid to write about the scientific and military power of the Nazis, since it simply did not exist then, and it does not exist today. Numerous studies show that the possessed Adolf's technique was primitive. Even tanks he tried to build not more technologically, but more massive. Not to mention the rest of the military equipment, because of the backwardness of which Germany lost.

It is absolutely stupid to speculate about von Braun's rocket genius, who not only knew little about rocketry, but after he started working for the USA, did not create anything worthwhile in his professional field. As a result, in a completely unceremonious way, he was removed from rocket research, that is, fired.

Where can you run away with such empty luggage? Only to Argentina - to their own people, to the Khazars. But not to Antarctica, which requires not just love for Hitler and Zion, but high technological equipment. Without it, you will simply freeze in Antarctica. That is, either one must have heating technologies to live in cold Antarctica, or Antarctica must stop being cold.

There is no generally accepted explanation of how to achieve the desired result. Therefore, the same Woolford is looking for a different version and gives another widespread hypothesis as a justification for the increased interest in Antarctica: Laine also indicated the location of the Nazi secret base."

However, gold games are not relevant now. Even from under the dollar in the 70s of the last century, the owners of the Federal Reserve System Romanovs withdrew gold backing. And it is not at all a fact that gold will remain the most demanded commodity - which can be easily sold on the "blackest" day in the same Antarctica.

There must be another explanation for the southern direction of migrations. It is the southern one. And in this regard, Australia is another "interesting" point. High-ranking US spy James Clapper recently flew to Australia in what Australian media described as a "secret visit." And here again the Chinese trace was found.

It turned out that one of the topics for discussion is that the Chinese company acquired the Australian port of Darwin on a 99-year lease. This port includes the facilities of the Australian Navy, and it is hard to believe that the Australian military is stupid enough to give such a strategic facility to the Chinese for just money. Obviously, the Australian interest in this game is due to much more significant factors than any money.

So Woolford admits: “There is also a very different agenda under discussion related to gold and secret bases. CIA sources in Asia say senior Indonesian and Australian military officials were also present at the meeting. At one level, the debate was about allowing the US military to deploy a fleet around Badua Island, near the South China Sea. On another level, there were also talks about giant new reserves of gold and platinum found in the same area as the giant Freeport Mac Moran mine (and a secret base), Indonesian sources say.

Arguing in the most detailed way about the commercial benefits that various parties will receive from the development of these fields, the journalist reports strange things for such a position: “In the news on the topic, the author of these lines took part in the recording of a Japanese TV show on Channel One, which should be aired on March 31 where clear evidence will be shown to the Japanese public that Western Kabbalah is planning to kill 90% of the world's population."

Woolford's tendentiousness makes readers think that, they say, the meaning of all body movements, including dancing around the new gold mines and old Antarctica, is all just a distraction, and the main action, according to the journalist, is the same old, familiar and many times the genocide of the peoples of the world experienced by the Khazars - Zionists - Kabbalists.

Of course, one could agree with the author of such an assumption - after all, we remember the multimillion human sacrifices as a result of the Jewish Revolution of 1917, the Zionist Holodomor, the fascist World War II, Zionist Perestroika and other crimes of the Kabbalists.

In this context, let us recall the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, spoken by him at the ceremony of transferring the famous Schneerson library to the Jewish Museum in Moscow: “The decision to nationalize this library was made by the Soviet government, the first Soviet government. And its members were approximately 80-85% Jews. But they, guided by false ideological considerations, then went to arrest and repression …”.

But what to do with the human sacrifices of previous centuries, similar in scale, when there were no Kabbalists yet? This is the question. It is as easy as shelling pears to find the extreme in the face of a neighbor, and to identify the real cause of disasters is much more difficult.

We will talk about the victims below, but for now we will continue to quote Wulford: “The show includes footage of the notorious Georgia Tablets (American Stonehenge - approx. Transl.). The show also includes a segment discussing why Princess Diana was killed and a segment about Native American contacts with possible aliens. It looks like the beginning of some kind of disclosure process."

“It should be noted that the show must have been approved by US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy. Kennedy's father, President John F. Kennedy, was killed in part because he wanted to use Asian gold to take US dollars out of the control of the Khazarian mafia Kabbalah,”adds Woolford.

However, no matter how terrible the journalist portrays the Kabbalists, it is not at all about them. Of course, the Bible forces the rulers of states to open a new world massacre every time - this, on a "high" religious theme, is the hotly awaited apocalypse. Fanatics are waiting for him as a pleasure. I will note once again: it should be understood that the Abrahamic religion is forced to carry out a worldwide massacre - otherwise the confirmation of the prophecies of the Bible will not occur, and, therefore, the "sacred" text will not be sacred at all.

I wrote in detail about the reasons for the murder of Princess Diana in my book "Battle for the Throne" (2014). I will briefly inform you: the reason for the murder is that Diana went into fornication (mixing of blood, from the English blood - "blood"), which is inadmissible for royalty, because any rootless half-breed offspring will be able to claim the crown and power, which will certainly lead to civil war and the fall of statehood.

It is in this context that the words of Queen Elizabeth II should be taken when, in her message to the Royal Air Force on December 25, 2015, she confessed to eliminating the lascivious princess. As strange as it may seem, the royal family chose the least possible evil. Elizabeth II explained that the murder was "motivated by compassion and concern for her people" and that the princess "knew too much."

It is also impossible to explain the modern Khazar initiative, given through the version about contacts of some Indians with some newcomers. I discussed this problem in detail in my book "Moon Roll". In it, I showed that aliens are a figment of the sick imagination of the American nation, commercially exploited by the shameless President Eisenhower.

Let me remind you that after the Second World War, the American people, having risen on military orders, for the first time began to eat enough. Dark and deeply religious people began to believe that this happiness was given to them by a certain god. Against this background, an epidemic of schizophrenia developed. So for the first time, doctors recorded this disease and for the first time described its symptoms. All of America was sick. It is not a fact that she has recovered by today …

Now about the version that President Kennedy was assassinated because he was going to use Asian gold. She also has not the slightest connection with reality. And here's the thing. Eisenhower came up with a commercial project - "Aliens". He built many underground bases for them under half of the United States. Eisenhower forbade anyone to check the costs of this construction.

Of course, there were no aliens. But on this scam, Eisenhower "earned", or rather stole a huge amount of dollars from the US state treasury. Even drug dollars were used, which George W. Bush washed through his oil rigs. It was big business. Therefore, the aforementioned rabbi Finkelstein calls the modern scammers who just blew up three skyscrapers in the center of New York on September 11, 2001, as boys in short pants.

President Kennedy went further. He invented flights to the moon. They cost the US state an American pretty penny. The President robbed the country to the point of sticky and became the richest president of the United States. That's why they killed him - he went too far. It may be that Kabbalah is guilty only in terms of giving the order to shoot, but no more.

Another version of the reason for the mass migration of the population to the South has collapsed. And this despite the fact that one should not forget about the collision course. The civilized population strives to the south, to Antarctica, and the uncivilized to their place, to Europe and America. Only Russia is free from these processes. Is it not true, strange turn of man?

Therefore, Woolford, realizing that the above explanations did not explain anything, continued to look for … the Israeli trail: "We also heard from the American military that the 'North Korean submarine' that sank recently was in fact an Israeli submarine that was sunk on March 11" in memory of Fukushima. " However, sources in the Pentagon say that "Israel still has two submarines and will pay for much more, because the 16 American ships that helped Japan in the Tomodashi operation after March 11 are still contaminated (radiation - ed.)" …

Of course, the country of non-winning chess players has always been distinguished by an increased zeal for bloodletting. Even Vladimir Dal in the 19th century, with a howl of "Searching …", noted the peculiarities of the national massacre. And even the date of March 11 can be timed to coincide with the holiday of Purim and sacrifices. But all this is shallow for mass migrations of peoples and planning the capture of new, not yet inhabited, continents. Judaism is negligible compared to such horizons.

Benjamin Fulford blames the Khazar gang for all the troubles, calling them the descendants of the Hyksos slave traders, as well as the followers of Satan. But, even though such comparisons may be valid, the reason for the geopolitical shifts was not caused by the Kabbalists.

Russian sources report that Pope Francis is planning to make some important announcement. This will possibly take place in May. After which the Pope will retire. Dad announced this back in 2014 and let himself go for 2 - 3 years. And we must admit that there is only one force that can drive the Pope away from the papacy - this is God: in the person of Death, about which the Pope himself said, or in the person of some kind of admonition.

We briefly reviewed various versions of current geopolitical events, from national conspiracies to religious fraud. I think it is now clear that the origins of the situation lie in other layers of explanation. And now we turn to describing the real reasons for the impending disaster. The one that Queen Elizabeth II said about, connected him with extraterrestrial forces …

Andrey Tyunyaev