Holographic Universe - Alternative View

Holographic Universe - Alternative View
Holographic Universe - Alternative View

Video: Holographic Universe - Alternative View

Video: Holographic Universe - Alternative View
Video: A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram 2024, October

Perhaps we live in a hologram? Perhaps the holographic level of the world is the next step of endless evolution? Is there a "shadow universe" in which our bodies exist in a compressed two-dimensional form?

The main provisions of the holographic principle were formulated in the middle of the 20th century by David Bohm, a student of Albert Einstein. According to Bohm's theory, the whole world is arranged like a hologram. Everything, including consciousness and matter, actively affects the whole, and through the whole, and all the components. In 1997, Juan Maldacena of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton caused a sensation by showing that string theory leads to a new type of holographic universe. Maldacena suggested that the universe consists of 9 dimensions of space and one time.

Until now, no one has tried to test this theory, but recently an international team of physicists conducted research that is proof that the universe is a hologram. The results of the work of scientists led by Yoshifumi Hyatake from Ibaraki University in Japan, explained the contradictions between the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. The theory that the universe is a hologram is based on the assumption that space and time are not continuous, but consist of separate parts, "pixels." Upon reaching a certain scale, the universe turns out to be something like a digital photograph of very poor quality, fuzzy, blurry, which looks like a continuous image at a distance.


The holographic theory proves that the entire world we see every day is actually a 3D projection of a two-dimensional version of the universe. According to this theory, the gravity that exists in the universe is generated by some thin constantly vibrating strings, which are successive holograms of events.

The principle of the hologram is “everything in every part”. As any, arbitrarily small section of the hologram contains the entire image of a three-dimensional object, so every existing object is "embedded" in each of its component parts. Like a hologram, where each segment contains information about the whole imprinted object, each part of the world we perceive contains complete information about the structure of the universe. The universe is a gigantic hologram, where the smallest part of the image carries information about the overall picture, where everything is interconnected and interdependent.

There is a lot of data that suggests that our world and everything that is in it - from snowflakes and leaves to electrons and comets - are just projection pictures projected from a certain level of reality that is far beyond our ordinary world - so far that the very concepts of time and space disappear there.

One of David Bohm's most revolutionary assumptions is that our everyday reality is actually an illusion, like a holographic image. Under it is the initial level of reality, from which all objects are born, including the visibility of our physical world, similar to how a hologram is born from a piece of a holographic film.

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What lies at the root of our reality? David Bohm suggested the following. According to the modern understanding of physics, each section of space is penetrated by different types of fields, consisting of waves of different lengths. Each wave has some energy. When physicists calculated the minimum amount of energy a wave could carry, they found that every cubic centimeter of vacuum contains more energy than all the energy of all matter in the entire observable universe.


The universe is inseparable from this cosmic ocean of energy and appears as ripples on its surface. Despite its apparent materiality and enormous size, the universe does not exist by itself, it is a distant echo of a more grandiose reality. Each of us is a miniature universe. In addition, if our thoughts can cause the formation of holographic pictures, and not only in our own energy field, but also at the subtle energy levels of reality itself, this can help explain some of the miracles performed by consciousness. It is possible that our thoughts constantly affect the subtle energy levels of the holographic universe.

Many scientists are convinced that practically all paranormal phenomena can be explained using the holographic model. Stanislav Grof claims that only a holographic model is able to explain the unusual phenomena of the psyche observed during altered states of consciousness. The phenomenon of perception of the holographic universe is closely related to changes in the perceived space and time.


If reality is just a holographic illusion, then it cannot be argued that consciousness is a function of the brain. Rather, on the contrary, consciousness creates the brain. What we call reality is just a canvas waiting for us to draw on it any picture we wish. Anything is possible, right up to fantastic scenes in the spirit of Carlos Castaneda in his studies with Don Juan.

Michael Talbot is convinced that "in a world that is made up of ghostly energy holograms, driven in part by deep processes of consciousness, the line separating the present from the past is so thin that we can cross it and enter the past."

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya