The Universe Is A Computer Program - Alternative View

The Universe Is A Computer Program - Alternative View
The Universe Is A Computer Program - Alternative View

Video: The Universe Is A Computer Program - Alternative View

Video: The Universe Is A Computer Program - Alternative View
Video: How the Universe Is Like a Computer Program 2024, June

The modern hypothesis about the structure of the universe says that our entire world is nothing more than a matrix, virtual reality created by an unknown form of mind. Recently digital engineer Jim Elvidge discovered signs that the universe is indeed a computer program based on a digital code.

So, everyone knows the definition of matter as “objective reality given to us in sensations”. It turns out that by touching various objects, we judge them by the sensations we experience at that moment. But in fact, most objects are nothing more than empty space, says Elvidge. It is similar to how we “click” on icons on a computer screen. Some image is hidden behind each icon, but all this is just a conventional reality, a matrix that exists only on the monitor.

Everything we think of as matter is just data, Elvidge believes. Further research in the field of elementary particles will lead to an understanding that behind everything that surrounds us, a certain code is hidden, similar to the binary code of a computer program. Perhaps it will turn out that our brain is just an interface through which we get access to the data of the "universal Internet".

In his statements, the scientist refers to the book by John Archibald Wheeler "Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam: Life in Physics." The latter believed that the basis of physics is information. He called his theory “It from bit”. "Everything from a bit" symbolizes the idea that every object and event of the physical world is based - in most cases, in a very deep basis - an intangible source and explanation; something that we call reality grows ultimately from the production “Yes-or-no” - questions and registration of answers to them with the help of equipment, - Wheeler writes in his report “Information, physics, quantum: search for connections”; - in short, all physical entities are basically information-theoretical, and the universe demands our participation."

It is thanks to the binary code that we can make a choice between various versions of digital reality, the matrix, and control it with the help of consciousness. Wheeler calls this virtual world the "Universe of Participation."

An indirect proof of the virtual nature of the Universe can be the fact that particles of matter can exist in an indefinite or unstable form and are "fixed" in a specific state only when observed.

Elvidge, in turn, proposes the following thought experiment. Imagine that all the things that surround you are nothing more than digital reality, a matrix. But, say, a pen becomes a pen only when you look at it, and you are able to identify an object as a pen only by its appearance. Otherwise, it has undefined potential, and if you disassemble it, you will get additional data related to its internal structure.

The function of our brain is to process information. The latter is capable of being stored in it, similar to how a computer browser stores the data of the sites we visit while surfing the Internet in the cache. If so, Elvidge believes, then we can access data that is stored outside of our brain. Therefore, things like intuition or clairvoyance are not empty phrases at all. We can receive answers to our queries on the "space Internet". We can also ask for help, and it can come - from other people or the creators of our reality …

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Death in this vein also looks not so terrible. If our consciousness is a simulation, then death is just an interruption of the simulation. And our consciousness may well be infused into another "simulator", which explains the phenomenon of reincarnation.

The theory of digital reality, the matrix, can serve as a universal key to the "theory of everything", which scientists have been looking for for a long time and which would help resolve the contradictions between classical and quantum physics. According to Elvidge, there may be two types of data used in this reality. This is data associated with descriptions of objects, similar to a graphic or sound computer format, and data responsible for the operation of the entire system.

Our knowledge of the world around us is constantly growing, the researcher adds. After all, once isolated tribes did not know about the existence of other lands, continents, planets … Gradually, we came to the concept of a material Universe filled with various objects, and now we are close to admitting the existence of universes consisting of information. “We are constantly pushing the boundaries of our thinking,” says Elvidge.