Who Created Our Civilization? - Alternative View

Who Created Our Civilization? - Alternative View
Who Created Our Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: Who Created Our Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: Who Created Our Civilization? - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, October

For those who believe in the theory that our world was created by some smart civilization, I can say that the probability of this is not small. Many people think that those who are on the outside of the Matrix are interested in watching the emergence and development of civilizations in our virtual universe. They are interested in our experience, our philosophical views, our scientific knowledge. Moreover, when we talk about civilizations, we mean not only the civilization of earthlings, perhaps those whom we call UFOs are also invented by them.

I even have a theory that those we call UFOs are just robots that, in our reality, monitor the correct course of the program within the program itself. Matrices.

Perhaps the computer inside which our Universe is located is a self-developing Artificial Intelligence. And it is likely that the power, which increases over time, thanks to the connection to its systems of more and more intelligent beings from our virtual universe.

I think that if this theory is correct, everything is so except one. They are not interested in our self-development and improvement of Artificial Intelligence.

Due to the fact that in their prescribed program there are programming failures. Like mine, for example. I constantly dream about the future. At the same time, I see so sometimes small and insignificant details of the happening future. It only says that literally everything is written in their program. So that you understand that you know even where, when and how you go to the toilet.

That is why I personally exclude that our virtual program was created as a self-developing Artificial Intelligence. I personally only notice that our world and the behavior of people and the course of history, both of an individual and of an entire nation, follows patterns.

I think there are some prescribed laws according to which their program works and on the basis of it everything happens here. So that you understand what I will give an example. Newton's third law says: "For every action there is a reaction." But this applies not only to physical phenomena - in fact, approximately the same thing happens in our human life. You are waiting for a bus, or a taxi and you need to leave very urgently, but as luck would have it, the vehicles do not arrive. You are expecting a very salary, you have to pay rent for an apartment or pay off a loan, but as luck would have it, it is delayed.

In completely different people, but one specific sign of the zodiac, there will always be the same character traits or physiological characteristics. This is also the construction of the laws of the creation of our reality. Did you think this was joke and fiction? No, dear readers, that's how it is.

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Someone thinks that God is one, and perhaps he is far from alone, but a whole intelligent civilization that invented us. Like in the movie "13th Floor". Who has not seen, look, I advise.

Author: Alexander Shurlov