Former NASA Employee Reveals Agency Computer Graphics - Alternative View

Former NASA Employee Reveals Agency Computer Graphics - Alternative View
Former NASA Employee Reveals Agency Computer Graphics - Alternative View

Video: Former NASA Employee Reveals Agency Computer Graphics - Alternative View

Video: Former NASA Employee Reveals Agency Computer Graphics - Alternative View
Video: Astronaut Chris Hadfield Reviews Space Movies, from 'Gravity' to 'Interstellar' | Vanity Fair 2024, October

Matthew Boyland, former manager of operations graphics for the US Aerospace Agency, is a renowned hyperrealist physicist and holds a PhD in Political Science from St. Francis Xovier University. For many years, he worked on the creation of photorealistic computer graphics for NASA, that is, making all those tricks that the agency claims to be genuine space photographs. Suddenly he quit this job and became an active supporter of the "flat earth" hypothesis. What could have prompted him to do this?

M. Boiland argues that the only reason for the existence of NASA is public propaganda and promotion of the false idea of a spherical heliocentric picture of the world. Here's what he said about it in one of his interviews:

Thus, M. Boyland's duties included the creation of realistic pictures using computer graphics, which were passed off by NASA as "space photos of the Earth" allegedly taken from spacecraft. But in fact, our Earth from space, according to M. Boyland, does not look like it is drawn in school and university textbooks.

By the way, if you also look at Soviet black-and-white photos and videos taken from space by Soviet cosmonauts, without the now widespread “fish-eye” technology, you can find frames on them where the horizon line is visible. And at the same time, it is by no means convex, but straight. But at such heights, it should be convex, if the truth is written in the textbooks. Another oddity in this whole story is the official emblems of the UN and other globalist organizations, on which our planet is depicted precisely as a plane centered at the North Pole. And this image is completely identical to the “flat earth” image.

So are globalists "dumber" than everyone else? I don’t think so. Most likely, everything is exactly the opposite. Moreover, we have direct evidence of a former NASA employee who, with the help of computer graphics, was engaged in the creation of "official photos of the Earth", which are used to fool the brains of all mankind within the framework of total deception. And that is why, on such "masterpieces" of the US Aerospace Agency and other similar organizations, independent researchers have found many "shoals", such as completely different colors and proportions of continents in different spherical images of the Earth, as well as completely identical clouds in different parts of such images.

All this is another confirmation that the so-called. The “official images” of the Earth, which we are treated to on TV and in the press, are just a computer imitation, and not at all genuine photographs. The same applies to the video with the image of the Earth, where we are shown either high-quality computer "cartoons", or in real filming from space they use the "fisheye" technology, which distorts the horizon line and gives it a concave shape. The use of such technologies, the "glitches" of which were revealed during the analysis of the video filmed from the MIG-29 fighter in the stratosphere, has already been written in detail earlier.

So is our Earth flat? I honestly don't know. But it is definitely not what it is described in textbooks for "general use". Personally, I am more impressed by the "cellular Earth" hypothesis and the hypothesis put forward a few months ago by the Russian independent researcher A. Tyunyaev. Its essence lies in the fact that our Earth is a multidimensional structure - a multidimensional "Mobius strip". But near the surface in our three-dimensional space, it looks like a flat ribbon, and therefore we see a straight horizon line. However, all these hypotheses still need to be thoroughly tested.

Only in this way will we be able to find out the truth about our world, which the "powerful of this world" and their servants diligently hide from us - special pseudo-scientific structures just created and financed by them in order to fool the brains of ordinary people. And the fact that for some time now on video and information resources controlled by this parasitic force, a certain censorship has been introduced in relation to everything that contradicts the official lies of the global authorities, once again confirms that the real truth is hidden from us and they are trying to delay it as long as possible. the moment of disclosure of this global fraud in the history of mankind.

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