Superluminal Travel Is Recognized As Possible - Alternative View

Superluminal Travel Is Recognized As Possible - Alternative View
Superluminal Travel Is Recognized As Possible - Alternative View

Video: Superluminal Travel Is Recognized As Possible - Alternative View

Video: Superluminal Travel Is Recognized As Possible - Alternative View
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A group of physicists at the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth (USA) has shown that massive rotating black holes can be used for travel faster than light. This is reported by The Conversation.

According to one of the solutions to the equations of Einstein's general theory of relativity, wormholes can form in black holes, connecting different points of the space-time continuum. However, it is believed that the hot and dense singularity at the center of black holes bends space to the point that the spacecraft will be destroyed by tidal forces before it even passes through the mouth of the wormhole.

In a new work, physicists have shown that if a massive black hole rotates, then the singularity at its center will "gently" interact with a hypothetical spacecraft without destroying it. The effects on travelers can, under certain conditions, be negligible, and although the ship cannot bypass the singularity, it will be able to go right through it, remaining intact.

Scientists emphasize that the black hole in question is isolated, that is, it is not influenced by nearby stellar objects and does not absorb either matter or radiation. In future work, the researchers plan to consider a more realistic version of the black hole.