Quote On The Roots Of Poverty From The Speech Of The Founder Of Alibaba - Alternative View

Quote On The Roots Of Poverty From The Speech Of The Founder Of Alibaba - Alternative View
Quote On The Roots Of Poverty From The Speech Of The Founder Of Alibaba - Alternative View

Video: Quote On The Roots Of Poverty From The Speech Of The Founder Of Alibaba - Alternative View

Video: Quote On The Roots Of Poverty From The Speech Of The Founder Of Alibaba - Alternative View
Video: THEY WANT YOU TO BE POOR - An Eye Opening Interview 2024, June

The beginning of the quote: "Poor people are the most difficult to satisfy …"

Give them something for free, they'll think it's a trap. Tell them that this is just a small investment, they will tell them not to earn much. Tell them to invest big, they will say that they have no money. Tell them to try new topics, they'll say no experience.

Tell them that this is a traditional business, they will say that it is difficult. Tell them this is a new business model, they will say a pyramid. Tell them to open a store, they will say - there is no freedom. Tell them to start a new business, they will say there is no proof that the new business will go.

They have something in common: They love to ask Google, to listen to friends who are as hopeless as themselves, they are in thought more than a university professor and do less than a blind man. Just ask them what they can do? They won't answer you.

My conclusion: Instead of your heart beating faster, why not just act a little faster; instead of just thinking, why not do what you think about. Poor people fail because of one thing in common: "THEIR LIFE IS WAITING FOR."

Who you are is up to you!"

In principle, I agree with him. In almost all cases, the complainants themselves are to blame for their poverty (we do not mean that everyone should become a millionaire, but everyone can achieve a normal standard of living). If people are not disabled, not single mothers with five children, not retirees, then they should complain about their poverty and blame everyone around them, including the state of stupidity.

In any economic and political situation, in any country in the world, there are those who strive and do their best and there are those who are always complaining and looking for the guilty.

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And they are also waiting for someone to come and make their life better … preferably in such a way that they themselves do not change anything in their lives and do nothing.