The Secret Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group Has Been Found! - Alternative View

The Secret Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group Has Been Found! - Alternative View
The Secret Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group Has Been Found! - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group Has Been Found! - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group Has Been Found! - Alternative View
Video: Dyatlov Pass. True and Lie. Episode 1: UFO 2024, June

By chance I managed to get materials on a closed part of a criminal case known to the whole world. I must say right away that some of the documents are so sensational that their publication would be undesirable for a large cohort of the so-called. researchers. These people have long monopolized this topic, having agreed to give the public only small fragments from the materials of the criminal case. Most likely, this is what gave rise to many myths, legends and guesses. Apparently the time has come to tell the whole truth.

1) Order to the head of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Ivdel, Major Bizyaev. In this document, the major is informed that the chairman of the Burmatov settlement council, Mokrushin, spreads information that the Mansi Bakhtiyarov Pavel Grigorievich, on February 17, 1959, told other Mansi that he saw tourists falling down the mountain. The head of the GOM had to find out whether this information was true, as well as to establish where Bakhtiyarov was at the time of the death of Dyatlov's group. In addition, he was charged with finding all the evidence on the possible involvement of the Mansi in the death of the Dyatlov group. It is from this moment that the same type of collection of testimony begins. In which each interrogated must indicate that the Mansi never attack tourists, and their secret prayer mountain is located in a completely different place. At the same time, everyone knows this place,even servicemen from the nearest military units who never communicate with the locals at all. There is an obvious cover-up and sabotage of very important information, which was asked to be verified in the secret part of the criminal case. But, most likely, Bakhtiyarov was at that time at Mount Otorten. Like a group of tourists, he was caught in a severe hurricane and snowstorm. But he was in the hollow, not at the height. I saw the whole tragedy with my own eyes, but did not interfere. Neither did he begin to help the perishing people. This is what they wanted to find out, but they were not allowed to do this. In addition, from the order we learn that the group was following the trail of Mansi Anyamov. It was never published, although it was his signs that were in the photographs of the dead tourists. There is an obvious cover-up and sabotage of very important information, which was asked to be verified in the secret part of the criminal case. But, most likely, Bakhtiyarov was at that time at Mount Otorten. Like a group of tourists, he was caught in a severe hurricane and snowstorm. But he was in the hollow, not at the height. I saw the whole tragedy with my own eyes, but did not interfere. Neither did he begin to help the perishing people. This is what they wanted to find out, but they were not allowed to do this. In addition, from the order we learn that the group was following the trail of Mansi Anyamov. It was never published, although it was his signs that were in the photographs of the dead tourists. There is an obvious cover-up and sabotage of very important information, which was asked to be verified in the secret part of the criminal case. But, most likely, Bakhtiyarov was at that time at Mount Otorten. Like a group of tourists, he was caught in a severe hurricane and snowstorm. But he was in the hollow, not at the height. I saw the whole tragedy with my own eyes, but did not interfere. Neither did he begin to help the perishing people. This is what they wanted to find out, but they were not allowed to do this. In addition, from the order we learn that the group was following the trail of Mansi Anyamov. It was never published, although it was his signs that were in the photographs of the dead tourists. But he was in the hollow, not at the height. I saw the whole tragedy with my own eyes, but did not interfere. Neither did he begin to help the perishing people. This is what they wanted to find out, but they were not allowed to do this. In addition, from the order, we learn that the group was following the trail of Mansi Anyamov. It was never published, although it was his signs that were in the photographs of the dead tourists. But he was in the hollow, not at the height. I saw the whole tragedy with my own eyes, but did not interfere. Neither did he begin to help the perishing people. This is what they wanted to find out, but they were not allowed to do this. In addition, from the order we learn that the group was following the trail of Mansi Anyamov. It was never published, although it was his signs that were in the photographs of the dead tourists.


2) Draft of the decision to terminate the criminal case. This is the most important document. In addition to the fact that the decision itself describes the circumstances of the incident, there is one very important circumstance that was not openly discussed. From already published it is known that the group died due to the influence of external, weather factors. It is also said that at Zolotarev there were things belonging to Dubinina. And also things removed (cut off) from the bodies of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko. Krivonischenko's pants were wrapped around Dubinina's leg. But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this draft clearly states that there are traces of very high radioactivity on the clothes and bodies of Zolotarev and Dubinina. Even for people who work with radioactive materials. And these two have never worked with them. It was this part that was removed from the resolution in its final version. And in the expert opinion, an absurd entry was made that this radiation does not greatly exceed a certain norm. In fact, the source of radiation was in the same stream. It was because of him that the bodies were saturated with lethal radiation. Most likely due to the fact that there is a uranium deposit there. Is it really unclear why such a high radioactive background? In principle, thorium can produce such a background. But thorium in the form of sand was not found on the territory of the USSR. Moreover, he has never been in the Urals. I think that it was the radiation that was recorded by me at the grave of Semyon Zolotarev. This became possible only after the exhumation. Some of it hit the surface. If 60 years later there were such high numbers, then what was there in 1959? There is a reason to classify the criminal case in this part.that this radiation does not greatly exceed a certain norm. In fact, the source of radiation was in the same stream. It was because of him that the bodies were saturated with lethal radiation. Most likely due to the fact that there is a uranium deposit there. Is it really unclear why such a high radioactive background? In principle, thorium can produce such a background. But thorium in the form of sand was not found on the territory of the USSR. Moreover, he has never been in the Urals. I think that it was the radiation that was recorded by me at the grave of Semyon Zolotarev. This became possible only after the exhumation. Some of it hit the surface. If 60 years later there were such high numbers, then what was there in 1959? There is a reason to classify the criminal case in this part.that this radiation does not greatly exceed a certain norm. In fact, the source of radiation was in the same stream. It was because of him that the bodies were saturated with lethal radiation. Most likely due to the fact that there is a uranium deposit there. Is it really unclear why such a high radioactive background? In principle, thorium can produce such a background. But thorium in the form of sand was not found on the territory of the USSR. Moreover, he has never been in the Urals. I think that it was the radiation that was recorded by me at the grave of Semyon Zolotarev. This became possible only after the exhumation. Some of it hit the surface. If 60 years later there were such high numbers, then what was there in 1959? There is a reason to classify the criminal case in this part.that there is a uranium deposit. Is it really unclear why such a high radioactive background? In principle, thorium can produce such a background. But thorium in the form of sand was not found on the territory of the USSR. Moreover, he has never been in the Urals. I think that it was the radiation that was recorded by me at the grave of Semyon Zolotarev. This became possible only after the exhumation. Some of it hit the surface. If 60 years later there were such high numbers, then what was there in 1959? There is a reason to classify the criminal case in this part.that there is a uranium deposit. Is it really unclear why such a high radioactive background? In principle, thorium can produce such a background. But thorium in the form of sand was not found on the territory of the USSR. Moreover, he has never been in the Urals. I think that it was the radiation that was recorded by me at the grave of Semyon Zolotarev. This became possible only after the exhumation. Some of it hit the surface. If 60 years later there were such high numbers, then what was there in 1959? There is a reason to classify the criminal case in this part. This became possible only after the exhumation. Some of it hit the surface. If 60 years later there were such high numbers, then what was there in 1959? There is a reason to classify the criminal case in this part. This became possible only after the exhumation. Some of it hit the surface. If 60 years later there were such high numbers, then what was there in 1959? There is a reason to classify the criminal case in this part.


Promotional video:

3) Interrogation of the youngest Mansi from the numerous clan of Bakhtiyarovs. Bakhtiyarov Prokopiy Savelievich born in 1942. In addition to shielding older relatives, he makes one mistake. And it is recorded by the investigators. However, they do not betray her any value. It's a pity … Muncie reports that he learned that the tourists disappeared on February 11, 1959. Let me remind you that no one in the world even knows about it. This proves the indisputable fact that the Mansi were at the scene of the tragedy. We saw an empty tent covered with snow. Corpses of people. But nobody was told anything. So the one of the Bakhtirovs who saw how the wind threw people down the mountain was not lying. The investigator did not even realize that he had written down the real truth in the case.


4) Diagram of the tent set up from the case materials. This is the usual scheme. Handwritten. But it shows that Igor Dyatlov drove the group into a trap. He set up the tent so that it was to be destroyed by the first avalanche. Therefore, when the wind began to tear the fabric of the tent to shreds, and the snow began to move under their feet, people ran in panic, breaking down and hitting the ice against the stones. Straight into the jaws of death. In this form, the diagram was not fully published, as I was convinced.


5) Tent. The tears and cuts in the tent are very large. Many are made from the outside. But nothing is reported about them in the criminal case, but it is in the tables. The tent was cut and torn from both sides. Zolotarev, who went outside, cut the tent so that people could get out of it faster. He also left a flashlight on the roof of the tent. This will explain the fact that Zolotarev was dressed. For some incomprehensible reason, more than one word was not written about this.


6) Photo of the track. It was not published in full. In the photo there is a trail from a bare foot, and next to it is a ski trail. Most likely it was left by the Mansi who were there after the tragedy. The trace is well preserved, but it has not been described in the case file.


7) Letter from the mother of Semyon Zolotarev. In one thing, the woman thanks the investigator. In another (not written by her hand), she asks to return her son's camera. All of this proves in what terrible poverty they lived. But this refutes the inventions of Zolotarev's relatives that they did not know where their ancestor was buried. They knew this, as his own mother knew well.


8) Inquiries from the General Prosecutor's Office. In mid-May 1959, investigator Ivanov did not bother to send a detailed report to Moscow. In Moscow, I don't even know if all the bodies have been found. Or is there another group about which we do not know anything and she also disappeared without a trace?


9) Curious correspondence with the chief of Georgy Krivinoshchenko. He never received a notice of the death of his engineer. Interestingly, Ivanov answered him twice, and the third time he simply ignored the official request. This shows once again how disgusting this criminal case was.


That's all I could find. Say that a little? May be so. But, so far, no one has written anything about this, except me.

Valentin Degterev
